
Realness Quotes

Quotes tagged as "realness" Showing 1-30 of 33
Erik Pevernagie
“If we dare to dream, we must dare to wake up. When we come to rub our eyes wide open and face up to realness, we can clear our vision and curb a whirlwind of bewilderment that might break our mind apart, once fantasy wrangles with reality and our awareness denies the true colors of facts. ("Behind the frosted glass”)”
Erik Pevernagie

Kacen Callender
“The idea of not being alone -- of having someone who sees me, same way I see the things that no one else can see, makes me feel like I'm real. Like I deserve to exist on this planet alongside everyone else. That I get to be here because there's someone else who wants me here too.”
Kacen Callender, Hurricane Child

Paulo Coelho
“Writing is a socially acceptable form of getting naked in public.”
Paulo Coelho

C. JoyBell C.
“Many people define who they are, based upon what the world sees when it looks at them. They build themselves with their foundation set upon the perceptions of others. Do others think they are good, kind, smart, loving? But I define who I am, based upon the person who looks back at me in the mirror. If you were the only person on Earth, with nobody to see you, know your name, or ever be aware of your existence; what kind of person would you be? Live for the person who looks back at you in the mirror and be that person even if you are the last human being on Earth. Too many people live for what the world will think and will see; too few people live for their own soul. Are you smart, successful, got lots of super ideas? But those are not important questions. This is the most important question: do you know how to love? I do not care if nobody on Earth were to know my name; do I know my own soul? Do I know how to love? These are the questions I ask myself.”
C. JoyBell C.

Oli Anderson
“Your Shadow is all of the things, 'positive' and 'negative', that you’ve denied about yourself and hidden beneath the surface of the mask you forgot that you’re wearing.”
Oli Anderson, Shadow Life: Freedom from Bullshit in an Unreal World

C. JoyBell C.
“People admire inner bonfires that burn so bright, and out of ignorance to these things, they gather around and think that the bonfire is some kind of blessing on their behalf, is some kind of untouched thing that knows only the purity of everything. It's all ignorance. The larger the bonfire, and the brighter it burns, the more evident the fact that it has consumed more wood and more air than the smaller ones. You burn because you have to burn. And you're not burning for others, you're not burning to be a blessing; you burn because you have to burn.”
C. JoyBell C.

Blaise Pascal
“We do not content ourselves with the life we have in ourselves and in our own being; we desire to live an imaginary life in the mind of others, and for this purpose we endeavour to shine. We labour unceasingly to adorn and preserve this imaginary existence, and neglect the real. And if we possess calmness, or generosity, or truthfulness, we are eager to make it known, so as to attach these virtues to that imaginary existence. We would rather separate them from ourselves to join them to it; and we would willingly be cowards in order to acquire the reputation of being brave. A great proof of the nothingness of our being, not to be satisfied with the one without the other, and to renounce the one for the other! For he would be infamous who would not die to preserve his honour.”
Blaise Pascal, Pensées

Oli Anderson
“There are two types of 'busy': 1)
Constantly distracting yourself from what is true. 2) Constantly working to create something real.”
Oli Anderson, Personal Revolutions: A Short Course in Realness

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Uniqueness is like a signature, nobody can forge it's exact copy.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Ali Smith
“Above the keyhole the door has a latch. It is pretending to be an authentic old latch. The door is pretending to be an authentic old door. Maybe everything there is isn't authentic any more. Maybe everything there is is a kind of pretending.”
Ali Smith, The Accidental

“Perfection, in the form of a flawless stream of words delivered with cool composure, is never as persuasive as realness. An impassioned but imperfect speech, which shows you care too much to hide flaws, is far more compelling.”
Charlotte Beers, I'd Rather Be in Charge: A Legendary Business Leader's Roadmap for Achieving Pride, Power, and Joy at Work

Bryant McGill
“Treat others with respect and you will always be wealthy, because your community is your real currency.”
Bryant McGill, Simple Reminders: Inspiration for Living Your Best Life

Oli Anderson
“Practicing dialogue helps you to cultivate a realness that allows you to face reality on its own terms, not just the terms you’d like it to have in order to remain in your comfort zone.”
Oli Anderson, Dialogue / Ego - Real Communication

Robert Penn Warren
“I know nothing I’m doing is important,' he said. 'Sure, I’m just a waste product of history. Maybe nothing I’m doing is even real, after all. But I was born right here, in this old house, and I look out the window and know what I’m seeing, and I know some people I like to be with, and I like what I do all day long, and maybe that’s all that realness is, anyway”
Robert Penn Warren, A Place to Come To

Oli Anderson
“To engage in dialogue is to serve others via whatever is real inside you; to engage in debate is to ultimately serve the illusions of your ego.”
Oli Anderson, Dialogue / Ego - Real Communication

Gregory Maguire
“Hush, child don't ask personal questions," said the Lion.
"That's the only kind I have," said Rain.”
Gregory Maguire, Out of Oz

“The concept of “realness” goes hand in hand with the idea of confront. Basically, the more you confront something, the more you face it, the more real it will be to you. Also, the more real something is to you, the easier it is to face, and thus the easier it is to handle.”
Jesse Dvorak, Ideal Attainment: How to Reprogram the Mind and Undo Your Faulty Conditioning

Oli Anderson
“Dialogue with the self is the source of all insight and insight is the only thing that can change your life.”
Oli Anderson, Dialogue / Ego - Real Communication

“Performative blackness has allowed non-black women to succeed while women from the ghetto are vilified for our existence.”~@WannasWorld is giving realness in this piece: Black Girls From The Hood Are The Real Trendsetters”

Shaneika Marie
“When you meet a real one you realize you were never asking for too much - you were just asking for the right person to come into your life an be willing to stay for ever with Ambitious.”
Shaneika Marie

C. JoyBell C.
“I am okay with the imperfection of my own story. We are alive thanks to our imperfect stories and we need to be okay with that. Straight lines have never led the way to colourful pictures. I am okay with all that I feel, with all the pieces of me; and so should you. Every part of my story has the potential to connect with another soul out there, and so does yours.”
C. JoyBell C.

Oli Anderson
“Dig, then dig a little deeper; refusing to stop until things become real.”
Oli Anderson, Personal Revolutions: A Short Course in Realness

Oli Anderson
“To really free ourselves and live our Shadow Lives, we have to be able to not just remove the mask we’ve been wearing but to look at the monster that hides beneath it and learn to love it.”
Oli Anderson, Shadow Life: Freedom from an Unreal World - Reclaim Your Hidden Self, Practise Unconditional Self-Acceptance, and Live Real

Oli Anderson
“Your Shadow isn’t a ‘thing’ or even a ‘place’ but a relationship that you have with certain parts of yourself that you’ve hidden. By improving this relationship, you can improve your life.”
Oli Anderson, Shadow Life: Freedom from an Unreal World - Reclaim Your Hidden Self, Practise Unconditional Self-Acceptance, and Live Real

John de Ruiter
“You are real only where you are given to love.”
John de Ruiter

“The world needs more of the real you, not the conforming pretender.”
Frank D. Prestia

Fred Hoyle
“Incompetence was Kingley's béte noire, not incompetence performed in private but incompetence paraded in public”
Fred Hoyle, The Black Cloud

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