Separate Quotes

Quotes tagged as "separate" Showing 31-60 of 65
Kamand Kojouri
“If I can’t be your love,
then let me be a simple brooch
so I may rest a while against your chest.
If I can’t be your love,
then let me be a forgotten coin
so I may rest a while against your thigh.
If I can’t be your love,
then let me be an unlit cigarette
so I may rest a while in between your lips.
If I can’t be your love,
then let me at least remain in these words
so I may rest a while in your thoughts.”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“One sip of this wine
and you will go mad with drunkenness.
You will drop your masks
and tear your clothes — destroying
everything that separates you from the Lover.
Once you taste the fruit of this vine,
you will be kicked out of the city of yourself.
You will forget the world. You will forget yourself.
I tell you:
you will become a madman
who wanders the streets looking for the Lover
once you drink this Wine of Love.”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“What can I tell you
about the alchemy of twins?
Twins are
two bodies that dance
to each other’s joy.
Two minds that drown
in each other’s despair.
Two spirits that fly
with each other’s love.
Twins are
two separate beings
conjoined at the heart!”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“I used to be lost in us. Blurred were the lines that separated us. But now, I see our togetherness in our separateness. I see the you in me and the me in you. We are two independent beings who complement one another like photographs that are beautiful on their own but are enhanced when juxtaposed, creating an altogether new photograph.”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“Can we share my eyes
so you can see what I see?
Can we share my ears
so you can hear what I hear?
Can you perch on my shoulders
so you can go where I go?
Always in my heart,
I don’t experience anything separate from you.
This shared wonderment becomes doubled.
This shared love becomes infinite.”
Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“Babies cry at birth because it is the first time they experience separation from love.”
Kamand Kojouri

Jennifer E. Smith
“It's just one more thing she hadn't considered, and as the idea of it settles over her, she realizes again how entwined their lives are. They're like two trees whose branches have grown together. Even if you pull them out by the trunks, they're still going to be twisted and tangled and nearly impossible to separate at the roots.”
Jennifer E. Smith

Robin Hobb
“He had wished me well in finding my own fate to follow, and I never doubted his sincerity. But it had taken me years to accept that his absence in my life was a deliberate finality, an act he had chosen, a thing completed even as some part of my soul still dangled, waiting for his return. That, I think, is the shock of any relationship ending. It is realizing that what is still an ongoing relationship to someone is, for the other person, something finished and done with.”
Robin Hobb, Fool's Assassin

Kamand Kojouri
“Let borders become sunlight so we traverse this Earth as one nation and drive the darkness out.”
Kamand Kojouri

Katie McGarry
“My fingers draw up her back and tangle into her hair. “They’ll never separate us.”
she repeats.
Our lips crush together, our bodies pressed tight. An inferno of lips and hands and movements that continues to grow in heat. The blanket falls away as Rachel slides her legs so that she straddles me. On the verge of burning up completely, I groan and cling to her small frame. Her hands drift under my shirt, leaving a singeing trail.
We’ve become a wildfire. Almost unstoppable. I kiss her neck and the beautiful sounds escaping her mouth encourage me further. My hands skim under her shirt, up her back, linger for seconds near her bra, and I gently nip her ear when I feel lace.
Images pour into my mind of what she’d look like with her shirt off, then her jeans. My fist traps strands of her hair. “I want you, Rachel.”
And because I do, I kiss her fully on the mouth—nothing left to the imagination. Every fantasy becomes a reality with that one embrace.”
Katie McGarry, Crash into You

Emily Brontë
“The greatest punishment we could invent for her was to keep her separate from him…”
Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights

“Maybe we ran out of words, maybe we don't know what to say, maybe we both want to go our separate ways, maybe we want to speak up but we're afraid. All I know is this feeling isn't fading away.”
Dalal Gebara

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Immediately after a divorce or a breakup, your mind whispers that there are plenty more fish in the sea, while your heart shouts that there is only one whoever-you-just-divorced-or-broke-up-with.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Sanhita Baruah
“I've heard you say so many a time
That I know just the right words to say, just the right lines to rhyme...

Today it's been 7 years since we last met
I have learnt to say just the wrong words, just the lines you hate....”
Sanhita Baruah, The Farewell and other poems

Eudora Welty
“Through learning at my later date things I hadn't known, or had escaped or possibly feared realizing, about my parents - and myself - I glimpsed our whole family life as if it were freed of that clock time which spaces us apart so inhibitingly, divides young and old, keeps our living through the same experiences at separate distances. It is our inward journey that leads us through time - forward or back, seldom in a straight line, most often spiraling. Each of us is moving, changing, with respect to others. As we discover, we remember; remembering, we discover; and most intensely do we experience this when our separate journeys converge. Our living experience at those meeting points is one of the charged dramatic fields of fiction.”
Eudora Welty, On Writing

Christina Engela
“There is a word which sums up this 'separate but equal' mentality - Apartheid. And we all know how separate and how equal that was.”
Christina Engela, Blachart: Galaxii Series Book 1

Munia Khan
“I think poetry without metaphor is like husband and wife living in separate bedrooms.”
Munia Khan

Steven Magee
“As a manager, I was able to put the USA workplace mental health system to the test. In each of three separate companies there was an employee that was displaying mental health issues and I reported this to the human resources department. The outcome: I was terminated every time. The conclusion: Reporting mental health issues in USA employees will lose you your job!”
Steven Magee

Kamand Kojouri
“For how can any human be separate from humanity and humanness?”
Kamand Kojouri

Christina Engela
“Separate but equal is not equal, but it sure is separate.”
Christina Engela, Black Sunrise

Dada Bhagwan
“Once you have learned how to subtract the gross form of ‘my’, subtract the subtle form of ‘my’. Thereafter, subtract the subtler and the subtlest forms. After subtracting all that, ‘I’ [Self] will be separate!”
Dada Bhagwan

“Religion can't separate us, politics can't divide us, wealth can't classify us. We're all one! We're children of LOVE!”
Abhishek Kumar, Stardust Family - We Are One!

Dada Bhagwan
“Worldly life is based on ‘action’ and the spiritual life is based on ‘knowing’. One does the action and the other ‘sees’. The ‘doer’ and the ‘knower’ can never be the same, they are always separate. They were separate, they are separate and they will remain separate.”
Dada Bhagwan

Christina Engela
“Coming from a portion of society that likes to exclude others from it, and separate itself from others, the myth of 'the Rapture' is naturally the ultimate exclusion.”
Christina Engela

“One of the biggest issues I have against organised religion is its unregulated ability to separate people. I have never seen such a strongly rooted divisive tool in my entire time on earth as religion. With politics, sometimes better reasoning prevails and the boundaries are blurred, this is not the case with religion.

Men go to war, murder, blackmail, condemn others wholly because of different religious beliefs. Something so abstract yet so strong. It is amazing.”
Magnus Nwagu Amudi

Michael  Grant
“The intruders spoke no words as they rushed in. Five boys carrying baseball bats and tire irons. They wore an assortment of Halloween masks and stocking masks.
But Derek knew who they were.
“No! No!” he cried.
All five boys wore bulky shooter’s earmuffs. They couldn’t hear him. But more importantly, they couldn’t hear Jill.
One of the boys stayed in the doorway. He was in charge. A runty kid named Hank. The stocking pulled down over his face smashed his features into Play-Doh, but it could only be Hank.
One of the boys, fat but fast-moving and wearing an Easter Bunny mask, stepped to Derek and hit him in the stomach with his aluminum baseball bat.
Derek dropped to his knees.
Another boy grabbed Jill. He put his hand over her mouth. Someone produced a roll of duct tape.
Jill screamed. Derek tried to stand, but the blow to his stomach had winded him. He tried to stand up, but the fat boy pushed him back down.
“Don’t be stupid, Derek. We’re not after you.”
The duct tape went around and around Jill’s mouth. They worked by flashlight. Derek could see Jill’s eyes, wild with terror. Pleading silently with her big brother to save her.
When her mouth was sealed, the thugs pulled off their shooter’s earmuffs.
Hank stepped forward. “Derek, Derek, Derek,” Hank said, shaking his head slowly, regretfully. “You know better than this.”
“Leave her alone,” Derek managed to gasp, clutching his stomach, fighting the urge to vomit.
“She’s a freak,” Hank said.
“She’s my little sister. This is our home.”
“She’s a freak,” Hank said. “And this house is east of First Avenue. This is a no-freak zone.”
“Man, come on,” Derek pleaded. “She’s not hurting anyone.”
“It’s not about that,” a boy named Turk said. He had a weak leg, a limp that made it impossible not to recognize him. “Freaks with freaks, normals with normals. That’s the way it has to be.”
“All she does is—”
Hank’s slap stung. “Shut up. Traitor. A normal who stands up for a freak gets treated like a freak. Is that what you want?”
“Besides,” the fat boy said with a giggle, “we’re taking it easy on her. We were going to fix her so she could never sing again. Or talk. If you know what I mean.”
He pulled a knife from a sheath in the small of his back. “Do you, Derek? Do you understand?”
Derek’s resistance died.
“The Leader showed mercy,” Turk said. “But the Leader isn’t weak. So this freak either goes west, over the border right now. Or…” He let the threat hang there.
Jill’s tears flowed freely. She could barely breathe because her nose was running. Derek could see that by the way she sucked tape into her mouth, trying for air. She would suffocate if they didn’t let her go soon.
“Let me at least get her doll.”
Michael Grant, Lies

“God did not separate humanity from the environment in which they were created”
Sunday Adelaja

“If the creation is separated from the creator, the creation will die”
Sunday Adelaja

Dada Bhagwan
“I’ and ‘my’ are two separate tracks. They never unite. One may say, ‘this is my wife, we both are one [united]’. But we can’t say they are ‘one’, can we? Both the ‘I’ are indeed separate, aren’t they?”
Dada Bhagwan