
States Of Matter Quotes

Quotes tagged as "states-of-matter" Showing 1-1 of 1
Joe Dispenza
“This is what makes the subatomic world unique. It possesses not just physical qualities, but also energetic qualities. In truth, matter on a subatomic level exists as a momentary phenomenon. It’s so elusive that it constantly appears and disappears, appearing into three dimensions—in time and space—and disappearing into nothing—into the quantum field, in no space, no time— transforming from particle (matter) to wave (energy), and vice versa. But where do particles go when they vanish into thin air? [...]

Quantum experiments demonstrated that electrons exist simultaneously in an infiniite array of possibilities or probabilities in an invisible field of energy. But only when an observer focuses attention on any location of any one electron does that electron appear. In other words, a particle cannot manifest in reality—that is, ordinary space-time as we know it—until we observe it.

Quantum physics calls this phenomenon “collapse of the wave function” or the “observer effect.” We now know that the moment the observer looks for an electron, there is a specific point in time and space when all probabilities of the electron collapse into a physical event. With this discovery, mind and matter can no longer be considered separate; they are intrinsically related, because subjective mind produces measurable changes on the objective, physical world. [...]

If your mind can influence the appearance of an electron, then theoretically it can influence the appearance of any possibility. [...]

How would your life change if you learned to direct the observer effect and to collapse infinite waves of probability into the reality that you choose? Could you
get better at observing the life you want?”
Joe Dispenza, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One