
Ro Quotes

Quotes tagged as "ro" Showing 1-10 of 10
Shannon Messenger
“It's time to listen to your girl. No arguing—she's smarter than you.”
Shannon Messenger, Flashback

Shannon Messenger
“But at least this place has dinosaurs.”
Shannon Messenger, Nightfall

Shannon Messenger
“You changed Iggy’s color?” she asked, heading over to his cage, where, sure enough, the tiny imp had yet another new look. His neatly trimmed, gold, sparkly fur was now a much poofier ice blue with tiny crimps.

“Huh, I figured he’d be pink and purple,” Sophie admitted, pointing to Ro’s colorful pigtails.

Ro tossed her head, swishing her hair in the process. “Uh, no, I’m not sharing my fabulous style with anyone—much less a creature who spent the last hour eating his own toenails. But I thought it was only right to save your imp from being sparkle-fied—and I was going to be nice and turn him your favorite color. But apparently your favorite color is teal—and yeah, yeah, we all know why. But, um, do you realize how many of the nastiest little microbes are in that color?" She shuddered. "I couldn't do that to you—or the little dude. So I went with a nice ice blue. The kind of color you can't help but love. Classic. Reliable—”
Shannon Messenger, Legacy

Shannon Messenger
“Dude, enough with the cutesy pin names," Ro told him.
"Never!" Keefe said, adding a verminion he called Cheeky.”
Shannon Messenger, Flashback

A.E. Via
“Do me a favor, Ro,” Day said calmly.

“What’s that?” Ronowski peeked around Johnson again.

“Johnson won’t be with you all the time. Remind me to kick your ass later,” Day said.

Ronowski came to stand in front of Day, looked at his watch and smirked. “Sure, what time works for you?”

Day looked at his watch too. “Uhhh, let’s see. How’s five thirty, is that good?”

“I just remembered I’m busy at five thirty.”

“So what time can you be there?”

“I can do five thirty-five.”

“Damn, that’s cutting it close. I might be a little late, but wait on my ass whippin’.”

“Will you dumb asses shut up? Lord help us…they’ve bonded.” The captain tried to suppress his laugh. “God, how the hell do you put up with Day’s mouth?”

“I got something that’ll make him shut him up,” God said in a deep voice.

Everyone groaned and scrunched their faces up in disgust.

“We don’t want to hear that shit, God. Ugh,” the captain said while pouring his cup of coffee.

God looked at Day and saw he wasn’t the slightest bit fazed and if he knew his lover—which he most certainly did—Day would not let him get the last word.

“It’s all a mind game that I play with God. He thinks he’s shutting me up…but when he’s finished with my mouth…I start talking again.” Day winked.

“I’m leaving. I should write your asses up for inappropriate conduct in front of a superior.” The captain hauled ass out of the room.

Johnson and Ronowski were shaking their heads too and telling Day “he sure knew how to clear a room.”

“I got to get back across town,” Johnson said and bent down and whispered something in Ronowski’s ear that made the man turn red.

God tried to pull Day away but he refused to budge. When Johnson said good-bye to them and left out the room, Day mock whispered to Ronowski. “I told you. One good pounding is all you—”

“For fucks sake, Leo,” Ronowski groaned, grabbing his soda hightailing it out of there before Day could finish his sentence.”
A. E. Via
tags: day, god, johnson, ro

A.E. Via
“God came up and kissed Day on his forehead. When Day looked over at Johnson, who was still slowly sipping his soda, the guy did look lonely as hell. Before Day could say something kind, his other headache strolled in.

“Oh hell. What the fuck is going on in here? This must be the officer’s gay alliance club meeting.”

Day blew an exasperated breath. “And now that you’re here, Ronowski, all members are present and we can begin.”

Day smiled as God and Johnson practically spit their drinks out laughing.

Ronowski fumed. “Day, you’re going to stop calling me gay! I have never been gay! I will never be gay, and I don’t like anyone that is gay! So stop saying that before people start believing your bullshit!”

Day clapped his hands together once. “Okay everyone those are the notes from last week’s meeting, now on to new business.” Day leveled Ronowski with a stern glare. “Ronowski, you are gay, man. You’re tightly closeted. But you are indeed gay, ultra-gay. You’re fuckin’ Marvin Gay. You crash landed on Earth when your gay planet exploded.” Day moved away from God and stood in front of an openmouthed Ronowski. “Come out of the closet already. It’s so bright and wonderful out here. Dude, I’ve seen Brokeback Mountain too, don’t believe that bullshit. No one cares who you fuck…ya know…like you tell me every. Single. Day. Of. My. Life,” Day said exaggeratedly.

