
Teen Romance Quotes

Quotes tagged as "teen-romance" Showing 1-30 of 302
Emily Henry
“Beau, what is it you want?"
"A porch," he says softly. He says it like it's my name, and right then, I think, what both of us want more than anything is something we can never have. "All I really want is to build a house with a nice, big porch that gets used every day.”
Emily Henry, The Love That Split the World

“I tried to will them with my super mental powers so he’d put them around my waist, but apparently I had no super mental powers.”
J.A. Redmerski, The Mayfair Moon

Ashley Earley
“The hours tick by as I lie in bed.
Memories keep surfacing, tormenting me into unbelievable sadness. I can't bring myself to move. I can't fight the memories that keep filling my thoughts. I stay curled in the fetal position as each memory plays out. I can't stop them from coming. I can't make them go away. Nothing can distract me. I can't block the memories, so they continue to come.”
Ashley Earley, Alone in Paris

A.B. Whelan
“I looked at Victor, my heart swelling from the emotion. “When I die, please do the same ceremony for me,” I whispered, choking up. “This is the most captivating and emotional event I have ever been part of.”
“I’m afraid you’ll have to ask somebody else for that because if you die before me I won’t survive it.” He kissed the tip of my nose. I gazed at him with so much love that my heart almost burst out of my chest.”
A.B.Whelan, Valley of Darkness Part 1 & Part 2

Gwenn Wright
“They had pulled me from the hemorrhaging, dying body of my mother and turned me over to the care of the man who was not my father. He had taken me home to their tiny apartment above the old hardware store and done what little he knew to take care of me.
It took less than six weeks for him to realize his mistake. Maybe even less than six hours, but he never abandoned me. He clung to me as though I was the last remnant of some great and powerful love.
And that gave me hope that maybe my mother was really something else and not just some girl who got knocked up by a guy whose name she didn’t even know. She was something special, someone worthy of a man’s loyalty and devotion.
--Rocky Evans”
Gwenn Wright, Filter

A.B. Whelan
“Victor wrapped his fingers over my hand, pressing his face against my palm. “You’re the bravest girl I’ve ever met. I’m so incredibly proud of you.”
“Who knew that one day the word someone would use to describe me is brave. Life is very unpredictable.” I chuckled.
“There are many other words I could think of to describe you but I’m not really good at flattery.”
A.B.Whelan, Valley of Darkness Part 1 & Part 2

“I would do anything for Rachel and if she wants an Edward, that’s what I’ll be.”
Faye Meredith, Becoming Edward

C.B. Lee
“She looks great in that skirt. Her butt is so cute.”
C.B. Lee, Not Your Sidekick

E.S. Rosalynn
“I chose to stay awake, this time lulled by the sounds of a very special mixtape made for me by a very special boy who just might have my heart.”
E.S. Rosalynn, MIXTAPE: Volume One

E.S. Rosalynn
“Maybe there was still hope for my brain to regain some sense of normalcy instead of replaying the skipping mixtape in my head. Maybe if I could get all of my memories back, then maybe, just maybe, I could feel like myself again.”
E.S. Rosalynn, MIXTAPE: Volume One

E.S. Rosalynn
“It was as if our voices were meant to sing together.”
E.S. Rosalynn, MIXTAPE: Volume One

Braelyn Wilson
“He felt so... empty. He felt so lost. So lost in a world he was so sure he would be okay to maneuver alone in. So lost in a world that once seemed so easy to figure out and establish where you were and where you needed to be. But nothing about this life without Brantley Thornton would be easy to figure out. He wasn’t sure where he was and where he needed to be when the only place he felt he truly knew and needed to be was in Brantley Thornton’s arms.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“I would have given her my very last breath, but as you know, she already took hers.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“And after time, after feeling utterly special by one individual, I realized it was never about being remembered by all. It was always about being remembered and making a significant impact on those who you have loved, and those who loved you.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“I am forever grateful that I touched you in a way and temporarily changed that life of yours, Brantley Thornton. With that in the back of my mind, I will be able to live in this world and continue on with life, while you were mine, and you are no longer in it.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“But if she was not loved by anyone else in the world, she was loved... by me. And my love for her, Brantley Thornton, was and is unequivocal. And the flame that sets out hearts ablaze continues to burn now, fiercer and more powerful than ever. Though tragic and ephemeral, our story was the quintessence of love.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“You see, people believe that depressed people are numb. Numb to any feelings and any sensations. That they cannot feel anything, when... when that is the farthest thing from what is actually going on. In reality, depressed people, we are the ones who feel the most, among everyone. We feel our emotions, our pain, ragingly, roaringly, through the rooftops and written across skylines. That is why we suffer the most. I think that is why I suffered in the way I did.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“You made me so happy, but that does not mean I was a happy person. It does not mean I had a happy mind and a happy soul. The trick to living life is to find happiness and love in everything you do, Caspian Marks. And I did. I found love and I found happiness in you, but you, you were the sole person alive who was a contributor to that. I could not find love and happiness in everything that I did, because you were the only thing I knew that was worthy of love.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“My life... it did mean something. And though it may have not mattered in the grand scheme of things, per se, it did matter. It took me a long time to come to terms with that, but it did. It did matter while I was still here, still living and breathing about as a human being would. And most of all, at the end of the day, not only did it matter in the grand scheme of things, but it mattered to me.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“Whether I meant something to this world, whether I meant something to myself, whether I had a true, genuine life purpose or not, it did not matter. Not anymore, not to me. Because I may have not mattered to the world or in the grand scheme of things, just as you, Caspian Marks, had said I would. But I mattered to the most important person in my world. I mattered... to you.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“So live your life and conquer the world, because it is your world. It is your world and all of us... we are all simply living in it. Every last one of us. This world revolves around you, this world revolves for you, and this world remains to turn and always will for as long as you live... because of you. So you go and you live and you learn and you love, with everything you have in you.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“I’m letting you go. I’m freeing you. You are no longer mine, Caspian Marks. And when I look back at it, you never were, and I don’t know why for any fraction of a second I would have come to that conclusion. You have never belonged to me. You have never belonged to anyone. But you do, and always have and probably always will, belong to this earth. You are the universe’s child. You will belong to this earth and I will belong to the stars, for now.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Braelyn Wilson
“I may be leaving this earth, but I will remain in the stars. I will watch over you and protect you, and when it is your time and you are ready to find me once more, you will fall into my arms. And when you do, all the planets and asteroids and stars and specks of dust in this endless universe will sigh in unison, because they will all know that our souls found their way together—somehow, someway, just as they were always supposed to.”
Braelyn Wilson, Counting Stars

