
Rhiannon Quotes

Quotes tagged as "rhiannon" Showing 1-24 of 24
Rebecca Yarros
“Violet Sorrengail,' she whispers, moving closer. 'Are you wearing Riorson's flight jacket?'

Liam's head snaps in my direction, curse his stupidly good hearing.

'Why would you say that?' I do a shitty job of feigning shock and shove the sheaths into every available pocket in this thing. All three of them, which are considerably deeper than the ones in my own jacket.

'Oh, I don't know. Because it's huge on you and there are three stars right here?' She taps where there's only one star on her uniform.

Well, shit. Just goes to show that neither of us was thinking clearly.

'It could be any third-year's.' I shrug.

'With a Fourth Wing shield on the shoulder?' She cocks an eyebrow.

'That does limit it a bit,' I agree.

'And a wingleader emblem beneath those stars?' she teases.

'Fine, it's his.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Stevie Nicks
“She is like a cat in the dark
And then she is the darkness
She rules her life like a fine skylark
And when the sky is starless

All your life you've never seen a woman
Taken by the wind
Would you stay if she promised you heaven?
Will you ever win?”
Stevie Nicks, Best of Fleetwood Mac

David Levithan
“You never get involved in the people's lives? The ones you're inhabiting?"
I shake my head.
"You try to leave the lives the way you found them."
"But what about Justin? What made that so different?"
"You," I say.”
David Levithan, Every Day

David Levithan
“I wake up feverish, sore, uncomfortable.
Is it sickness or is it heartbreak?
I can't tell.
The thermometer says I'm normal, but I'm clearly not.”
David Levithan, Every Day

J.A. Saare
“Rhiannon's Law #14: There is a reason the truth hurts. When you cease to feel the sting, it means you've stopped caring. And damn, wouldn't that be a total fucking waste?”
J.A. Saare, The Renfield Syndrome

J.A. Saare
“The satisfying sound of bone giving way, as well as his outraged cry, made the you-had-it-coming-asshole angles sing.”
J.A. Saare, The Renfield Syndrome

J.A. Saare
“Who needs immortal strength when you've got weapons of mass destruction?”
J.A. Saare, The Renfield Syndrome

David Levithan
“I'm just wondering why people stay together," I say. "Why they connect in the first place, and what keeps that connection is strong. I want it to be all things inside---who you are,
what you believe. But what if the things on the outside are just as important? When I was little, I was always worried I'd fall in love with someone ugly. Like Shrek. Then I figured that love would make anyone beautiful to me, if I love them enough. I want to believe that. I want to believe that you can love someone so strongly that none of it will matter. But what if it does?”
David Levithan, Another Day

J.A. Saare
“Fuck with the bull, assholes, and get the horns.”
J.A. Saare, The Renfield Syndrome

J.A. Saare
“The feature article made my holy-shit-o-meter blare like a banshee”
J.A. Saare, The Renfield Syndrome

“Listen to me well, Low Born, don’t think for a second I won’t cut your heart from your worthless hide and wear it on my head . . . like a hat.”
G.A. Aiken, Dragon Actually

Rebecca Yarros
“Stop letting fear leach into your voice,' Luca snaps from behind Rhiannon. 'If the dragons think you're a coward, you'll be nothing but a name tomorrow.'

'She says,' Ridoc narrates, 'inducing more fear.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“So, if we win, we get a chance to die sooner?' Rhiannon whispers.

'Maybe they're trying a reverse psychology thing.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

David Levithan
“The car can smile all it wants, but that doesn't mean you can see the driver's expression.”
David Levithan, Another Day

David Levithan
“One last song. One last turn. One last street. no matter how hard you try to keep hold of a day, it's going to leave you”
David Levithan, Another Day

David Levithan
“How much of my body is really me? My face is me, for sure. Anyone who looked at my face would know it was me.Even with my hair wet and drawn back it's me. But after that? If I showed myself a picture of myself from the shoulders down, would I be sure it was me? Could I identify myself that way?
I close my eyes and ask myself what my feet look like. I only kind of know. Same with my hands. I have no idea what my back looks like.
I let it define me, but I can't even define it.”
David Levithan, Another Day

Rebecca Yarros
“I'll take being lucky over being good any day.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“I knew it!' Rhi grins. 'Tell me it's good.'

'I broke his window.' I wince and my cheeks heat.

'Like... you threw something at it?' Her brow knits.

'No. As in, lightning stuck... a lot, and I shattered his window.'
'Damn,' Rhiannon grins. 'I wish someone made me shatter windows.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“You keeping any other secrets up there?' Rhiannon eventually asks.

Guilt settles in my stomach when I think of Xaden and his meeting with the other marked ones. 'I think it's impossible to know everything there is to know about someone.' I feel like shit but keep from lying, at least.

She snorts a laugh. 'If that wasn't skirting the question. How about this? Promise me that if you need help, you'll let me give it to you.'

A smile spreads across my face despite the terrifying greens we're walking by. 'How about this,' I toss over my shoulder. 'I promise that if I need help you're capable of giving, I'll ask, but only-' I hold up my forefinger- 'if you promise the same.'

'Deal.' She smiles wide.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“That is...' Rhiannon murmurs beside me.

'It sure is,' I agree.

'Stop objectifying your wingleader,' Liam teases.

'Is that what we're doing?' Rhiannon asks, not bothering to look away.

My mouth waters at the muscled expanse of his back and that sculpted ass. 'Yeah, I think that's what we're doing.'

Liam snorts.

'We could just be watching for technique.'

'Yeah. We absolutely could be.' But I'm not.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Yasmine Galenorn
“each have their own journeys. It's hard to except, but people leave us along the way. People don't always stay with us until the end of the story”
Yasmine Galenorn, Night's End

Stevie Nicks
“Dreams unwind
Loves a state of mind”
Stevie Nicks

Rebecca Yarros
“I don't need you to protect me.'

'I know. But it's just what friends do, Rhi.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“Second thoughts?' She tilts her head, studying me. 'You look like maybe there are third thoughts, even.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing