Teen Romance Quotes

Quotes tagged as "teen-romance" Showing 31-60 of 302
Braelyn Wilson
“We sat in silence.
We sat in silence, but our hearts were not silent, our souls were not silent, our brains were not silent. So we sat in silence and I had everything to say, but no way to say it, and he had nothing to say, and every way to say it. When he was silent, his silence was loud— the loudest thing in the world.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“You know what I loved about life?
The fact that everything really was symbolic. Everything was a reflection of everything. A reflection of someone, a reflection of their inner turmoil and world, a reflection of an environment they live in. A reflection of minds and hearts and souls.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“You need new friends, Caspian. To do that you have to give people chances.”
“I do not need new friends. I have you.”
“You do not have me, Caspian Marks. You have twenty-one days of me, and that is all. Twenty-one days.”
“Twenty-one days of you is better than any amount of days with anyone else.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“You are one of the very scarce souls that are left truly pure- hearted, Caspian Marks. I need you to promise me, to stop depending on me, thriving on our friendship, and detach yourself from me, because I will not allow myself, I will not allow this—what is to come—to corrupt you. Corrupt all that you are and all that you can be.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“I wanted to shove him off of me and tell him that he couldn’t love me, that he didn’t know me long enough, and that we were too young and he was too foolish and he didn’t know what he was talking about. He may have not known me long enough, but he knew me better than anyone else. And we may have been too young, but he was wise beyond the ages. And what he said may have been foolish, but he was the least foolish person I knew. And I couldn’t say he didn’t know what he was talking about, because Caspian Marks always knew what he was talking about, and he knew that he loved me.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“He cried and he cried, and his heart beat and leaped and danced and pranced, and for that moment, I thought, my heart is about to run off with his, and I’m not going to stop it. But I did. I stopped it. I grabbed my heart in the palm of my hands and I squeezed it. I squeezed it so hard. So hard so it was crippled enough to stay in place and not have the ability to move and feel every emotion and feeling it wanted to feel. And I cried. I cried and I cried, and my heart beat and leaped and danced and pranced and... I didn’t know what to say or what to do. I didn’t know what to feel and what not to feel.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“I live in every word you say.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“I am not okay with you attempting to fix a girl who is already broken beyond any sense of repair, Caspian Marks. It is not your job to repair what you have not broken. It is not your job to take time out of your life, your very meaningful life, all to help a girl who has never asked for it. You are always trying to rescue me like some damsel in distress when I do not want to be saved. I refuse to take away from you living your life, when I am already letting mine slip out of my hands, willingly. Let me go, Caspian Marks. You have to let me be.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“You may not mean something in your life, Brantley Thornton, but you certainly mean something in mine. And you may... you may not be the epitome of the perfect teenage girl; the textbook definition of one. The perfect girl who lives a movie-like life and is always happy and all smiles and always makes the right decisions and has no faults. But you are the epitome of my perfect girl, and in my world, what I would consider perfect.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“You may not allow yourself to admit it, Brantley, and your brain may not be able to process it, but your heart knows. Your heart knows.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“When I look in his eyes, I see the stars. I see the stars and how they gleam so bright with so much... purpose. His eyes, Doncia, his eyes... they call for me. They call for me to come home and to find peace in where I belong.” I paused. “Caspian Marks makes me feel at home. He and his star-brimmed, radiant eyes and stardust permeated soul, I think, is my home.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“All of my energy flew back to me at a rapid rate and all I could think about was how, with everything flying back to me at such a speed, my energy, my headache, my nausea... so did my feelings.
So did my feelings for Caspian Marks.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“I didn’t care that my world was spinning and felt out of control. All I wanted to make sure of was that his world was intact. I didn’t care about anything at that moment except him.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“Because when you have someone in your life that is more addicting than any drug or substance could ever be, I mean, those drugs and those substances have no actual use anymore. They can’t get you high in the way that that person does. Caspian Marks he... he gave me that high. Nothing in the world I could try was any bit comparable to that.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“I am crying because I do not want to lose you, Brantley Thornton. I do not want to lose you. Do you not get that? I don’t, and I can’t. Not in this lifetime, not in the next. Not now, and not ever.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“When I made it home that night, I pulled out my journal—a journal that hadn’t been much in use until Caspian Marks came into my life. I had stuff to write about now. Caspian Marks gave me a life I could write about.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“I could sit here and lie and... pretend, too, and say that I share no feelings for you. I could say that... I could say that this... love, or whatever, whatever this is, is not true. But I would be lying to myself, Caspian Marks. And more importantly, I would be lying to you.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“He watched me. He didn’t move, he didn’t flinch, he didn’t try and act like he was watching the stars. And when he got caught, he didn’t even care. He watched me, anyway. And the stars that were in his eyes flowed over to mine and journeyed across my skin and streamed through my veins and made me feel like a star myself.
