
Satisfying Quotes

Quotes tagged as "satisfying" Showing 1-30 of 30
Leslie   Garland
“You know,” he continued reflectively, “there is something very satisfying about making something, creating it, modelling it on your dream and making that dream become a reality. Yes, we all have dreams. That's the easy bit. It's making them come real that's not so easy.”
Leslie W.P. Garland, The Golden Tup

William Lawrence Bragg
“[Presently, science undergraduates] do not learn to write clearly and briefly, marshalling their points in due and aesthetically satisfying order, and eliminating inessentials. They are inept at those turns of phrase or happy analogy which throw a flying bridge across a chasm of misunderstanding and make contact between mind and mind.”
Sir William Bragg

Kamand Kojouri
“I have died at the ripe age of twenty.
Smile, for the world didn't get a chance to disappoint me.

I have died at the mature age of ninety.
Smile, for my life was more than satisfying.

I have died suddenly—out of the blue.
Smile, for I didn't have to fall ill before you.

I have died from a long illness.
Smile, for I had the chance to say goodbye.

I did not want to leave this Earth.
But smile, for I am still here among you.

Why are you crying?
Can you not see I am smiling?”
Kamand Kojouri

“The gospel has done its work in us when we crave God more than we crave everything else in life and when seeing His kingdom advance in the lives of others gives us more joy than anything we could own. When we see Jesus as greater than anything the world can offer, we’ll gladly let everything else go to possess Him.”
J.D. Greear, Gospel: Recovering the Power that Made Christianity Revolutionary

Ryan Lilly
“The smell of new office supplies is so satisfying while being kicked out of Staples for inappropriate behavior with a file folder is so embarrassing.”
Ryan Lilly, Write like no one is reading

Manoj Arora
“Don't try to preserve your energy.
Rather, think of a worthwhile purpose in life and burn yourself up.... for that's what is satisfying and fulfilling.”
Manoj Arora, Dream On

Patricia Highsmith
“My story can move fast, as I can't, it can have a reasonable and perhaps perfect solution, as mine can't. A solution that is somehow satisfying, as my personal solution never can be.”
Patricia Highsmith

Carian Cole
“So I shredded their cash, put it in a box with a fresh pile of the dog's shit, and mailed it back to them. Mature? No. Immensely satisfying? Hell fuckin' yes.”
Carian Cole, Tied

“Pak's head snapped back, his eyes bulging, mouth frozen open in midsentence.”
David Michaels, Fallout

Vicki M. Taylor
“Ms. Taylor's writing style is clear, without frills, and so streamlined that her story flows and flows and flows, without taking a break, to its satisfying conclusion.
Maeve of Tara”
Vicki M. Taylor, Not Without Anna

Amit Kalantri
“For happiness don't pursue satisfaction, but pursue heroism.”
Amit Kalantri

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“If we would dare to accomplish half of what we are capable of we would live a life twice as fulfilling.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
“When you cannot satisfy yourself, it is foolish to expect others to satisfy you or you to satisfy others”
P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar

C.A.A. Savastano
“The more emotionally satisfying an idea is the more it should be critically regarded, because we as humans are prone despite contrary facts to believe our desires are true.”
C.A.A. Savastano

Heather E. Heying
“In the moment, an anticipated rush of sugar, or of dopamine, or sinking into a couch to be entertained by a screen, can seem like the best thing in the world. But it is not those moments that we remember, and it is not those moments that we treasure. They are not rich with meaning. Fleeting, easy satisfaction does not a meaningful life make.


Consider how you know about speed, for instance. When driving on a warm Spring day with the windows open, you can understand how fast you are going by feeling the wind in and around the car; by recognizing the road’s surface and cant and your car’s responsiveness to it; by observing other vehicles and how they are moving, and how they respond to you. Or you can read the number on the speedometer. The first provides an understanding of speed that is embodied and holistic; the second way of knowing how fast you are going, in contrast, is a much thinner kind of knowledge. That number that you glean from a glance at the speedometer tells you something, but it is both far less meaningful than having an embodied sense of speed, and far easier to communicate when you get pulled over.”
Heather E. Heying

Chuck Palahniuk
“It amounted to a pornography of being right. No orgasm would be as satisfying as proving everyone else wrong.”
Chuck Palahniuk, Adjustment Day

Sarah J. Maas
“I'll come with you,' I said softly to Tamlin, to Lucien, shifting on his feet, 'if you leave them alone. Let them go.'

You do not hold me.

Tamlin's face contorted with wrath. 'They're monsters. They're-' He didn't finish as he stalked across the floor to grab me. To drag me out of here, then no doubt winnow away.

You do not hold me.

The fist gripping my power relaxed. Vanished.

Tamlin lunged for me over the few feet that remained. So fast- too fast-

I became mist and shadow.

I winnowed beyond his reach. The king let out a low laugh as Tamlin stumbled.

And went sprawling as Rhysand's fist connected with his face.

Panting, I retreated right into Rhysand's arms as one looped around my waist, as Azriel's blood on him soaked into my back. Behind us, Mor leaped in to fill the space Rhys had vacated, slinging Azriel's arm over her shoulders.
Tamlin rose, wiping the blood now trickling from his nose as he backed to where Lucien held his position with a hand on his sword.

But just as Tamlin neared his Emissary, he staggered a step. His face went white with rage.

