
Sybella Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sybella" Showing 1-6 of 6
R.L. LaFevers
“Hate cannot be fought with hate. Evil cannot be conquered by darkness. Only love has the power to conquer them both.”
R.L. LaFevers, Dark Triumph

“You love me?"

"Yes, you great lummox. I love you."

He lets out a sigh. "Sweet Camulos! It's about time.”
Robin L. LaFevers

R.L. LaFevers
“If you are not careful, soon you will have men locking themselves in dungeons so that you can rescue them.”
R.L. LaFevers, Dark Triumph

R.L. LaFevers
“A short while later, as I stare down at the bodies of the six men I have just killed, I cannot help but wonder: Do I love killing? Of a certainty, I love the way my body and weapons move as one; I revel in the knowledge of where to strike for maximum impact. And of a certainty, I am good at it.
But so is Beast. He is perhaps even better at it than I am, and yet for all that, he feels as bright and golden as a lion who roars in the face of his enemies and stalks them in broad daylight.
Whereas I—I am a dark panther, slinking unseen among the shadows, silent and deadly.
But we are both great cats, are we not? And do not even bright things cast a shadow?”
R.L. LaFevers, Dark Triumph

“I know I should look away, let him grieve in private, but I cannot. The sweet girl that I knew only briefly is the key to this gentle beast who has captured my heart.”
Robin LaFevers, Dark Triumph

“I do not do small pieces, only large.”
Robin LaFevers