Sexy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sexy" Showing 211-240 of 1,051
Kelly Moran
“I can't tell if you reciting Newton's first Law of Physics is the hottest thing to date or if it makes you more intimidating.”
Kelly Moran, Charmed

“Your breasts are meant to be teased, touched, bitten, kissed, licked, sucked, squeezed, and loved.” ~ Herbalist Tracie”
Herbalist Tracie

“Go ahead, tease them, touch them, bite them, kiss them, lick them, suck them, squeeze them, and love them.” -Herbalist Tracie”
Herbalist Tracie

“Taste you – Taste me!”
Herbalist Tracie

“Your breast deserves to be touched.’’ ~ Herbalist Tracie”
Herbalist Tracie

“I think it’s sexy as hell when you smack, grab, kiss, tease, touch, tickle, cuddle, and love my booty.” ~ Herbalist Tracie”
Herbalist Tracie

“Candlelight is one of the most popular symbols of romance. ~ Herbalist Tracie”
Herbalist Tracie

“Communication is the soul of any relationship.” Herbalist Tracie”
Herbalist Tracie

“Oh, I love his accent! If I could drink words, he'd be my hot chocolate, my mulled wine, and my glass of water first thing every morning.”
Melody Sweet, Just A Little Fake Romance

“Candles have a sensual ambience about them. They get you in a relaxed mood; they set the mood for intimate pleasure.” Herbalist Tracie”
Herbalist Tracie

“SEX TOYS help energize body and mind."~ Herbalist Tracie”
Herbalist Tracie

Victoria Schwab
“I am not some genie, bound to your whim.” He pushes off the tree. “Nor am I some petty forest spirit, content with granting favors for mortal trinkets. I am stronger than your hod and older than your devil. I am the darkness between stars, and the roots beneath the Earth. I am promise, and potential, and when it comes to playing games, I divine the rules, I set the pieces, and I choose when to play. And tonight, I say no.”
V.E. Schwab, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

Katherine McIntyre
“Eyes up here, sweetheart,” Tabby drawled, all low and sexy, and a flush of heat rushed through her.”
Katherine McIntyre, Constitution Check

Alessa Kelly
“As we scream into each other’s mouths, my body succumbs. There’s no turning back. This is the moment when we both break—beautifully, purposefully.”
Alessa Kelly, Hold Me Forever

B.S. Murthy
“Women tend to imagine man’s romanticism as an on-off switch within their reach.”
B.S. Murthy, Glaring Shadow - A Stream of Consciousness Novel

“A charming woman is a witty woman.
A sexy woman is an intelligent woman.
And a hot woman, really, is the one we love,
and who also loves us.”
Augusto Branco

Avijeet Das
“A person’s mind is way more attractive than the person’s body. Intellectual people are sexy!”
Avijeet Das, Why the Silhouette?

“Men often mistake sexiness for beauty. Women often mistake well-offness, or well-paidness, for handsomeness.”
@Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Cara McKenna
“Show me,” I said softly, and stroked his hair. “Show me what it feels like, to be wanted by a man, the way you want me.”
Cara McKenna, Hard Time

Katherine McIntyre
“The second I saw you, sweetheart, all I could think about was getting a taste of that sinful mouth of yours.”
Katherine McIntyre, Constitution Check

Katherine McIntyre
“Tabby watched her retreating form for a moment before looking down.
A pair of lace panties.”
Katherine McIntyre, Constitution Check

Alessa Kelly
“How do you want me, sweetheart?”
Alessa Kelly, Montana's Bravest
tags: sexy

Alessa Kelly
“Sam was too good for my self-control, and he sent me onto a bullet train to Climaxville way ahead of schedule. Premature isn’t just for guys, and I was embarrassingly too quick.”
Alessa Kelly, Montana's Bravest

P.D. James
“You feel sexy"
Dalgliesh gave the question serious attention.
"No. I'm too old to feel sexy when I'm cold and tired. At my age you need the creature comforts if you're to perform with any pleasure to your partner or credit to yourself.”
P.D. James, Shroud for a Nightingale

P.D. James
“You feel sexy?"
Dalgliesh gave the question serious attention.
"No. I'm too old to feel sexy when I'm cold and tired. At my age you need the creature comforts if you're to perform with any pleasure to your partner or credit to yourself.”

(P. D. James from Shroud for a Nightingale)”
P. D. James

Sobhan Ganji
“Even | The Thinnest Condom in the world | Does not make you moan less | Marvelous!”
Sobhan Ganji, The Thinnest Condom

Elena  Armas
“Rosie whimpered very softly, her ass now moving up and down in my lap, teasing my cock with swaying motions.”
Elena Armas

A.E. Samaan
“La vanidad es, por mucho, mi pecado favorito, y la lente de la cámara es un espejo. La cámara capta todos los estados de ánimo y los matices; inmortaliza el continuo suave y sedoso que es la humanidad. Esos momentos capturados parecen tan fluidos, tan representativos de la continuidad. Representan la captura de un único momento y, sin embargo, la expresión de una eternidad. Toda tu juventud; todas tus edades, capturadas y expresadas en un solo clic.
De todos los caprichos, el de la vanidad es sin duda mi favorito, al que deberíamos resistirnos, pero al que nos sentimos inexplicablemente cautivados y adictos. ¿Qué otro animal pasaría tanto tiempo haciendo pucheros y acicalándose frente a su reflejo? Sólo la humanidad participaría en tal auto-adoración.
Se podría pensar que tenemos las plumas más coloridas o las melenas más suaves. En cambio, somos un bípedo desnudo que se siente incompleto sin algún elemento decorativo, accesorio o adorno del yo. Nos embriaga la imagen del cuerpo, de la misma manera que nos seducen los buenos vinos, las comidas o los elementos que alteran la mente. Devoramos la piel, y nos despojamos de la ropa como si fuera la piel de alguna fruta tropical, que oculta un interior colorido y jugoso. Cazamos placeres corporales, y los coleccionamos como premios; los exhibimos en situaciones sociales como si nuestros compañeros fueran una especie de adorno añadido a nosotros mismos.
Nos revelamos en nuestra sensualidad. Tocar debajo de la superficie; conectar más allá de las fachadas, ese discurso inalcanzable entre individuos se pone tímidamente al alcance en la intimidad. Capturar esos momentos es captar la esencia de lo que nos hace humanos, y lo que en última instancia nos coloca por encima y al margen del resto de la naturaleza.
Capturar la humanidad en sus expresiones más extravagantes es embriagador. La vanidad es, por mucho, mi pecado favorito, y es un cuento interminable tan infinito como la humanidad. Cada persona no es más que una puntada en un gigantesco tapiz.”
A.E. Samaan, Shades of Vanity - Shades and Shadows of Eroticism

“A charming woman is a witty woman.
A sexy woman is a smart woman.
And a real hot woman is the one we love,
and who also loves us.”
Augusto Branco

Aisling Magie
“Don’t look, but with the way his gaze is moving over every inch of you, I’d say you do need to get to know him.”
Aisling Magie, My December Balcony Neighbor