
Romantic Poems Quotes

Quotes tagged as "romantic-poems" Showing 1-26 of 26
Kamand Kojouri
“Nothing belongs to itself anymore.
These trees are yours because you once looked at them.
These streets are yours because you once traversed them.
These coffee shops and bookshops, these cafés and bars, their sole owner is you.
They gave themselves so willingly, surrendering to your perfume.
You sang with the birds and they stopped to listen to you.
You smiled at the sheepish stars and they fell into your hair.
The sun and moon, the sea and mountain, they have all left from heartbreak.
Nothing belongs to itself anymore.
You once spoke to Him, and then God became yours.
He sits with us in darkness now
to plot how to make you ours.” K.K.”
Kamand Kojouri

John Mark Green
“Just like a rose, our love
unfolds itself with time.
From its beginning bud,
a blooming most sublime.
And with each passing year,
such sweeter scent it yields.
Come laughter or come tears,
more petals are revealed.”
John Mark Green

Kamand Kojouri
“Why Do I Write?⁣⁣
Isn’t it obvious?⁣⁣
I write because these words⁣⁣
form a bridge⁣⁣
that take me to you.⁣⁣
Go to my desk⁣⁣
and ask my pen.⁣⁣
Swift through the once naked pages⁣⁣
and ask the ink:⁣⁣

Kamand Kojouri

Kamand Kojouri
“Why Do I Write?
Isn’t it obvious?
I write because these words
form a bridge
that take me to you.
Go to my desk
and ask my pen.
Swift through the once naked pages
and ask the ink:
Why does she write?
They’ll reaffirm these words:
She is proud of you.
She is proud of knowing you,
of loving you.
Yes, proud. I am proud
to have chosen you to love.
To me, it isn’t even a question—
one must always yield to love.
Yes, love. We must love
if only because we are alive.
But who to love—that is the question.
I write because
you are my answer.”
Kamand Kojouri

Tatjana   Ostojic
“I will pack
and turn my back on you,
taking my chances with mediocre poetry
to immortalise faded colours
of our tattered love.

I will pack,
coating my heart with a thick layer of ice.
I will pack my tears and all I have lost,
my lost innocence, my warmth,
hard earned patience and the dreams of our children in our hands.

Stay well, my only one.
No words are left to tell...”
Tatjana Ostojic

Tatjana   Ostojic
“Her image mirrored in his eyes.
Embraced, tightly holding breath.
Two swaying shadows kept in secret,
shielded by the mountain,
soothing unquenched thirst
for one another.
Their throbbing hearts,
finding peace in fervour.”
Tatjana Ostojic

Nithin Purple
“O' Muse, goddess of music, songs and a poet's mind,bestow me your sources with treasures vivid;that of beauty you shall exempt to liberal lend,with genii of views in fancied world holds an aid—like a rare device which instructs the deep ideas.”
Nithin Purple, Halcyon Wings: 'These passions feathers are gathering on a winged vision'

Nithin Purple
“Cynthia then holiness spread in arctic dews,
from lately month that it pinion'd the living world,there did swell the mild and greenish meadows,winter anew its frozen gold of treasury wild.”
Nithin Purple, Halcyon Wings: 'These passions feathers are gathering on a winged vision'

Nithin Purple
“When it forms the soul of purest liberty,which an aid that makes all the broad sense vivid and meet knowledge's growing beauty,mindful state where solemn music attunes.”
Nithin Purple, Halcyon Wings: 'These passions feathers are gathering on a winged vision'

Nithin Purple
“Behold the world,where I stoop to dwell in,
where no chasms that safe my varying dim views,but has the e'er longing for nature's inn,
silent her breeze,that lulls my tiresome eyes.”
Nithin Purple, Halcyon Wings: 'These passions feathers are gathering on a winged vision'

Nithin Purple
“Behold the world,where I stoop to dwell in, where no chasms that safe my varying dim views, but have the e'er longing for nature's inn,
silent her breeze,that lulls my tiresome eyes;”
Nithin Purple, Halcyon Wings: 'These passions feathers are gathering on a winged vision'

Nithin Purple
“Behold the world,where I stoop to dwell in, where no chasms that safe my varying dim views, but have the e'er longing for nature's inn,
silent her breeze,that lulls my tiresome eyes.”
Nithin Purple, Halcyon Wings: 'These passions feathers are gathering on a winged vision'

Nithin Purple
“While this fancy a stretched art,
when cheers,her beeps long and raves
when from secret eyes so well dart,
to scan in peace and solemn strives.”
Nithin Purple, Halcyon Wings: 'These passions feathers are gathering on a winged vision'

Nithin Purple
“Now weary drought is unfolding with morn's very maturing warmth,where scorching sun's importing beams a glowing fire upon our hearth.Naught,the chillness of rills,no more a flowering spot for musing eyes,summer's dirge is haunting still,we singing our notes in hapless ease.”
Nithin Purple, Halcyon Wings: 'These passions feathers are gathering on a winged vision'

