
Quotes On Hope Quotes

Quotes tagged as "quotes-on-hope" Showing 1-22 of 22
Emmet Fox
“Suppose your whole world seems to rock on its foundations. Hold on steadily, let it rock, and when the rocking is over, the picture will have reassembled itself into something much nearer to your heart's desire”
Emmet Fox

“Never give up hope. If you do, you'll be dead already.--Dementia Patient, Rose from The Inspired Caregiver”
Peggi Speers , The Inspired Caregiver: Finding Joy While Caring for Those You Love

“Never give up hope. If you do, you'll be dead already.-- Dementia Patient Rose in The Inspired Caregiver”
Peggi Speer and Tia Walker

Nitin Namdeo
“Never give up hope, that’s the one thing that makes you keep going.”
Nitin Namdeo

Nitin Namdeo
“Hope and despair are never together.”
Nitin Namdeo

Nitin Namdeo
“Hope, faith, and confidence can miraculously change the life of any person.”
Nitin Namdeo

Nitin Namdeo
“Often, people give up when the distance between their hope and outcome is too short.”
Nitin Namdeo

Nitin Namdeo
“Even a little ray of hope has the potential to turn you into a big star.”
Nitin Namdeo

“Pool of memories

Like a dry flower petal that flies in the air,
Feeling it belongs to the sky,
I find her memories floating in my mind everywhere,
Whether I am thinking of her or in a vacant state of my mind I lie,

The memory, her memory, drifts from one neuron to another,
Until it settles where all her memories lie piled up,
And then these fragments and bits of memories condole each other,
And they all say together, “Hey you amorous soul, never give up!”

And all these memories rise and spread across my mind,
Hitched to every thought that arises from my cerebral thinking,
Though they think of now and sometimes of the future, eventually with her imaginations they all bind,
And in this pool of memories, now, time appears to be sinking,

So it doesn't matter whether it was yesterday or it is today,
Because I have been granted my wish,
That to lie immersed in her thoughts everyday,
In this pool of her memories the only fish,

That swims across it,
Feeds on it, and lives in this pool,
And then begins the true wonder of it,
The wonder of the romantic pool,

Where she assumes the form of every drop of memory,
And like a fish I swim and dive into her soul freely,
In a love’s own nursery,
Where I love her and romance her freely!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Love forever

She ran her fingers through her hair,
A smile appeared, and faded in her face somewhere,
Then as she lifted her eyebrows and she removed her freely falling hair,
In her eyes I found my desires and their brilliant glows, and in them I too existed somewhere,
Their charm immediately sieged me from everywhere,
And I began sinking into her sensation, her dreams and her eyes, and in it I sank somewhere,

Where my desires flowed unto her,
Now even my closed eyes only beheld her,
Her beauty had cast me in the crucible of love and its endless affair,
That exuded feelings invading my soul, and I fell in love with her,
With the glow in her eyes, with the smile that gradually submerges into her,
And makes me feel that I am endlessly being kissed by her,

I was engulfed by a veritable need to be with her forever,
To be her only thought about a true, and her only lover,
Whom she romances in the daylight and in the night’s dark cover,
A beautiful feeling from which she can part never,
A crescendo of joy that with every passing moment turns lovelier,
Creating a cohesion of two feelings which coexist in the cocoon of love forever,

She with me and I with her,
Where all desires before these two feelings surrender,
Creating a universe of love where my heart beats no longer whisper,
But beat loud and confess that they only beat for her,
And in return she too confesses, “I too will love you forever!”
And I cannot help falling in love everytime I see the smile gracefully covering her.”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“What if and love

What if time develops a trait to forget,
What if light does not travel at all,
What if life turns into a ceaseless moment of regret,
And every perception of height begins to crumble and fall,

What will become of the memories then,
What will become of the darkness,
Shall we be restricted to lead a life in a den,
Where there is everything packed within feelings riddled with moments of nothingness,

What will become of the love you felt,
What will become of the faces you come across everyday,
Shall the feeling die suddenly that arose in your heart when you had met,
That special someone on that very special moment, on that wonderful someday,

Will days then be reduced to just a someday, just another day,
Will feelings flow like a river that does not know its course,
But overflows its banks because it just wants to flow anyway,
Will you be then frozen in moments of endless remorse,

Because time has forgotten its preceding moments,
Memories exist but for what the mind is unable to discern,
And you lead a life that thrives on strange supplements,
Of needless worries, and exceedingly needless concern,

What if time stole from her my all memories,
What will then remind her of me,
Will she then lead a life of endless comedies or never ending tragedies,
Because in the crowd when I pass by she fails to recognise me,

I wonder what it will be like when time becomes forgetful,
And light cannot travel anymore,
Maybe I would choose to live in sublime moments deeply thoughtful,
Where I will only think of you and nothing else no more,

Then I will let time forget everything,
And let light not travel at all,
It cannot steal from me your memories because except you and your memories there is nothing,
And then both time and light shall in the abyss of your memories fall,

Where both will now only recognise you and bear your signatures,
And ah, my joy to see you then appear everywhere,
And I can barely wait to see light bearing your beauty’s textures,
While Irma my love, time spreads your memories everywhere!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“As I loved

It was a moment of inner strife,
Where everything clashed with every force of life,

The feelings shielded the heart,
The memories protected the mind with an inimitable art,

And in this brutal battle I was caught,
Everything appeared flawed and with follies fraught,

Heart was beating to please the feelings,
And the mind dwelled on memories in its secret dealings,

But whatever their acts might have been,
They both were desperately trying to keep alive her beauty that they had once felt and seen,

And I let them indulge in their acts,
Because my heart through the memories of the mind was actually safeguarding its love pacts,

Made many decades ago,
But their authenticity and their freshness it could not forgo,

And I knew both of them were willingly caught in this situation,
Because it was their only possible means to offer me some emotional restoration,

So that they could live as I lived,
So that they felt loved as I loved!