He stepped in so close to Ronowski that he could smell the body wash he used.

“Let a man bang your back out one time.” Day leaned in to the man’s ear and felt Ronowski’s body give a fierce shutter. “I mean pound your ass so hard that you can’t walk straight for a week, and I guarantee you, you’ll want to march in the next gay pride parade, wearing nothing but a glitter jockstrap and a fuckin’ hot-pink feather boa.” Day stepped back and saw the beads of sweat that had popped up on Ronowski’s forehead. Satisfied he’d proven his point he refilled his coffee and left the break room.”
A.E. Via

A.E. Via
“So are you going to tell me why Ronowski pulled you into the break room when we got back today?” God asked watching Day closely.

Day shook his head at him, smiling wickedly. “It was about sex.”

“No fucking way. He came to you about sex?” God said, not hiding his shock.

“Who else is he going to ask…his priest?” Day said and quickly dodged the piece of garlic bread God threw at his head.

“Do I want to know?” God said.

“It wasn’t too bad. He wanted to know the best way to pleasure Johnson.” Day laughed when God balled up his face and made a gagging sound.

“There intimacy has been pretty one-sided from what I could understand. Ro was still pretty shy about telling me stuff, so I was mostly guessing.” Day wiped his mouth with his napkin before continuing. “Being the stud that I am…I gave the kid a few pointers.”

“Stud, huh?” God smiled.

“Yeah. I don’t mind taking the little tike under my homosexual wing and showing him how to fly.” Day grinned.

“You’re twisted. And isn’t Ro like the same age as you,” God said.

Day blew an exasperated breath. “Regardless of age, Cash. I have more experience. Way more. Way, way, way more experience with fucking men than anyone I—”

“I fucking got it, Leo.” God scowled at him.

Day laughed hysterically. “I told him all about how I make you scream my name every night.” Day chuckled and bolted up from his chair when God took off after him. Day ran back into the kitchen, jumping and gliding across the kitchen island on his hip and racing into the den. God was hot on his heels.

“I’ll catch you, you quick little bastard. And when I do, I’m going to show you just how loud I can make you scream,” God said in his sexy rough-hewn voice.

“Oh fuck.”

Day was laughing so hard he could barely just keep out of God’s grip. He dodged him in the living room, leaping over the coffee table heading fast toward the stairs when he was caught around his waist with a strong arm and dragged back down the two steps he’d cleared.”
A. E. Via
tags: day, god, johnson, ro

A.E. Via
“Got a hot date tonight, Sarge?” Ro chuckled as he handed Syn the next group of Illustra’s entertainers that were being picked up for questioning.

Syn flushed but chose to ignore Ro’s smug grin. “Shut up,” he mumbled, and flipped open the next file. He flinched so hard his neck popped. Syn’s breath caught at the image that stared back at him.

“Oh yeah. This is the one I wanted to mention, he might be a prime suspect.”

Syn threw his hand up, stopping Ro. This couldn’t be happening. “I thought we’d concluded that the killers were women from that crazy-ass men-bashing group, BTNS?”

“Yes, we did. But hear me out; there may be more players in this. Starman was definitely taken out by women but he could’ve been set up by others. This guy's name is Furious Gray Barkley. During questioning, the owner of Illustra, Johnathan Mack said that Furious Barkley, who performs as Furious Styles, was scheduled to do a movie with Sasha Pain but declined. Furious’ replacement was our vic.” Ro rubbed his smooth face and kept talking, oblivious to Syn’s inner turmoil. “Kicker is, although this Furious Gray Barkley has no priors, he’s also known as Furious Gray Nicks. Husband to Patrick Nicks. That image there is a photo that was given to the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police Department when Furious’ husband filed a missing persons on him almost a year ago. Furious is on the run and I want to know why. I contacted the husband but had to leave a message. I already sent Jameson to pick him up. He works at a pub in ... hmmm.” Ro’s eyebrows rose. “In your neighborhood.”
A. E. Via
tags: furi, ro, syn

A.E. Via
“Yeah I see,” Syn said quietly. Ro’s phone rang and he picked it up, giving Syn a couple of private minutes, which were needed because his heart was beating a mile a minute. The fates can’t be that cruel. To make the only man, no forget that; the only person that Syn had been interested in in over ten years a suspect in a murder case he was overseeing. On top of everything else, the man is married. This isn’t good. Ro disconnected his call and Syn asked him, “How soon before this one arrives?”

