
Tender Moments Quotes

Quotes tagged as "tender-moments" Showing 1-11 of 11
S.E. Jakes
“Part of me hates that you know me so well."
"And the other part?"
Prophet gave a faint grin, then said quietly, "Loves it," like if he said it too loudly, fate might swoop in and snatch this moment, the word, out from under them.
Tom stilled. He didn't need the words, never really had. Like Prophet, he valued actions, but to actually hear that one word out of Prophet's mouth... it was all Tom needed.”
S.E. Jakes, Daylight Again

André Aciman
“And yet, out of the blue, a tender moment would erupt so suddenly between us that the words I longed to tell him would almost slip out of my mouth.”
André Aciman, Call Me by Your Name

Millie Florence
“The book she held had collapsed against her chest, planted like a shield between her tender heart and all that discouraged and despaired.”
Millie Florence, Lydia Green Of Mulberry Glen

Rolf van der Wind
“In the silent whispers of the night,
Where shadows dance and dreams take flight,
There lies a yearning, deep and true,
A hunger born of longing, infused.

It sings within the soul's soft embrace,
A melody of desire, a tender chase,
A craving for a touch, gentle and kind,
To soothe the restless heart, the troubled mind.

Like petals seeking the sun's warm glow,
Or rivers drawn to the ocean's flow,
We ache for connection, for hands to meet,
In an alchemy of passion, sweet.

To feel the brush of fingertips light,
To ignite the senses, to set alight
The flame that burns within, intense,
A symphony of longing, immense.

So let us reach across the space,
And in each other's arms find grace,
For in the touch, we find release,
And in each other, we find peace.”
Rolf van der Wind

River Hale
“If Death were to decide it wanted to take my immortal life right now, I would sell my soul for one more minute of this. I'd go to hell for just a few more seconds of heaven”
Rylee Hale, Far From Neverland

Lily Mayne
“You are his salvation, Lilac the human. If anyone can get him out of that cage for good, it will be you”
Lily Mayne, Seraph

C. JoyBell C.
“I've seen so much written and spoken on wanting to be kinder, wanting to be smarter, the struggle to be more patient, more compassionate. But I just want tenderness. I want to be tender-hearted and that really is all.”
C. JoyBell C.

“And then I did what I had never done in his presence, much less in his arms, I cried.”
Erich Segal, author: LOVE STORY (1970)

Moses Yuriyvich Mikheyev
“So, when the gods finally lit the stars for the night, and the moon had slipped into a pond of darkness, I watched little rays of starlight twirl in full-bodied color on her celestial face. I wanted to stretch out my hands and caress her, to take hold of her and say, “Where you go, I will go, and where you stay, I will stay. Your people will be my people, and your God my God.” Like Jacob wrestling that terrible angel, I, too, wanted to grasp her—if only for a temporal second—so that I could encounter the divine. But I dared not disturb what was sacred, so I let her sleep. “Goddamn it,” I said under my breath. “I am going to immortalize you.”
Moses Yuriyvich Mikheyev, Vanishing Bodies: An Epic Science Fiction Romance

Grace Hitchcock
“He gently touched his lips to her glove, sending a jolt to her spine.”
Grace Hitchcock, Hearts of Gold Collection

Grace Hitchcock
“Giles’s heart stumbled at the closeness of her. He wrapped his arms about her and laid his chin atop her hair that held the faint scent of gardenias, ignoring the throbbing pain in his jaw and relishing the tender moment….”
Grace Hitchcock, Hearts of Gold Collection