Nithin Purple
“If ‘beauty’ be the self-satisfied pride she bears,each fly does wing around her cherubic sweet face,as they; lovers seek what her anonymous covers,and dream them in a transient trace.”
Nithin Purple, Halcyon Wings: 'These passions feathers are gathering on a winged vision'

Nithin Purple
“Meandering the soul, poor wretch baffl'd kid,
whence shall go and wherefore it strives to hourly fate,irregular, perplexed, timely wet and frigid—by life, naive is you and fierce too your dispute.”
Nithin Purple, Halcyon Wings: 'These passions feathers are gathering on a winged vision'

Moses Yuriyvich Mikheyev
“Moonlight washing up against our fragile bodies
Stars collapsing from eager expectation
as I touch
between passionate
mouthfuls of your truth.

A thousand misplaced kisses
and yet
only one of you.”
Moses Yuriyvich Mikheyev, Strange Deaths of the Last Romantic

Abhijit Naskar
“Love Logic Intention (The Drunken Sonnet)

Love that keeps you sober is no love,
There is no soldier only drunken lover.
A thousand dazzling Vegas turn bleak,
When the soul shines with love's labor.
For once, let go of all judgment my friend,
Wipe out all cynicism from your core.
Close your eyes and look with your heart,
Either we are lovers or at death's door.
Nutty logic makes nice machines,
Nutty love makes a good society.
Scars of love add definition to life,
Tears of a lover are diamonds of divinity.
Right world is the result of right intention.
If you want light, burn, burn 'n burn again.”
Abhijit Naskar, Honor He Wrote: 100 Sonnets For Humans Not Vegetables

“we lit up that cigarette and looked out the window into the starry night’s sky love found us aching hoping for something more love found us in the middle of the night”
R J Avenira

“You and everything!

Everything and everyone can wait,
As long as you are with me it is never late,

For it is the Summer flowers that ought to worry,
Because winter always seems to arrive in a hurry,

But when you are beside me, who cares whether it is summer or winter,
For we can create anything as long as we are together,

So let the Sun rise Irma, and let it set, let the Moon shine and disappear,
Because in your presence anything can reappear,

Let it be night forever or a day that never ends,
Because around you and for you everything without any hesitation bends,

Let the world incriminate me for my belief,
As long as you love me, I need not know or feel any other form of relief,

Let the world pray to the Gods or who cares if it is a Godless world,
Because in my universe there is a Goddess who creates for me a truly God fearing world,

So, let everything end, or let everything begin,
For when I am with you, I care not, whether I lose or win!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Forever my love!

Patterns of her vogue, manifest in everything,
The long nights and the sunny days,
A thing not influenced by her, there is almost nothing,
The feelings are visceral as I think of her sweet ways,

But these are not patterns you can see,
They are beyond what meets the eye,
A feeling vanquished from the territory of mind and cast into the sea,
Sea of feelings floating in the boundaries of the heart and lodged in the eye,

The eye of the lover, who is least vindictive,
Where dreams are the same, every sight is the same,
For other than her memories and nothing is more addictive,
As long as the heart is caught in this game,

But time the greatest swindler and the most gracious as well,
Steals what two lovers wish so dearly to preserve,
For it has no love story of its own to tell,
So in the stocks of past moments our love stories it does conserve,

And as I dream of her and her ways,
Time waits for my dream to end,
It has stood there now for a million days,
For I, with my every heart beat, my love for her defend,

So whenever a moment escapes to be lost forever,
I store its essences in my memory,
And for the time I replay it again and again, creating a moment called forever,
So I trick time and trap it in a moment that was meant to be temporary,

And here I am loving her in a moment that shall never end,
Time is waiting, and maybe it will be in this state forever,
While my memories to my heart, numerous moments of joys lend,
I become part of a beautiful dream that eventually will continue forever!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“In love then and in love now

In love then and in love now,
The mind never protested,
And I fell in love,
Because the heart too never resisted,

Time grew on us together,
Both of us, she and I as well,
Almost like two different people bearing the same feather,
And thus, in love we fell,

She became the sun that only shone for me,
While I always believed I was something similar for her,
And we became eternal lovers, and that is how it was meant to be,
She loving me and I loving her,

Her skin, her lips, her eyes were the only beauty’s icons I wanted to feel and see,
And in moments of love I spilled over her like a wave of joy,
And I loved her with every part of me,
Like a child, like a man and at times like a youthful innocent boy,

So, I continue to love her everyday and today,
With the clarity of my mind,
Because my heart beats for her everyday,
And wherever I may see, it is her eyes, her lips and her, that I find,

And it shall be so today and tomorrow too, because it is a feeling pleasuresome,
To love her now as I loved her then,
And when I think of you Irma, time does not become burdensome,
Because somehow it feels now, as it felt then!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Beautiful ways

Memories with deep feelings,
Are like always retracting emotions,
They drop like sticky cob web hanging from the ceilings,
And retrieve many moments filled with deep sensations,

Sometimes they lead to poignancy,
And sometimes they bring flashes of her sweet memories,
And then the heart struggles to find its buoyancy,
Because the mind willingly all these moments carries,

Poor heart’s every perversion,
Fails to convince the mind to consider the heart’s requests, the heart that keeps it alive,
Alas the mind is a slave to her memories and her beautiful sensation,
And without bearing her feelings in no other thinking avenues it wishes to dive,

So the heart beats with a sense of precariousness,
While the mind seeks her sensations, her feelings and enters a state of meditation,
Where it only ponders on her feelings and her loveliness,
And the poor heart becomes the victim of its own creation,

Of loving, of feeling, of emoting, of beating just for her,
And as the mind becomes unresponsive,
I neither think of my anguished heart, my inactive mind, but just about her, and only about her,
And wait and hope that the reality becomes a little bit sensitive and a bit more submissive,

But destiny that turns the wheels of time and everything,
Has its own plans to execute and fulfil,
To it love, lovers, feelings do not mean anything,
Because it obeys someone else’s heart’s will,

For destiny is true to her emotions and her love affair,
And I too then proclaim I am devoted to my memories and their every sensation,
And loving her is by all means sensible and fair,
For if destiny can do what it pleases, my heart and mind too shall seek their destiny in their most loving destination,

So let destiny play its game and cast the heart and mind in time’s bottomless well,
But let it know, that we all- my heart, my mind and I, shall fill it too with her sensation,
And then time may bid to every other life’s pursuit its final farewell,
And then mine shall be the destiny and I shall live with her in the world that will be her beauty’s creation,

So, let my heart love her enough,
Let my mind think of her always,
For time and destiny maybe tough,
But love and facts always find their new and beautiful ways!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Let my heart and mind

The heart loves,
The mind thinks,
The heart wants to believe in what it loves,
But the mind denies to feel before it thinks,

The day brings her forth in beauty’s all possible forms,
The night hides her from the eyes desperate to see her,
Then the mind creates her in all known and felt forms,
While the heart begins to only beat for her,

The pulse of life seeks her in everything,
While the fear of death scares the mind,
But the heart is busy creating her life’s impressions in everything,
So that when the mind dies, it loves her with its own mind,

But neither the heart nor the mind bother to consult me,
For the mind believes what it thinks and the heart believes only what it feels,
And my mind constantly thinks of her, my heart only loves to feel her, and ah what a joy they both bring to me,
Because only when my heart is loving her, my mind the true pulse of life feels,

So I finally get to know the heart in love,
My mind that loves to think only her thoughts,
And finally I allow my heart to be the heart of love,
And my mind the mind of loving thoughts,

Her thoughts, her love, her feelings, her everything,
Until I lose every sense that defines me,
Because now just like my heart, wherever I might be, I only see her in everything,
Even her sensation now fills a major part of me,

And finally I manage to give all these feelings a name,
That always feels and sounds the same,
She, her beauty, her feelings and her name,
The world around me has not evolved, but certainly has changed, but her feeling and my love for her remain the same,

So my love Irma, let my heart feel you long enough,
For it loves beating for you,
Let my mind think of you long enough,
For I love it, when it only thinks of you!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Let my heart and mind

The heart loves,
The mind thinks,
The heart wants to believe in what it loves,
But the mind denies to feel before it thinks,

The day brings her forth in beauty’s all possible forms,
The night hides her from the eyes desperate to see her,
Then the mind creates her in all known and felt forms,
While the heart begins to only beat for her,

The pulse of life seeks her in everything,
While the fear of death scares the mind,
But the heart is busy creating her life’s impressions in everything,
So that when the mind dies, it loves her with its own mind,

But neither the heart nor the mind bother to consult me,
For the mind believes what it thinks and the heart believes only what it feels,
And my mind constantly thinks of her, my heart only loves to feel her, and ah what a joy they both bring to me,
Because only when my heart is loving her, my mind the true pulse of life feels,

So I finally get to know the heart in love,
My mind that loves to think only her thoughts,
And finally I allow my heart to be the heart of love,
And my mind the mind of loving thoughts,

Her thoughts, her love, her feelings, her everything,
Until I lose every sense that defines me,
Because now just like my heart, wherever I might be, I only see her in everything,
Even her sensation now fills a major part of me,

And finally I manage to give all these feelings a name,
That always feels and sounds the same,
She, her beauty, her feelings and her name,
The world around me has not evolved, but it certainly has changed, but her feeling and my love for her remain the same,

So my love Irma, let my heart feel you long enough,
For it loves beating for you,
Let my mind think of you long enough,
For I love it, when it only thinks of you!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

Krupesh Thacker
“तुम दूर हो गए हमसे पर, ना हुए जुदा”
Krupesh Thacker, Na Hue Judaa (ना हुए जुदा): Poetic Love Story with Romantic Poems