
Run For Your Life Quotes

Quotes tagged as "run-for-your-life" Showing 1-6 of 6
Ольга Громыко
“Пулеметы со скрипом задвигались, наводясь на цель.
– Бежим! – гаркнул Станислав. Уставное «отступаем!» никогда ему не нравилось: оптимизма в нем было больше, но и слогов – тоже.”
Ольга Громыко, Космоэколухи

“Don't worry. If I'm going to kill someone, I will just stab them instead of going in such a roundabout way like in Case Closed.”
Kirian Camellia Pileta Monier

Emory R. Frie
“Can we at least avoid the cannibals? I prefer not to vomit when screaming for my life.”
Emory R. Frie, Enchanted Forest

Greg Cox
“He was probably just being paranoid, but why take chances? He quickened his pace, hoping to put a little more distance between himself and his (inadvertent?) tail. A taxi was sounding better and better, but now that he actually wanted one, he looked in vain for an unoccupied cab. Darkened storefronts, guarded by iron bars and pull-down metal shutters, offered little in the way of shelter should he need to get off the street in a hurry. He searched his own pockets for something to defend himself with, just in case, but found only his favorite Sharpie.

Great, he thought sarcastically. Whoever said the pen was mightier than the sword had obviously never been stalked down a lonely city street by a guy who looked like he could go nine rounds with Bigfoot. Next time I arrange for an escort home.
Greg Cox, The Bestseller Job