Jillian Dodd
“His jaw is tense, and he's angry. But at the same time, he sort of looks hurt. And it feels like it's my fault. But it's not. It's not my fault that his being a jerk this summer caused me to run off to London, change my name, and get close to Augie. But the look in his eyes still kills me. Because it didn't have to be this way. I swallow hard and look away. If I don't, I might start crying.”
Jillian Dodd

Candice Jarrett
“My heart was doing Double Dutch until the look on Liam’s face tripped it up.

His blue eyes were clouded with something I couldn’t quite recognize before he lowered his gaze to the floor.”
Candice Jarrett, Mortal Tether

Candice Jarrett
“Denny wrapped one arm around me, and I was suddenly warm despite the chill in the air. My heart was doing Double Dutch until the look on Liam’s face tripped it up.

His blue eyes were clouded with something I couldn’t quite recognize before he lowered his gaze to the floor.”
Candice Jarrett, Mortal Tether

Maya Prasad
“Because every once in a while, when the clouds
are thickening and wishes are crowding you with what you think you need, you’ll forget what it’s like just to feel the spray of the sea on your face, to hear the rustle of pines, to inhale the scent of lavender from the
nearby farm.”
Maya Prasad, Wild Wishes and Windswept Kisses

Laura Nowlin
“What if I kissed you right now?", he says. "That would make me happy", I say.”
Laura Nowlin, If He Had Been with Me

Kiana Krystle
“He draws the fruit towards my mouth, the nectar spilling over his hand. My lips part as I go to take a bite. The honey-sweet juice coats my tongue with a satisfying tang. My head falls back as I indulge, nectar dripping down my neck. The flesh of the fruit is radiant. It shimmers like the angel's skin. His skin. I realize I'm touching his skin. Velvet and dripping in juice. Velvet and full of heat. Smooth. Shimmering and smooth. Firecracker freckles burst on his flesh, bumps of chills and shivers, yet he's still warm. Velvet and cashmere and heat.
The euphoria has already begun.”
Kiana Krystle, Dance of the Starlit Sea

Kiana Krystle
“I love the commanding tone of your voice and how it falls in gentle rhythms. I love how you dance like the waves and pull me in with your tide. You're every ounce as beautiful as the sea and every bit as wild. You have no idea the extent how vibrantly you glow, but perhaps you're learning. And I love that. I love you."
A flutter in my chest multiplies, blooming and blooming and blooming, like the kaleidoscope in my dream. Only this time, it doesn't shatter. It holds me there in that rose-gold glow. I burst, but in a way that's expansive, not destructive.
I leap forward, pressing my lips to his, obliterated by the dew-damp softness.
His eyes widen as he pulls away.
I gape at him, flushed. "I---I'm sorry."
He hesitates, but then he pounces, drawing me towards his embrace and crushing my open mouth. It happens so fast. He grabs me by the thighs, welling up my skirt as he carries me out of the water. My fingers curl through his hair, and novas explode as he slips his tongue onto mine. He holds me tighter, kissing me over and over again like repeating a melody. It's as natural as language, as wild as the roaring sea.
We fall to the ground, and a bed of flowers blossoms beneath us, pale pink and soft. The velvet petals tangle in my hair as he presses into me--- skin on skin, blooming with wild heat. We fold into each other, our arms coiling like serpents, my fingers tracing his body.
He pulls away for just a moment, but only to study me like the rarest opal, admiring my every color and curve before kissing my lips--- sweet and soft and slow. We repeat the motions in a ritual that's only our own.
I try to catch my thoughts, but they're all tangled up . Though, there's one thing I know for sure. Through my unsteady breathing, I whisper, "I love you, too."
Despite what the Devil thinks, I am capable of love, and I won't let him win, not now. Damien and I collapse into the damp petals, surrendering to the night.”
Kiana Krystle, Dance of the Starlit Sea

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