
Self Hatred Quotes

Quotes tagged as "self-hatred" Showing 1-30 of 149
Marya Hornbacher
“I wanted to kill the me underneath. That fact haunted my days and nights. When you realize you hate yourself so much, when you realize that you cannot stand who you are, and this deep spite has been the motivation behind your behavior for many years, your brain can’t quite deal with it. It will try very hard to avoid that realization; it will try, in a last-ditch effort to keep your remaining parts alive, to remake the rest of you. This is, I believe, different from the suicidal wish of those who are in so much pain that death feels like relief, different from the suicide I would later attempt, trying to escape that pain. This is a wish to murder yourself; the connotation of kill is too mild. This is a belief that you deserve slow torture, violent death.”
Marya Hornbacher, Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia

Shannon L. Alder
“Accomplishments don’t erase shame, hatred, cruelty, silence, ignorance, discrimination, low self-esteem or immorality. It covers it up, with a creative version of pride and ego. Only restitution, forgiving yourself and others, compassion, repentance and living with dignity will ever erase the past.”
Shannon L. Alder

Cheri Huber
“If you had a person in your life treating you the way you treat yourself, you would have gotten rid of them a long time ago...”
Cheri Huber, There Is Nothing Wrong with You: Going Beyond Self-Hate

J.K. Rowling
“The mistake ninety-nine percent of humanity made, as far as Fats could see, was being ashamed of what they were; lying about it, trying to be somebody else.”
J.K. Rowling, The Casual Vacancy

Shannon L. Alder
“When you stop living your life based on what others think of you real life begins. At that moment, you will finally see the door of self acceptance opened.”
Shannon L. Alder

Robert  Burton
“[T]hou canst not think worse of me than I do of myself.”
Robert Burton, The Anatomy of Melancholy

“People say to the mentally ill, ‘You know so many people think the world of you.’ But when they don’t like themselves they don’t notice anything. They don’t care about what people think of them. When you hate yourself, whatever people say it doesn’t make sense. ‘Why do they like me? Why do they care about me?’ Because you don’t care about yourself at all.”
Richey Edwards

Shannon L. Alder
“The way you think about yourself determines your reality. You are not being hurt by the way people think about you. Many of those people are a reflection of how you think about yourself.”
Shannon L. Alder

Marya Hornbacher
“He leaned down and whispered to me: No matter how thin you get, no matter how short you cut your hair, it's still going to be you underneath. And he let go of my arm and walked back down the hall.”
Marya Hornbacher, Wasted: A Memoir of Anorexia and Bulimia

Sharon Salzberg
“The mind thinks thoughts that we don't plan. It's not as if we say, 'At 9:10 I'm going to be filled with self-hatred.”
Sharon Salzberg

André Malraux
“The attempt to force human beings to despise themselves is what I call hell.”
Andre Malraux

Sarah J. Maas
“She had been born wrong. Had been born with claws and fangs and had never been able to keep from using them, never been able to quell the part of her that raged at betrayal, that could hate and love more violently than anyone ever understood.”
Sarah J. Maas, A ​Court of Silver Flames

Cora Carmack
“Phaedra keeps saying she's being selfish. That she hates herself for it, but she does it anyway. She can't deny herself what she wants, even if it brings about her downfall and his." "And have you learned anything from our literary parallel?" "Not really, I keep thinking that she would do it all over again if there were a chance...a chance that it could go right. Even if 99 times out of a 100 the story ends badly, it's worth it if only once she gets a happy ending.”
Cora Carmack, Losing It

Lena Dunham
“That is because no one could ever hate me as much as I hate myself, okay? So any mean thing someone's gonna think of to say about me, I've already said to me, about me, probably within the last half hour.”
Lena Dunham

Christopher Hitchens
“There is a noticeable element of the pathological in some current leftist critiques, which I tend to attribute to feelings of guilt allied to feelings of impotence. Not an attractive combination, because it results in self-hatred.”
Christopher Hitchens, Christopher Hitchens and His Critics: Terror, Iraq, and the Left

Kelly Creagh
“He hated himself," Gwen said. "You just got caught in the cross fire.”
Kelly Creagh, Oblivion

Sarah J. Maas
“Cassian knew that Nesta often hated herself.

But he'd never known she hated herself enough to want to... not exist anymore.

He'd seen her expression when he mentioned the threat of falling. And he knew going back to Velaris wouldn't save her from that look. He couldn't save her from that look, either.

Only Nesta could save herself from that feeling.”
Sarah J. Maas, A ​Court of Silver Flames

Sarah J. Maas
“I am worthless and I am nothing, Nesta nearly said. She wasn't sure why the words bubbled up, pressing on her lips to voice them. I hate everything that I am. And I am so, so tired. I am tired of wanting to be anywhere but in my own head.”
Sarah J. Maas, A ​Court of Silver Flames

“True, blaming myself like that is irrational, but kids - and adults who are still processing childhood trauma - don't blame themselves simply out of a secret desire for self-hatred. They blame themselves so they can feel in control of a what seems like an impossible situation, because the only way to feel like they can process it is to reclaim their agency, even by blaming themselves for something they have no control over.”
Jasper DeWitt, The Patient

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“We are our greatest prison and our worst warden.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Curtis Tyrone Jones
“Self love will be the immunity from every infectious community that makes you sick of being who you are.”
Curtis Tyrone Jones

Sarah J. Maas
“Only sheer exhaustion could summon the oblivion she craved. Every time they stopped throughout the day, she was so tired, she fell to her knees and dumped the pack. And during the pause in motion, she was so weary she couldn't think about the ruin she'd made of herself, the ruin she'd always been, deep down. No training, no learning about the Valkyries and their Mind-Stilling would help. Nothing would help.”
Sarah J. Maas, A ​Court of Silver Flames

Sarah J. Maas
“No amount of driving her body into the earth would make her good. She knew it. Wondered if he did, too. Wondered if he thought he was trekking out here with her on a fool's errand.

Or maybe it was like one of the ancient stories she'd heard as a child: he a wicked queen's huntsman, leading her into the deep wild before caring out her heart.

She wished he would. Wished someone would cut out the damned thing from her chest. Wished someone would smother the voice that whispered of every horrible thing she had ever done, every awful thought she'd had, every person she'd failed.

She had been born wrong. Had been born with claws and fangs and had never been able to keep from using them, never been able to quell the part of her that roared at betrayal, that could hate and love more violently than anyone ever understood. Elain had been the only one who perhaps grasped it, but now her sister loathed her.

She didn't know how to fix it. How to make any of it right. How to stop being this way.”
Sarah J. Maas, A ​Court of Silver Flames

Toshio Meronek
“If self-hatred was hammered into you when you were young, Major wants you to know that you're important - that being an outsider helps you develop skin that's both tough and pliable in social situations. You are a stronger person because of the shit you've gone through.”
Toshio Meronek, Miss Major Speaks: Conversations with a Black Trans Revolutionary

Curtis Tyrone Jones
“Being enough is something you are not something you earn.”
Curtis Tyrone Jones

“Through the years she learned to reject the stories and the culture that ran in her blood. It fought, surfacing in every strand of her hair and darkening her skin each summer. Still, she tried to quell it; her mother's fear of them being punished by the world had morphed into a self-hatred that latched onto her bones.”
Leah Myers, Thinning Blood: A Memoir of Family, Myth, and Identity

Fyodor Dostoevsky
“Did I murder that old woman? I murdered myself, not her! I crushed myself once and for all, for ever... but it was the devil that killed that old woman, not I.”
Fyodor Dostoevsky

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