Suicidal Quotes

Quotes tagged as "suicidal" Showing 61-90 of 163
Ottessa Moshfegh
“People died all the time. Why couldn't I?”
Ottessa Moshfegh, Eileen

Iris Murdoch
“I have nobody in the world. I'll kill myself. That's best. Everyone will say, It's for the best that she killed herself, she's better off dead . . . I hate myself so much I could spend hours and hours just screaming with hatred and with the pain of it, oh the pain of it . . .”
Iris Murdoch, The Black Prince

Iris Murdoch
“Let me sleep at last. I've had misery enough in my life. You said there was nowhere to go to. There is death to go to. I've had misery enough in my life.”
Iris Murdoch, The Black Prince

Shaun David Hutchinson
“I wasn't going to kill myself, but I wasn't going to stop dumb luck from taking me out either.”
Shaun David Hutchinson, Brave Face

Iris Murdoch
“What the cold light showed me was that my situation was simply unlivable. I wanted, with a desire greater than any desire which I had ever conceived could exist without instantly killing its owner by spontaneous combustion, something which I simply could not have.”
Iris Murdoch, The Black Prince

C. JoyBell C.
“I have a soft spot in my heart for suicidal people. I know that others make presumptions about suicidal people, painting them with the darkest of paints; but the way that I see it, these are people who look out into the world and see how broken it is and they look into their lives and they remember all the people they've hurt and then they look into themselves and they are faced with how ruined they are and they think that if they can't make anything really better then they just shouldn't exist anymore. It's not a form of selfishness or mental illness. It's a form of extreme state of empathy and selflessness. Suicidal people really are the best kinds of people. But they need to know that this world has a place for them, that this world needs the kind of light that they carry with them as they walk through it, they need to know that they have a home. That their type of darkness is like the darkness of the universe: it's the type of darkness from whence comes forth the light! Some people are just okay with everything, they don't feel the pain and the guilt that comes with the way that this world is. And I don't think that the lack of feeling makes anybody healthier in the mind. Our world is sick. And some people know that. These are not the sick people, these are the beautiful creatures!”
C. JoyBell C.

Iris Murdoch
“I just want to serve and help people and be good to everybody, only it always goes wrong somehow—I think about suicide all the time, every bloody day I want to die and stop this torture, but I go crawling on . . . I'm so Christ-awful bloody lonely I could scream with it for hours on end.”
Iris Murdoch, The Black Prince

Iris Murdoch
“The idea of killing himself was now more real to him than it had ever been, and he understood for the first time how it is that men can prefer extinction to the continuation of agonizing mental pain. He simply must somehow stop himself from suffering in this way. A guilt about Sophie roved sharply inside him and a cinematograph in his head re-enacted and re-enacted certain scenes. He must, he thought, now somehow switch himself off or else move on into some new and even more awful mode of being.”
Iris Murdoch, The Sacred and Profane Love Machine

Dorothea Lasky
“But death is the ultimate blissfulness
To be a candy or a corpse
The world holds you on its tongue
And no one can save you”
Dorothea Lasky, Rome: Poems

David Peace
“The things I saw and things I missed-
The many, many bloody things I fucking missed-
It’s just another morning; another morning when I wish I wasn’t here.”
David Peace, The Damned Utd

Aleister Crowley
“I want to quote that poem in something I'm writing," he explained, "and can you tell me the last line of it ? "

Lou answered mechanically, as if he had pressed a button: "Death is not a way out of it!"

"A very strange theory, that about death," he said. "I wonder if there's anything in it. It would really be too easy if we could get out of our troubles in so simple a fashion. It has always seemed to me that nothing can ever be destroyed. The problems of life are really put together ingeniously in order to baffle one, like a chess problem. We can't untie a real knot in a closed piece of string without the aid of the fourth dimension; but we can disentangle the complexities caused by dipping the string in water-and such things," he added, with an almost malicious gravity in his tone.

I knew what he meant.

