
States Quotes

Quotes tagged as "states" Showing 1-30 of 39
Stefan Molyneux
“The world, viewed philosophically, remains a series of slave camps, where citizens – tax livestock – labor under the chains of illusion in the service of their masters.”
Stefan Molyneux

Michael J. Sandel
“[T]he state should not impose a preferred way of life, but should leave its citizens as free as possible to choose their own values and ends, consistent with a similar liberty for others.”
Michael J. Sandel, Liberalism and Its Critics

Immanuel Wallerstein
“The capitalist world-economy needs the states, needs the interstate system, and needs the periodic appearance of hegemonic powers. But the priority of capitalists is never the maintenance, much less the glorification, of any of these structures. The priority remains always the endless accumulation of capital, and this is best achieved by an ever-shifting set of political and cultural dominances within which capitalist firms maneuver, obtaining their support from the states but seeking to escape their dominance.”
Immanuel Wallerstein, World-Systems Analysis: An Introduction

Will Kymlicka
“The state does not oppose the freedom of people to express their particular cultural attachments, but nor does it nurture such expression—rather [...] it responds with 'benign neglect' [....] The members of ethnic and national groups are protected against discrimination and prejudice, and they are free to maintain whatever part of their ethnic heritage or identity they wish, consistent with the rights of others. But their efforts are purely private, and it is not the place of public agencies to attach legal identities or disabilities to cultural membership or ethnic identity. This separation of state and ethnicity precludes any legal or governmental recognition of ethnic groups, or any use of ethnic criteria in the distribution of rights, resources, and duties.”
Will Kymlicka, Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights

Elin Hilderbrand
“After her mother died and Adrienne and her father took up with wanderlust, Adrienne became exposed to new foods. For two years they lived in Maine, where in the summertime they ate lobster and white corn and small wild blueberries. They moved to Iowa for Adrienne's senior year of high school and they ate pork tenderloin fixed seventeen different ways. Adrienne did her first two years of college at Indiana University in Bloomington, where she lived above a Mexican cantina, which inspired a love of tamales and anything doused with habanero sauce. Then she transferred to Vanderbilt in Nashville, where she ate the best fried chicken she'd ever had in her life. And so on, and so on. Pad thai in Bangkok, stone crabs in Palm Beach, buffalo meat in Aspen. As she sat listening to Thatcher, she realized that though she knew nothing about restaurants, at least she knew something about food.”
Elin Hilderbrand, The Blue Bistro

Steven Magee
“You can put the human mind and body into strange states through the use of alien environments.”
Steven Magee

Anthony de Jasay
“The law, notably tort law and the law of property based on the principle of exclusion, is historically prior to any proto-statal authority.”
Anthony De Jasay, Justice and Its Surroundings

Jason Medina
“Never before did the second amendment mean so much to the people of the United States. There were many well-regulated militias that became necessary for the security of every state, which meant the right of the people to keep and bear arms was detrimental for their survival and that right should not be infringed. Otherwise, the strong would surely overpower the weak.”
Jason Medina, The Manhattanville Incident: An Undead Novel

Jill Lepore
“In much of Africa, labor, not land, constituted the sole form of property recognized by law, a form of consolidating wealth and generating revenue, which meant that African states tended to be be small and that, while European wars were fought for land, African wars were fought for labor.”
Jill Lepore, These Truths: A History of the United States

Heather  Marsh
“Every threat to an endogroup results in increased violence towards its own weakest members, the negative image. All externally directed atrocities eventually come home to roost, including genocide.”
Heather Marsh, The Creation of Me, Them and Us

Mikhail Bakunin
“By nature mutually antagonistic and utterly irreconcilable, states can find no other grounds for joint action than the concerted enslavement of the masses who constitute the overall basis and purpose of their existence.”
Mikhail Bakunin, Statism and Anarchy
tags: states

Francis Fukuyama
“A high degree of autonomy is what permits innovation, experimentation and risk taking in a bureaucracy. If the slightest mistake can end a career, then no one will ever take risks.”
Francis Fukuyama, Political Order and Political Decay: From the Industrial Revolution to the Globalization of Democracy

Michelle Hoover
“When I looked at a map in town, Rhode Island seemed lost up there in the corner. A state so small and crowded, there didn't seem to be room for a person at all.”
Michelle Hoover, The Quickening

Mehmet Murat ildan
“When a state is afraid of the journalists, it means that that state is definitely doing some secret devilish things!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Steven Magee
“We are in the energy dictatorship that calls itself the United States of America.”
Steven Magee

Orrin Woodward
“Absolute money (gold) makes limited-states and localized-wars (Pre-1913); Substitute money (fiat) makes Absolute States & Wars (Post-1913)”
Orrin Woodward

Rik Amrit
“The state is only a strategy, the hidden source of the power of the ruler”
Rik Amrit, Ashwatthama the war machine

Reece  Jones
“By refusing to abide by a wall, map, property line, border, identity document, or legal regime, mobile people upset the state's schemes of exclusion, control, and violence. They do this simply by moving.”
Reece Jones, Violent Borders: Refugees and the Right to Move

Steven Magee
“If you want to commit a crime and get away with it, become the President of the United States of America.”
Steven Magee

“The Covid pandemic could have been stopped within 90 days in America had we been fortunate enough to have a government that was in control of this country instead of corporations who did not want to lose money by shutting down the states and implementing a mandatory quarantine for everyone. This is why the pandemic affected the USA worse than other countries who do not allow corporations to control their politicians.”
James Thomas Kesterson Jr

“Its not get it from the 1% that is the correct $$ Grubbing answer . . . to all budget solutions . . . its the 11% answer . . . . . If you took 111% from the Top 11% . . . you can ONLY pay for 11% of everything Democrat Politicians want to do . . . where do you think the rest is coming from . . . U . . . times 11”
Kevin Kolenda

Avijeet Das
“And I want to share my belief that most people love one another on both sides of borders. Living in Nepal for so many years by now has taught me one thing that people love one another. Only politics and narrow mindedness divide people on both sides of borders.”
Avijeet Das

Steven Magee
“You should not live in known dishonest states.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“It is often a person that does not understand risk that states ‘We will rebuild’.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Frauds involving the President of the United States are for public discussion.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“The research that states humans that sleep in moonlight will turn into lunatics appears to be flawed.”
Steven Magee

“Even happiness is transient, as it needs a reason. The ultimate state is bliss”
Leo Lourdes, A World of Yoga: 700 Asanas for Mindfulness and Well-Being

“Every State is free to make treaties with other States, and no treaty is binding upon a State unless it has agreed to become a party to it.”
Vaughan Lowe, International Law: A Very Short Introduction

“Imagine the administrative acrobatics of dividing and uniting states! It's like trying to untangle headphones only to realize you've created a knot worse than before!”
Dipti Dhakul

Rick Riordan
“Welcome to Canada idiot”
Rick Riordan, The Son of Neptune

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