“He’s already here in room five. You coming?” Ro asked, taking Furious’ file from his hands.

“I’ll watch.” Syn walked beside Ro to the interrogation rooms. Then he thought better of it, and decided he needed to be honest with his men. They worked effectively together, but most of all they had each other's backs. Ro was a good man and Syn felt he could trust him. “Ro wait.”

“What’s up?”

Syn blew out a breath and scratched at the hair on top of his head, which was grown out enough that it was already starting to curl.

“Syn what’s going on?” Ro looked genuinely concerned, his vibrant blue eyes staring intently at him.

Syn looked back and forth as uniforms brushed passed them in the hall. Ro clasped a firm grip on Syn’s shoulder and ushered him into one of the vacant offices. “Talk to me man. You’re my Sarge but I consider you a friend first. That’s the way we operate. If you have a problem, then I have a fuckin’ problem, and so do twenty-one other men. But between you and me right now, what’s up?”

Syn rubbed the back of his neck and tried to ease some of the tension there. “This guy Furious.”

Ro shook his head indicating he was listening.

“I’m kind of, um … we uh … he’s my,” Syn stuttered not quite finding the right words.

“You know him and you like him,” Ro finished for him.

Syn looked Ro in the eye. “Yeah, I like him.” Syn took a deep breath. “He’s the first him that I’ve liked in a very long time.”

“I see.” Ro rubbed his hand over his cheek again. Syn knew the gesture meant Ro was thinking.

“Shit’s all fucked up now. I can’t date a goddamn suspect, a married goddamn suspect.”

“Hey whoa. We don’t know the situation with the marriage yet. The reasons I thought he could be a suspect? They might be easily explained away.”

“You’re the one said you think he’s hiding something,” Syn argued.

“Yes, I did. This guy is married, right? He leaves his husband in a way that makes the man file a missing persons on him, and then Furious changes his name, and not back to his birth name. It looks like he’s hiding from him, I just need to find out why.” Ro pulled a paper from the file. “This shows him making regular deposits to an account in a bank located in Los Angeles. The account is under a different name and has over ninety thousand dollars in it.”

“So he stole his husband’s money and hauled ass in the middle of the night. Fuckin’ great.” Syn yanked the door open, ready to charge into interrogation room five and tell Furious he could go to hell.

“Geez, hold on a minute, Sarge.” Ro grabbed his arm and pulled him back inside, slamming the door closed. “No wonder Day likes you so much. Both of you go off half-cocked all the fucking time. That money wasn’t stolen. It was life insurance proceeds from when his father died. He might’ve been hiding it from the husband. The contributions he’s been making since then have been small but frequent.”

“He’s a porn star, Ronowski! I can’t date a damn porn star! Fucking other women and probably men. What the fuck?” Syn was yelling and pacing now. He knew it wasn’t fair to yell at Ro, but he was the only one there now.”
A.E. Via
tags: furi, ro, syn

A.E. Via
“A light brown eyebrow rose, followed by a deep, easy chuckle. “You like what you see?”

“Yes. I’m not blind. But I prefer a stronger jaw, someone a little darker.” Furi smirked right back. Where the hell had he gotten all this bravado from? He usually wasn’t so blunt, but it felt good. He was finally coming into his own. The way his dad had urged him to before he’d passed.

“Stronger and darker, huh? No shit.” The man looked behind him into the one-way mirror, smiling broadly, making Furi wonder who was behind it.

“I’m Detective Ronowski. I’m the First Officer of a narcotics task force based in this precinct. Thank you for coming down tonight.”

“Well it wasn’t by choice. I will say your errand boys could use a refresher course in charm and courtesy,” Furi said with little venom.

“Errand boys? Oh, you mean Green and Ruxs.” Ronowski laughed again. It was a melodic sound that had Furi leaning back and enjoying it. “Those errand boys are very skilled men, maybe not in charm, but definitely in hand-to-hand combat. Just in case someone doesn’t want to come willingly. But I’m sure you didn’t give them any trouble.”

“No, I didn’t. Anyway, how long is this going to take?” Furi asked, checking his watch again. Damnit.

“Got a hot date?” Ronowski smiled, looking at the window again.

“Something like that. Who’s behind that glass?”

“My boss.” Ronowski shot him that sexy grin again.

“Well this is fun, but can we move it along?”

“Of course.”
A. E. Via