" It might very well be," he continued, " that when we fail to solve the puzzles of life, they remain with us. We have to do them sooner or later ; and it seems reasonable to suppose that the problems of life ought to be
solved during life, while we have to our hands the apparatus in which they arose. We might find that after death the problems were unaltered, but that we were impotent to deal with them. Did you ever meet any one that had been indiscreet about taking drugs ? Presumably not. Well, take my word for it, those people get into a state which is in many ways very like death. And the tragic thing about the situation is this ; that they started taking the drugs because life, in one way or another, was one too many for them. And what is the result ? The drugs have not in the least relieved the monotony of life or whatever their trouble was, and yet they have got into a state very like that of death, in which they are impotent to struggle. No, we must conquer life by living it to the full, and then we can go to meet death with a certain prestige. We can face that adventure as we've faced the others.”
Aleister Crowley, Diary of a Drug Fiend

Sandra Newman
“At last he had risen to hold forth tragically about the misfortune that it was to be alive.”
Sandra Newman, The Heavens

Vineet Raj Kapoor, UNCHESS: Untie Your Shoes and Walk on the Chessboard of Life

Iris Murdoch
“Extreme continuing unhappiness often consoles itself with images of death which may in a sense be idle, but which can play a vital part in consolation and also in the continuance of illusion. If that happens I am dead, consoles, and also dulls the edge of speculation and even of conscience. It is another way of saying, to me that cannot happen.”
Iris Murdoch, The Sacred and Profane Love Machine

Alejandra Pizarnik
“And now
what will I do
with all this time
that forms my life
with all these people
who care nothing for me
that you've left
all these nights
why, for whom
and this morning
for nothing returning
my heart banging
for whom why
banging gravely,
and now
how to face up to
that nothingness
my life slipping
o friends
be gentle
you know well
we have nothing to do with it
And now
what will I do
that you . . .”
Alejandra Pizarnik, The Galloping Hour: French Poems

Iris Murdoch
“Bradley, my marriage is over. I think my life is probably over. What a poor affair it has been.”
Iris Murdoch, The Black Prince

Iris Murdoch
“The easiest thing to think was that he was going to die. This was not exactly an intent to commit suicide, though he did consider suicide, it was rather a sense of the impossibility of surviving much longer, whatever he did, whatever he chose. He felt rent apart by an unremitting mental, felt as physical, strain. When he was alone he groaned aloud.”
Iris Murdoch, The Sacred and Profane Love Machine

Frank Herbert
“The attack by those who want to die — this is the attack against which you cannot prepare a perfect defense.
— Human aphorism”
Frank Herbert, The Dosadi Experiment

Ottessa Moshfegh
“Sometimes Waldemar loves me too much. He thinks it is better I stay with him on Earth, rather than be happy in the other place without him.”
Ottessa Moshfegh, Homesick for Another World

Brian Spellman
“Sometimes the first insanity is the worst insanity. Sometimes it's the only one. Sometimes that's good news. Sometimes it's bad news.”
Brian Spellman, Cartoonist's Book Camp

“However big the storm or challenges- Just catch the rope of HOPE, not the suicidal rope”

Helen Oyeyemi
“The night was very stark, alternate streams of town cars and chequered taxicabs, blaring horns busily staking claims—here is the road and here is the sidewalk. But the road looked so much livelier, what if I tried the road?”
Helen Oyeyemi, Mr. Fox

“i was brought into this world
from a prayer, palms together,
but never once did you expect me
to be your biggest regret.”
Sumaiya Ahmed, Reality

“it was never enough to
bleed myself dry, “you will never change”
Sumaiya Ahmed, Reality

Steven Magee
“A rise in suicidal tendencies is an expected outcome of a 5G irradiated world.”
Steven Magee

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Suicide is often a desperate solution to the problem of not knowing where, how, and when one is going to die.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Steven Magee
“Suicidal tendencies are likely to increase during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Steven Magee

Sue Klebold
“Suicidal thought is a symptom of illness, of something else gone wrong. Most suicides are not impulsive, spur -of-the-moment decisions at all. Instead, most of these deaths are the result of a person losing a long and painful battle against their own impaired thinking. A suicidal person is someone who is unable to tolerate their suffering any longer. Even if she does not really want to die, she knows death will end that suffering once and for all.”
Sue Klebold, A Mother's Reckoning: Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy

Id rather die than have more. Actually I'd rather die than most things. But you know that about me. Will I ever see you again? You could come and see me here. Today I imagined you walking in, like I did when your leg. I imagined you telling them to let me go because you loved me and you'd look after me. I cried . . .
Robert Galbraith, Troubled Blood

Samantha Hunt
“We didn’t find him for three days because we didn’t realize he was missing. That’s the saddest part of this story. He’d hanged himself from a tree, one of several that grew in a small sliver of land between my parents’ house and the neighbors’, out by a swing set untouched for years. He timbered over like a sapling when my father cut him down, his body gone stiff.”
Samantha Hunt, The Dark Dark