
Real You Quotes

Quotes tagged as "real-you" Showing 1-21 of 21
Prem Jagyasi
“Hypnosis is a normal and natural way of knowing your inner self and augmenting it with virtues like self-belief.”
Dr Prem Jagyasi

Prem Jagyasi
“We should never be afraid of finding the truth about our personality since what we see now has always been visible to others.”
Dr Prem Jagyasi

“The importance of solitude is to help you to differentiate your own thoughts from those you have studied, read, heard, or unintentionally absorbed.”
Tonya Sheridan

Kate Lattey
“Real is...just being you. It's not letting yourself be defined by other people's opinions of you, of who they think you are, or what they expect you to be. It's refusing to let them squash you into the box they've built for you, and just being yourself, no matter what anyone else thinks. Because you're never going to matter to everyone, just like everyone's never going to matter to you. So you choose the people whose opinions you care about, and you be real for them.”
Kate Lattey, Dream On

Oli Anderson
“The Ego is the ‘thing’ that you’ve created to keep hiding from your Shadow, convinced that it’s all the ‘light’ or ‘good’ things about you – when in reality, the ego is neither ‘good’ nor ‘bad’ because it’s totally unreal.”
Oli Anderson, Shadow Life: Freedom from Bullshit in an Unreal World

Neville Goddard
“Spiritual growth is the gradual, I would say, transition from a God of tradition to a God of experience.”
Neville Goddard

“You are unaware of the depths of who you really are.”
Hiral Nagda

Shannon L. Alder
“If your children know who God is they will know who they are, regardless of where you or they call home.”
Shannon L. Alder

Henna Inam
“The real you focuses on goals that inspire you and doesn’t let “that’s just not me!” stand in the way.”
Henna Inam, Wired for Authenticity: Seven Practices to Inspire, Adapt, & Lead

Mehmet Murat ildan
“The things you do with someone around you may not reflect you at all; they can be things made by you that are not you! But the things you do when no one is around are real-you!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Heidi W. Durrow
“It's easy to smile just to make other people feel better. But when a person fakes happy, it has edges. Regular people may not see, but the people who count, they can see edges and lines where smile ends and the real you, the sadness (me) or the anger (Grandma) begins.”
Heidi W. Durrow, The Girl Who Fell from the Sky

Prem Jagyasi
“Self-reliance means looking within to find inspiration”
Dr prem jagyasi

Richie Norton
“The higher the goal, the higher the fear, the higher the courage.⁣ People love to say, “You gotta fake it till you make it.” This implies that the fake you is someone better than who you inherently are, and this is simply not the truth. The real you will never emerge without courage.”
Richie Norton

“When ovation drowns. When the klieg lights fade. When the drum beats stop. The real you stares you in the face as you dialogue with your soul. In this moment of solitude, you are forced to ask yourself, “who was that guy that just drew a huge applause, that kept the television cameras rolling and that sent the drummers into a frenzy?” If that guy is a stranger to you, then you know you have the arduous task of reconciling the real and the imaginary you, or forever forego your happiness.”
Abiodun Fijabi

Oli Anderson
“Give me something real or GTFO” - it works every time.”
Oli Anderson, Shadow Life: Freedom from Bullshit in an Unreal World

“Never stop just short of discovering the real you. Even if it takes you until your last breath to get there, the journey along the way will be well worth it.”
Christine E. Szymansk

John de Ruiter
“It is tenderness that is the real you. All of the rest is just packaging.”
John de Ruiter

John de Ruiter
“You are real only where you are given to love.”
John de Ruiter

Jen Calonita
“Maybe if we all stopped getting so caught up in taking sixty selfies before we post one or reshooting the same video twenty times till it looks flawless, we'd be better off. Life isn't perfect. Why should we pretend that it is online?”
Jen Calonita, The Real Z

“Amrita means: immortality, and the secret of immortality. It also means elixir that makes one immortal. This has been the search - the search for the philosopher's stone, or the search of the alchemist.

Down the ages man has been searching to find how to conquer death. And in fact there is no need to search, because death is an illusion. Death never happens - it only appears to. Man is immortal.

Man need not be immortal. He has not to work for it - it is already the case, but we don't know the man who is inside us. All that is needed is an acquaintance. You have to be introduced to yourself, that's all. The moment you are introduced you will see that you have never died, and you cannot die - death cannot happen. Only the body dies and the consciousness continues. It changes houses, it changes old garments for new. The journey is eternal.

There are only two things which arc the greatest illusions in the world: one is the ego and the other is death. And both are joined together, in fact, are two aspects of the same coin. It is because of the ego that the other illusion of death is created. Because we think we are separate from the whole, the fear arises: 'We will die.' The moment we know we are not separate from the whole, who is going to die? There is nobody to die, the whole has continued.

The moment the wave thinks itself separate from the ocean, the fear will arrive that sooner or later it will die, because it will see other waves dying and disappearing. But the moment the wave recognises the fact that it is not separate - it is part of the ocean, and those waves which have disappeared have not really disappeared; they have gone back into the source, they will come again.... Another season, another wind, and they will be born. And the game continues. It is an eternal play of consciousness.

That is the meaning of amrita - that death is illusory, the ego is illusory and all is eternal. And the function of the master is to introduce you to yourself.”