
Reification Quotes

Quotes tagged as "reification" Showing 1-5 of 5
Guy Debord
“This society eliminates geographical distance only to produce a new internal separation.”
Guy Debord, The Society of the Spectacle

“There is a human reification needing
an eschatological regression.”
Marieta Maglas- Eschatological Regression

Max Stirner
“In short, the critic is not an owner, because he still struggles with ideas as with powerful strangers, as the Christian is not the owner of his “bad desires” as long as he has to fight them; for the one who battles against vice, vice exists.”
Max Stirner, L'Unique et sa proprlete

William Barrett
“Mechanism as a philosophic doctrine might be defined as the belief that the last machine which human ingenuity has created gives us the final form of reality.”
William Barrett, The Illusion of Technique: A Search for Meaning in a Technological Civilization

“Although the discussions of quietism and nihilism conveyed by the Jesuits during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries paved the way for Western characterizations of Buddhism, only during the nineteenth century was Buddhism definitively constituted as an obiect of discourse and "reified as a textual object" (Almond 1988, 139). This textualization permitted the emergence of the "historical" Buddha and the convenient opposition between a pure, canonical, early Buddhism and the degenerate Buddhist religion of contemporary Asia (Almond 1988, 25, 37-40).”
Bernard Faure, Chan Insights and Oversights