And I knew Tamlin understood a moment before the king laughed. 'I don't believe it. Your bride left you only to find her mate. The Mother has a warped sense of humour, it seems. And what a talent- tell me, girl; how did you unravel that spell?'

I ignored him. But the hatred in Tamlin's eyes made my knees buckle. 'I'm sorry,' I said, and meant it.

Tamlin's eyes were on Rhysand, his face near-feral. 'You,' he snarled, the sound more animal than Fae. 'What did you do to her?”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Thorns and Roses

Alexia D. Miller
“They made their way past the heavy carved doors and his eyes imme-diately examined the room. He surveyed the perfectly preserved books lining the wall furthest from the entry, the dark amaranth desk and chair covered with large stacks of papers and the box of photobooks beside it on the floor. He inspected the glass on the coffee table and could just make out their fat cat Butter slowly making his way towards his feet to demand his daily massage.”
Alexia D. Miller, Crystal Storm: Battleground

Amit Kalantri
“There will never be complete satisfaction in the life, satisfaction is an illusion, there is only heroism.”
Amit Kalantri

Arlo Crawford
“Even so, the land felt like it still does today—it filled the hollow in a satisfying way.”
Arlo Crawford, A Farm Dies Once a Year

Chris Guillebeau
“You can't achieve anything deeply satisfying without a drawn-out process leading up to it- and yet process demands a goal. You can't love one without at least appreciating the other.”
Chris Guillebeau, The Happiness of Pursuit: Finding the Quest That Will Bring Purpose to Your Life

“What does a customer need? Ask him “What keeps you busy now?” and think about how to help the customer avoid doing what he does now. A customer does not want to keep doing what he currently does. A customer needs something that allows him to avoid a current activity.”
Anatoly Agulyansky

Awdhesh Singh
“The most intriguing thing about choosing an important but less interesting job is that it challenges you. The duller the job, the more challenging it is since not many people are willing to take up such tasks. However, once you get into this challenging job, the same job gradually becomes very interesting and satisfying.”
Awdhesh Singh, 31 Ways to Happiness

Ron Baratono
“When we occupy our mind with an uncomfortable past situation, we’ve just place our future thoughts on hold, for the precious moments we should be thinking about. The wonders that wait ahead in our lives can be beautiful and amazing. Some of the most peaceful and satisfying thoughts we have, will be when we’re awake and dreaming.”
Ron Baratono

Sarah        Smith
“And then someone asks if Callum is as skilled in the bedroom as he is in the kitchen. That's when my blood turns to magma.
I slam my hand on top of the metal countertop. "Listen the hell up!"
My shout silences every last one of the vloggers. The high schooler looks on with a shocked expression and mutters, "Yes, ma'am."
"My personal life isn't up for discussion. I'm also not interested in name-dropping any of you in a commercial when you've been harassing me and my customers every day since the festival. I'm here to cook and serve food, and you goddamn piranhas are crowding around my truck, making it impossible for my mother and me to serve our customers. Either get the hell out of the way so my customers can order, or else."
There's silence, followed by soft mutters. A scrawny, white guy in the back of the crowd tucks his phone into his pocket and crosses his arms, stubborn written across his frown. "Or else what?"
Leaning my head back, I puff out all the hot air pent up in my body. He's the pissant who asked about Callum's bedroom performance. I swipe a bottle of lemon-lime soda from the counter and give it a dozen of the most violent shakes I can manage. I stomp out of the truck and up to the offending vlogger.
Even when I'm standing two inches from him, he has the audacity to smirk. But when I twist off the cap, a stream of soda smashes him square in the face. My frustration dissipates with each violent burst of carbonated liquid.”
Sarah Smith, Simmer Down

Holly Black
“You want to free him? Let's gut him like a haddock. Quicker and far more satisfying.”
Holly Black, The Queen of Nothing

Sarah J. Maas
“Tamlin ran for me. To grab me at last.

I hurled a knife at him- as hard as I could.

He had to dive to miss it. And he backed away as the second one I had ready, gaping at me, at Rhys, as if he could indeed see the mating bond between us.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury

Sarah J. Maas
“The Weaver's dress rustled as she crept closer in the gloom. 'Who did you bring, little wolf? What did you bring to me?'

Ianthe and her two guards stepped over the threshold. Then another step. Past the open door. They didn't see me in the shadows behind it.

'Dinner,' I said to the Weaver, whirling around the door- to its outside face. And let go of the handle.

Just as the door slammed shut hard enough to rattle the cottage, I saw the ball of faelight that Ianthe lifted to illuminate the room.

Saw the horrible face of the Weaver, that mouth of stumped teeth opening wide with delight and unholy hunger. A death-god of old- starved for life. With a beautiful priestess before her.

I was already hurtling for the trees when the guards and Ianthe began screaming.”
Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Wings and Ruin

Stephanie Garber
“Get your hands off her, you son of a bitch!'

Jacks ran across the cavern and punched Apollo in the face. Then he punched him again and again. He punched until he stopped feeling his fist, breaking Apollo's bones. When blood spewed from the prince's nose, Jacks felt it spray his cheek.

It would have been easier just to stab the bastard in the throat. But Jacks needed to hurt him first.

'I will kill you for this!' Jacks rained down more punches on Apollo's face.”
Stephanie Garber, A Curse for True Love

Stephanie Garber
“You told me it would take the life of the person I love the most.'

'It is,' Wolfric replied. 'It's taking you.”
Stephanie Garber, A Curse for True Love