It was at that moment I knew I’d be okay. That that would be my future in days to come and for eternity. And I was okay with it.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“Hold on, Brantley. Do not throw your life out of the window. You are broken now, maybe, yeah. You are broken and life feels like it is slipping through the tip of your fingers, and maybe that is because you are letting it, and maybe it is not. But who is to say that tomorrow will not be better? Who is to say that tomorrow will not be the best day of your life? You would never know because you would have already given it up. So hold on, Brantley Thornton. Hold on.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“Do I need to rip out my heart and replace it with yours so you can feel my love, Brantley Thornton? You will finally see how my heart beats and dances and leaps out of my chest... for you. Do I need to do it? Because I will. Right here, right now. I will do anything to show you that you are loved. I would do anything to make you feel some sort of love.”
And I did.
I did feel some sort of love. I felt his.”
Braelyn Wilson

Braelyn Wilson
“Caspian Marks, he... he is a lot of things. He was made to mean something, to be someone, to move mountains, touch the moon, and explore the deep blue seas. He was made to become someone extraordinary. So don’t you dare let him be stripped of that potential, and help him see his potential if needs it. Sometimes he will, sometimes he won’t. And if at any time you ever need the reminder, he may be a lot of things, but Caspian Marks will never be a heartbreaker. He is not meant to break hearts.”
Caspian Marks was a lot of things. He was irritating and brave and calculative and helpful and articulate and beautiful and funny in his own way. He was a lot of things, Caspian Marks, but out of all the things he was out of the many things in the world he could be, he was a lover. He was a lover, and he loved me.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“I know he loved me. I know that he wanted to save me. But if you loved someone so much, you could love them enough to allow them to go. Right? That’s how love works. It may tear you apart and rip you to shreds, but you still do it and allow whatever to happen, anyway. You have to accept it, heartbreak or not. You need to face it, tears or not. You must stand up and move on and do the things that you are fated to do. Caspian Marks was fated to do a lot of things; a lot of great things that were never set out for me.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“He ran his hands down my hair. He put his head on top of mine and said, “Someday, I think you would have looked back at this very moment and realized how strong you truly were. I think you would have realized how capable you were of getting past this. It may have not been soon, Brantley Thornton, but I promise you, I promise you, it would have been one day. This is just a chapter of your life, Brantley. Not your entire story. But you have to get through this part to be able to see the rest.”
I grabbed his hands and I traced my thumb over the places where ridges and bumps and calluses should have been and then I drew his hands to my chest, to feel my then beating heart. Tears dripped and poured down my face and I didn’t dare to wipe them. And I told him, “I do not have one day.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“His love for me, it was... boundless. And at times, it was baffling and concerning, really, how easily he could have loved such a heart and soul like mine. A damaged, fragile one, that is; when his, on the contrary, was authentically pure and whole. And yet, despite being polar opposites, our hearts were the same. They were made in the same cast, beat at the same pace, leaped and danced whenever in each other’s presence. It seemed like they beat for one another.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“I could just... feel it. I could feel my soul intertwining with his, finding a home in his presence. I could feel my heart skipping a beat, trying to spring out of my chest to chase after him, to love his heart in return the same way that he did mine. I could feel the universe fighting for us, fighting for us to be, pushing us together, even when I wanted to be as far away from him as possible. I could feel it. I could feel everything, even though it was simply asomatous. Despite lacking physicality, his love could not be denied by one who had eyes to see the sight and feel the aura of what was right in front of them.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“The world went quiet. And so did my heart.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“He shivered and he shuddered and allowed himself to sulk in his tears and allowed his heart to burst into flames and turn into ash, because that’s all it could do. That seemed like the most natural sequence of things to happen when the person he loved most was no longer there to love.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“All I could’ve wished was that more people told you you were worth being loved, I really do. You still are, even now that you’ve passed and are longer gone than I’d like to come to terms with. And it is because of your worthiness of love that I will continue loving you until I take my very last breath. But this is not our goodbye, Brantley Thornton. Because I know I will simply see you in the stars later on.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“So though, no, you should not mend her, you should not repair her, you have to let her do that herself, but you should, however, inspire her; inspire her to live on and find a life worth living.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“She is deserving of many things in this world, Caspian Marks. Including such a phenomenal man as yourself. But she is also deserving of someone who will make her world light up, when she thought she would see absolutely none again. So if you cannot brighten up her world, do not enter it and allow it to become any dimmer than it already is. You love her, and you love her hard. And you take care of her, especially when she cannot take care of herself.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars