
Sexual Innuendo Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sexual-innuendo" Showing 1-29 of 29
Elizabeth   Hunter
“Oh, wow."

"What do you think?"

"I tried to imagine, but--I mean...it's so much more--"

"Think it's large enough to keep you satisfied for a while?"

"It's so much bigger than I expected"

He backed away, leaving Beatrice to gaze in wonder at the library that took up half of the second floor.

"I think I'll just leave you two alone for a bit," he said with a chuckle.”
Elizabeth Hunter, A Hidden Fire

Darren Shan
“Lovely Arra Sails,
nectar to all males,
how I'd like to spear you like a whaler spears a whale!”
Darren Shan, Ocean of Blood

Penelope Ward
“Can I see the cockpit?
"There's nothing more I'd rather do than show you my cockpit. I thought you'd never ask.”
Penelope Ward, Playboy Pilot

Jill Barnett
“Tis not fair, you know. I have no life left, not even enough to get up, and you are footslogging around this chamber as if you have fire under your…” She paused.

“My what?” He was grinning at her.

“Your big feet.”

He laughed loud and heartily and tossed the towel aside. “You know what the old wives say about big feet.”
Jill Barnett, Wonderful

Jennifer Crusie
“Xavier looked at Shane's outfit of pants, pistol, and no shirt, and then glanced up at the porch. "You sleep outside?"
Shane turned and looked through the screen door. There was no sign of Agnes or the sheets that had been tumbled there. A woman who could wake up fast and then remove evidence slightly. His kind of girl.
"Yep. I like fresh air."
Xavier nodded, his exasperation evaporating into amusement. "Right. Miss Agnes up yet?"
"I wouldn't know."
"Right." Xavier gave a lazy grin and walked around Shane. "Quite a woman, that Miss Agnes."
"Yep," Shane said, following him up the walk.
"Bit sharp-tempered, though."
"I'd call her fiery."
Xavier turned his head toward Shane and nodded amiably. "Fiery. That's good."
They walked up the path, Rhett ambling with them. Xavier trooped up the steps to the porch and spared a glance at the air mattress and Shane's T-shirt, crumpled in a ball. "Restless night, son?"
"Slept like a baby."
"I bet you did," Xavier said, and went into the kitchen.”
Jennifer Crusie, Agnes and the Hitman

“Don't do it on the desk. The front left leg is wobbling again. Should the entire thing collapse, I will make sure your headstone says DEAD GIVING HEAD, SHOULD HAVE USED A BED.”
Lucy Parker, Battle Royal

“It's rich. And smooth. And thick. And fatty, but in a good way. Like butter, but with a deeper, fuller, nuttier flavor."
Max's inky black pupils start to dilate as he gazes down at me, his mouth cracked open, like he's hypnotized and intrigued at once. I cease breathing.
He clears his throat. "Damn..."
I nod quickly. "On hot, crusty bread, it is divine. You need to try it."
He nods right back, like he's in a trance. I'm in a trance too. I can't seem to stop looking at him as I wax poetic about one of my favorite food combinations.
"How is it served?" he asks, his voice between a groan and a growl. "The marrow, I mean."
I watch, mesmerized at the slow movement along his stubbled throat.
I swear I can feel my skin tingling as my internal temperature rises. Who knew talking about bone marrow could get me this worked up?
"Sometimes they cut the bone lengthwise and you can just scrape your knife along the hollow part of the bone and out comes the marrow," I say. "And sometimes they cut it into chunks and the marrow's in the middle, so you scrape out as much as you can, but there's almost always some left, so the best way to get it out is to just put the bone in your mouth and suck it out, really get your tongue in the hole and lick and...”
Sarah Echavarre Smith, The Boy With the Bookstore

Sarah J. Maas
“Maybe you should... go.'

'Why? You seemed so insistent that I train you.'

'I can't concentrate with you around,' I admitted. 'And go... far. I can feel you from a room away.'

A suggestive curve shaped his lips.

I rolled my eyes. 'Why don't you just hide in one of those pocket realms for a bit.'

'It doesn't work like that. There's no air there.' I gave him a look to say he should definitely do it then, and he laughed. He jerked his chin at my tattoo. 'Give a shout down the bond if you get anything accomplished before breakfast.'

I frowned at the eye in my palm. 'What- literally shout at the tattoo?'

'You could try rubbing it on certain body parts and I might come faster.'

He vanished into nothing before I could hurl the candle at him.

Alone in the frost-gilded forest, I replayed his words and a quiet chuckle rasped out of me.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

Sarah J. Maas
“You need to get out in the practice ring more, brother,' Cassian told him, surveying his friend's powerful body. 'Don't want that mate of yours to find any soft bits.'

'She never finds any soft bits when I'm around her,' Rhys said, and Cassian laughed again.

'Is Feyre going to kick your ass for what you said earlier?'

'I already told the servants to clear out for the rest of the day as soon as you take Nesta up to the House.'

'I think the servants hear you fighting plenty.' Indeed, Feyre had no hesitation when it came to telling Rhys that he'd stepped out of line.

Rhys threw him a wicked smile. 'It's not the fighting I don't want them hearing.'

Cassian grinned right back, even as something like jealousy tugged on his gut. He didn't begrudge them their happiness- not at all. There were plenty of times when he'd seen the joy on Rhys's face and have to walk away to keep from weeping, because his brother had waited for that love, earned it. Rhys had gone to the mat again and again to fight for that future with Feyre. For this.

But sometimes, Cassian saw that mating ring, and the portrait behind the desk, and this house, and just... wanted.

The clock chimed ten thirty, and Cassian rose. 'Enjoy your not-fighting.”
Sarah J. Maas, A ​Court of Silver Flames

Rebecca Yarros
“You're a shameless flirt.'

'Thank you.' He grins and goes back to carving.

'It wasn't a compliment.'

'Don't mind her, she's just sexually frustrated. Makes a girl crabby.'
'That has nothing to do with it.' Gods, could she have said that a little louder?

'And yet I don't hear you denying it.' She smiled sweetly at me.

'I'm sorry I don't make the cut,' Liam teases. 'But I'm sure Riorson would be fine with my reviewing a couple candidates, especially if it means you'll stop flipping him off in front of his entire wing.'

'And how exactly would you be reviewing candidates? What will you be scoring?' Rhiannon asks, one eyebrow raised above her wide grin. 'This I have to hear.'

I manage a straight face for all of two seconds before laughing at how horrified he suddenly looks. 'Thanks for the offer, though. I'll make sure to run any potential liaisons by you.'

'I mean, you could watch,' Rhiannon continues, blinking innocently at him. 'Just to be sure she's fully covered. You know, so no one... sticks it to her.'

'Oh, are we telling dick jokes now?' Ridoc asks from Liam's side. 'Because my entire life has led up to this moment.'

Even Sawyer laughs.

'Fuck me,' Liam mutters under his breath.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Lorelei James
“What’re you doin’ up so early?”

“Says the rancher,” [Lainie] replied dryly.

“Funny. Maybe me ’n’ Kyle had plans for this morning.” [Hank] waggled his eyebrows.

“Maybe you and Kyle should’ve gotten up sooner.” She sipped her coffee. “The early cowboy gets to stick his worm in the cowgirl and all that.”
Lorelei James, Corralled

Tiffany Reisz
“Fine. I’ll leave the hammering to you." "Good." "That wasn’t a sex joke." "It should have been.”
Tiffany Reisz, Her Halloween Treat

Jennifer Crusie
“I was going to complain about the noise," Lisa Livia said, still looking fragile but much better than she had before, "but now I'm just impressed. Leave it to the army to mechanize an erection."
"Laugh now, funny girl," Shane said. "That's gonna be a bridge in about a minute."
"And that bridge can hold over sixty tons," Carpenter said.
"So it's a strong erection," Lisa Livia said, looking at Carpenter.
"Oh, yes," Carpenter said, standing more erect himself.”
Jennifer Crusie, Agnes and the Hitman

Amy E. Reichert
“Mavis is getting married. To a sweaty old investment banker. I'm pretty sure he has a heart condition, and she's making him train for the New York City Marathon with her.”
Amy E. Reichert, The Kindred Spirits Supper Club

H.A. Wills
“Erecto . It said it should allow you to erect something.”

Nolan snorts. “Yeah. I don't think we have a problem in that department"

"I thought it might use air magic to lift something up,"

"Oh I’m sure it does. With a little blowing, it’ll lift right up.”

“More like explode,”
H.A. Wills, Bound Spirit

Sonali Dev
“Why is your sari all askew?" she asked, squatting down in front of Naina and straightening out the pleats. "This is a mess. Oh my gosh, Naina! Is that why you were late?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," Naina said, but her face went flaming red. Naina had disappeared for a good half hour when she'd gone to "check up on the guys." "All I'll say is that Neel's not the only gavel in town, Nisha.”
Sonali Dev, The Emma Project

Chandra Blumberg
“Believe me, if you deprive this girl of a soft bed and a full night’s rest, you’ll regret it.”
He grinned like a wolf. “Far be it from me to deprive the lady of a good night’s sleep.”
Chandra Blumberg, Stirring Up Love

Chandra Blumberg
“If it comes to that, we’ll duke it out over the bed later.”
He grinned. “And when you say ‘duke it out,’ you mean of course—”
“Get in the freaking shower, Finn.”
Chandra Blumberg, Stirring Up Love

Erin La Rosa
“Any ideas of how we can fill the time?" She lowered her lips to the straw in her smoothie, keeping her eyes locked on him as she sucked on the straw. Then her gaze flicked to his dick, which was... alert.
Holy sex eyes. Nina wasn't just flirting with him, she was laying it on thick as syrup.”
Erin La Rosa, For Butter or Worse

Julie Anne Long
“As much as I would enjoy inspecting your...rosette more closely, Miss Makepeace---" and the smile spread, becoming that intimating, preternaturally confident smile of the night before, "---I'll forego that pleasure for the moment.”
Julie Anne Long, Beauty and the Spy

Sarah J. Maas
“Can you show Nesta how to ward it herself? Something perhaps with a bit more... oomph?'

'Oomph?' Rhys asked, lifting an eyebrow.

'Oomph,' Feyre said, throwing him a glare. 'We can't all be silver-tongued like you.'

Rhys winked. 'Good thing you benefit from it, Feyre darling.”
Sarah J. Maas, A ​Court of Silver Flames

Rebecca Yarros
“I happen to know a rider whose powers can make big things very small.' A devious smile plays across her lips. 'And smaller things... much, much bigger.'

I roll my eyes. Mira's always been more vocal about her men than I have been... about all two of them. 'I mean, how much bigger?”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

“What about breakfast in bed?" spoken low.
Tomorrow was her day off. She could sleep in. Or sleep with Jake. "Still proposing over easy?"
"My favorite position."
He left her then. She stared after him, a man larger-than-life who wanted her. Sex would be phenomenal with him. The image of his big naked body in bed stole all thought and left her breathless.”
Kate Angell, The Café Between Pumpkin and Pie

“His stomach gave a growl. Food crossed his mind. So did fooling around. The latter won. Without question.
Hannah lifted her head, licked her lips. "Breakfast in bed?"
He deftly eased her onto her back. Then rolled atop her. She yielded beneath him. So soft. So warm. So willing. "Love over easy, babe."
"Double that order.”
Kate Angell, The Café Between Pumpkin and Pie

Jenna Levine
“I know about kissing, Cassie."
He sounded genuinely affronted, and I cringed at what I'd just implied--- even as my knees went weal at the implication of what he'd just said. He'd been alive--- or, his equivalent of alive--- for hundreds of years. He'd probably kissed hundreds of people. Maybe thousands.
In fact--- he was probably really good at kissing.
"I'm sure you do," I said, too flustered to look at his face anymore. My gaze drifted down to his ridiculous apron. This Guy Rubs His Own Meat. I flushed deeper with the awkwardness of this entire situation. How was any of this happening?”
Jenna Levine, My Roommate Is a Vampire

Sara Desai
“Which side do you dress?" In tailor speak, it was a delicate way of asking which way his private parts hung--- to the left or right of his zipper. Some men thought we asked the question to put a little extra room on that side of their pants. In fact, we asked it before taking the inseam measurement because we didn't want to get too personal when working in that region. The few times I'd forgotten to ask, I'd had an unexpected surprise.
Something wicked flicked in his eyes. "I thought you'd know since we've already been intimately acquainted, or were you wiggling your ass against me in the bushes for another reason?"
"I wasn't thinking about pants at the time."
"Neither was I." He licked his lips, his devilish grin drawing laughter up my throat.
"Behave," I said, although I knew I'd be disappointed if he did. "Right or left?"
"I don't give out that kind of information until we've had at least one kiss.”
Sara Desai, To Have and to Heist

Sara Desai
“You are so fucking sexy when you're bossing people around," Jack said, nuzzling my neck as he pulled me behind an azalea bush. "Have you ever done it outdoors?"
"Didn't last night count?" We'd sneaked up to the roof of Jack's hotel for a little loving beneath the stars.
"There were no trees or bushes, no flowers or grass. I want you naked in the hellebore moaning my name." He pulled me into his chest, squeezing me so hard, my breath came out in a huff.
"Jack, you know how much I love sexy times with you. But I've got a minister to ordain, a wedding to run, a heist to plan, a necklace to steal, and a bride to kidnap. I can't juggle any more balls.”
Sara Desai, To Have and to Heist

Sarah J. Maas
“When makes are kneeling between my legs, Athalar,' she said, 'they're not usually grimacing.”
Sarah J. Maas, House of Earth and Blood

Sarah J. Maas
“When males are kneeling between my legs, Athalar,' she said, 'they're not usually grimacing.”
Sarah J. Maas, House of Earth and Blood