
Self Critical Quotes

Quotes tagged as "self-critical" Showing 1-23 of 23
Maggie Nelson
“Most of my writing usually feels to me like a bad idea, which makes it hard for me to know which ideas feel bad because they have merit, and which ones feel bad because they don't”
Maggie Nelson, The Argonauts

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“We must clean the lens of our hearts to see the state of our souls. However, too often the former is too dirty to even know that the latter exists.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“Equitable and righteous thoughts are essential. A humble person who seeks an authentic life overlooks errors of other people, accepts criticism, and assumes exclusive responsibility for performing the necessary task in his or her own life. A person with integrity throws off darkness and feeds his or her soul.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“One of the universally despised sins is hypocrisy, falsely pretending to hold beliefs, feelings, standards qualities, opinions, virtues, motivations, or other characteristics that a person does not actually hold. Powerful people tend to be the greatest hypocrites, which accounts for why scandal, false preachers, and mealy-mouthed persons are so prevalent in bastions of reigning political parties. Hypocrisy occurs because some people are too lazy, weak-willed, or stupid to live up to their professed beliefs. It also occurs because of a propensity of people to engage in self-deception and self-ignorance, reliance upon fabricated (“pseudo evidence”) perceived through a self-serving bias, failure to challenge personal beliefs and behavior, and refusal to listen to justified criticism.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Ramani Durvasula
“Your vulnerable partner may frequently put himself down and sometimes respond to positive feedback, but, in general, he is chronically self-critical and may seem neglectful or dejected most of the time. It often looks like depression. If this is your partner, you may become aware of this pattern over time through the absolute sense of isolation, neglect, and disconnection that unfolds.”
Ramani Durvasula, Should I Stay or Should I Go?: Surviving a Relationship with a Narcissist

John Mark Green
“Refuse to blame yourself for not being 'good enough”
John Mark Green

“By repeatedly losing worthy battles with the self, I gain a sense of faithful mysticism that a person’s realizes whenever his or her paltry earthly reality fails to match up their quixotic notions.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Yong Kang Chan
“Our reaction to self-criticism is more important than the self-criticism itself. Paying attention to our reactions is very important because the only thing we have control over is how we react.”
Yong Kang Chan, The Disbelief Habit: How to Use Doubt to Make Peace with Your Inner Critic

Yong Kang Chan
“Escaping is running away from the truth, but disbelief is running towards the truth.”
Yong Kang Chan, The Disbelief Habit: How to Use Doubt to Make Peace with Your Inner Critic

“Self-evaluation proved to be distasteful business. The refraction of light created from an undulating wave of critical self-observation passing through a tarnished lens produces its own morose, self-negating fixations that can result in a dangerous downward spiral. Unless timely arrested, murderous bouts of self-hatred can destroy a person. A person must use self-detestation exclusively as a means to pry oneself away from the haunting specter created courtesy of the clamor, filth, and grunginess of their prior anarchism. Kick starting a stranded person’s emotional motors through reflective contemplation and thoughtful rumination acts to prod loose remote memories seared in the unspoken silence of a person’s unconscious memory bank. Self-discovery is also an uplifting affair. Contemplation helps one confront their streaked presence and realign their inner voice with the sanguine spirits of their ancestors that preceded one in the walk through time.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Curtis Tyrone Jones
“Infinity peeks into humanity and sees itself immediately, but we pick ourselves apart ceaselessly and never see the hidden immensity.”
Curtis Tyrone Jones, Mirrors Of The Sun: Finding Reflections Of Light In The Shittiness Of Life

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Imagine the whole world is applauding you! Is this good for you? No! Because if there isn't even a single person to criticize you, your chance to get rid of your mistakes will only depend on your self-critic!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

“Being too self-critical is like being your own enemy.”
Garima Soni - words world

“Each of us must use self-scrutiny in order to ascertain how to immerse ourselves into prevailing culture and develop personals skills and survival mechanisms in order to cope with all the paradoxes and complications of a chaotic world. We cannot gauge the equipoise of our emotional health by examining the columns of numbers representing money earned or sums owed on a financial balance sheet. We must periodically take stock of our character assets and personality liabilities. Maintaining a permanency of felicity lodged in our lightsome soul might be the most important asset besides physical genetics that we will ever possess. Unlike our genetic disposition, we are the sole sentinels of our emotional health.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Yong Kang Chan
“Maybe self-criticism isn’t the problem, but rather how we react to the criticism that is the problem.”
Yong Kang Chan, The Disbelief Habit: How to Use Doubt to Make Peace with Your Inner Critic

Yong Kang Chan
“Don’t change your self-criticism habit. Change your habitual reactions to self-criticism.”
Yong Kang Chan, The Disbelief Habit: How to Use Doubt to Make Peace with Your Inner Critic

Katherine Center
“I was going to make myself miserable on this trip by being overly serious and overly self-conscious and overly self-critical. And Jake was going to make me even more miserable by being the pure opposite of all those things.”
katherine center

“Without the fervor to taste life’s bewitching fruit and in absence of a keenness to gain personal knowledge gained through exploring, probing, surveillance, and self-scrutiny, I risk apathy, befuddlement, and lethargy overwhelming me.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“Running the gauntlet of the trials and tribulations of life, we accumulate an array of useful habits and self-defeating behavior. A personal routine that customary characteristics garner positive traits must be cultivated with care. We must ruthlessly discard the bad habits of yesterday along with any notion that one will appease a restless soul’s willful temperament with acceptance of any degree of personal slovenliness. Injecting new challenges into our lives can assist us recognize when we have allowed apathy and stale habits to dampen our spirit and dull our minds. Rejection of all forms of personal inadequacy and casting aside familiar tapestries opens our eyes to rediscover the unsullied sensation of living vigorously.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Maybe one of the greatest criticisms that we can levy against ourselves is our unwillingness to stand against the criticisms that people levy against themselves.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough