
Stanford Quotes

Quotes tagged as "stanford" Showing 1-8 of 8
Christopher Hitchens
“Reading his autobiography many years later, I was astonished to find that Edward since boyhood had—not unlike Isaiah Berlin—often felt himself ungainly and ill-favored and awkward in bearing. He had always seemed to me quite the reverse: a touch dandyish perhaps but—as the saying goes—perfectly secure in his masculinity. On one occasion, after lunch in Georgetown, he took me with him to a renowned local tobacconist and asked to do something I had never witnessed before: 'try on' a pipe. In case you ever wish to do this, here is the form: a solemn assistant produces a plastic envelope and fits it over the amber or ivory mouthpiece. You then clamp your teeth down to feel if the 'fit' and weight are easy to your jaw. If not, then repeat with various stems until your browsing is complete. In those days I could have inhaled ten cigarettes and drunk three Tanqueray martinis in the time spent on such flaneur flippancy, but I admired the commitment to smoking nonetheless. Taking coffee with him once in a shopping mall in Stanford, I saw him suddenly register something over my shoulder. It was a ladies' dress shop. He excused himself and dashed in, to emerge soon after with some fashionable and costly looking bags. 'Mariam,' he said as if by way of explanation, 'has never worn anything that I have not bought for her.' On another occasion in Manhattan, after acting as a magnificent, encyclopedic guide around the gorgeous Andalusia (Al-Andalus) exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art, he was giving lunch to Carol and to me when she noticed that her purse had been lost or stolen. At once, he was at her service, not only suggesting shops in the vicinity where a replacement might be found, but also offering to be her guide and advisor until she had selected a suitable new sac à main. I could no more have proposed myself for such an expedition than suggested myself as a cosmonaut, so what this says about my own heterosexual confidence I leave to others.”
Christopher Hitchens, Hitch 22: A Memoir

Bill Bendyshe Burnett
“We interrogate the world by making.”
Bill Burnett

Chanel Miller
“Stanford was offering $150,000 total, which would cover therapy for my sister and me for a handful of years. Victims receive heat when given any sum. Few acknowledge that healing is costly. That we should be allocating more funds for victims, for therapy, extra security, potential moving costs, getting back on their feel, buying something as simple as court clothes. As Michele pointed out, Preventing assault is so much cheaper than trying to address it after the fact.”
Chanel Miller, Know My Name

“We've got to do better, I thought. This story of injustice had continued on far too long. It's time for the misinformation and stigmatization surrounding ME/CFS to stop. Our leaders need to step up to the plate, acknowledge past mistakes, and fix them. All the evidence is there in black and white. More research funding to find a cure would prevent so much unnecessary suffering and save lives.”
Tracie White, The Puzzle Solver: A Scientist's Desperate Quest to Cure the Illness that Stole His Son

Ben Carson
“I don’t know if I’ll get in at Stanford,” one premed said to me after he had sent in his application. “Or anywhere else,” he added.
Another mentioned a different school, but the students’ worries were essentially the same. I seldom got involved in what I called freaking out, but this kind of talk happened often, especially during our senior year.
One time when this freaking out was going on and I didn’t enter in, one of my friends turned to me, “Carson, aren’t you worried?”
“No,” I said. “I’m going to the University of Michigan Medical School.”
“How can you be so sure?”
“It’s real simple. My father owns the university.”
“Did you hear that?” he yelled at one of the others. “Carson’s old man owns the University of Michigan.” Several students were impressed. And understandably because they came from extremely wealthy homes. Their parents owned great industries. Actually, I had been teasing, and maybe it wasn’t playing fair. As a Chrisitan, I believe that God— my Heavenly Father— not only created the universe, but He controls it. And, by extension, God owns the University of Michigan and everything else.
I never did explain.”
Ben Carson, Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story

Patrick Krejcik
“more than just a corporate thriller, its about the lifestyle and culture of Silicon Valley”
Patrick Krejcik, Sand Hill Road

“The program is grounded in 10 design principles, the aim of which is to create innovative solutions to intractable health problems....In other words, do not be content with the status quo. The remaining principles include several obvious but often overlooked themes in routine patient care: value each person, be human, be human-centered, codesign, facilitate connections, treat with dignity, and provide a stage from which the hardest, most important stories may be told.”
Paul Cerrato, Realizing the Promise of Precision Medicine: The Role of Patient Data, Mobile Technology, and Consumer Engagement

“If you really want this acceptance, then you need to display that now. Acceptance into the college of your choice may happen, but it likely won’t happen from mediocrity or luck. Put in the time and effort, do the research, and constantly strive for excellence on a daily basis. This needs to be a fundamental aspect of your mindset as a student.”
AY Shih, The College Admissions Blueprint: 9 Proven Steps from Application to Acceptance