And they both silently quoth, “we love her,”
And I openly said, “I love you because you love her!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“In love then and in love now

In love then and in love now,
The mind never protested,
And I fell in love,
Because the heart too never resisted,

Time grew on us together,
Both of us, she and I as well,
Almost like two different people bearing the same feather,
And thus, in love we fell,

She became the sun that only shone for me,
While I always believed I was something similar for her,
And we became eternal lovers, and that is how it was meant to be,
She loving me and I loving her,

Her skin, her lips, her eyes were the only beauty’s icons I wanted to feel and see,
And in moments of love I spilled over her like a wave of joy,
And I loved her with every part of me,
Like a child, like a man and at times like a youthful innocent boy,

So, I continue to love her everyday and today,
With the clarity of my mind,
Because my heart beats for her everyday,
And wherever I may see, it is her eyes, her lips and her, that I find,

And it shall be so today and tomorrow too, because it is a feeling pleasuresome,
To love her now as I loved her then,
And when I think of you Irma, time does not become burdensome,
Because somehow it feels now, as it felt then!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Expectations of love

Felt, but not heard,
Experienced, but not rumpus,
Her every love kissed word,
That is often about us,

When she utters it,
Her eyes speak it,
My heart hears it,
While my mind helplessly flirts with it,

Always offered, but never demanded,
Invested, but never lost,
These are the moments of love by her commanded,
That keep us away from the time’s frost,

And when I am felt by them,
These infinite moments of love, I feel I live for them,
Because often it feels I live through them,
As she smiles at me through all of them,

Always accepted and never denied,
Always expected and never unwelcome,
Her wishes and desires united,
That my heart and mind always welcome,

And ah the feelings of joys experienced then,
And the endless feelings of love flowing through me then,
As she journeys through me then,
And I confess to her, “I love you now, as I loved you then!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Lover's experience

Felt, but not heard,
Experienced, but not rumpus,
Her every love kissed word,
That is often about us,

When she utters it,
Her eyes speak it,
My heart hears it,
While my mind helplessly flirts with it,

Always offered, but never demanded,
Invested, but never lost,
These are the moments of love by her commanded,
That keep us away from the time’s frost,

And when I am felt by them,
These infinite moments of love, I feel I live for them,
Because often it feels I live through them,
As she smiles at me through all of them,

Always accepted and never denied,
Always expected and never unwelcome,
Her wishes and desires united,
That my heart and mind always welcome,

And ah the feelings of joys experienced then,
And the endless feelings of love flowing through me then,
As she journeys through me then,
And I confess to her, “I love you now, as I loved you then!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Lover's experience

Felt, but not heard,
Experienced, but not rumpus,
Her every love kissed word,
That is often about us,

When she utters it,
Her eyes speak it,
My heart hears it,
While my mind helplessly flirts with it,

Always offered, but never demanded,
Invested, but never lost,
These are the moments of love by her commanded,
That keep us away from the time’s frost,

And when I am felt by them,
These infinite moments of love, I feel I live for them,
Because often it feels I live through them,
As she smiles at me through all of them,

Always accepted and never denied,
Always expected and never unwelcome,
Her wishes and desires united,
That my heart and mind always welcome,

And ah the feelings of joys experienced then,
And the endless feelings of love flowing through me then,
As she journeys through me then,
And I confess to her, “I love you now, as I loved you then!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Beauty and stone

In the huge town square,
A statue carved from stone witnessed every passer by,
And wondered how it could similar movements acquire,
So that it too could walk if not fly,

Its eyes constantly looked at the strange faces,
Its posture was always the same,
It stood at just one place and it could never visit other places,
For it had sacrificed everything in the static beauty’s name,

That is still, motionless, feelingless and always the same,
It even perceives different things with single perception of mind,
Cursed to play over and over again the same game,
Because for the statue-like beauty everything is predefined,

The posture, the view, the stance, and I guess even its every thought,
At least that is how I feel when I look at the statue placed in the main town square,
It seems to seek what it since eternity has sought,
Because it may bear a fixed expression, but that has nothing to do with its desire,

Because it expresses what its sculptor felt,
And in this crowded town square it looks the same every night, everyday and every time,
Of its own sweet will it has never with anything dealt,
It has witnessed many lovers’ kisses, and it has been witness to many a crime,

But it is its irony to be a statue and nothing else,
Beautiful to look at and admire,
But it has a missing pulse,
That of real, warm, sensitive and sensate beauty in its prime,

So, I sometimes look at it and just pretend it noticed me,
As I leave the spot, I see it unmoved and feelingless,
To it nothing matters, who you are or who you wish to be,
Because it is just beauty carved from stone, completely lifeless,

And then my love I think of you, and I miss you,
So I leave the statue and its stone carved beauty behind,
Because the statue is beautiful, but it cannot be you,
Therefore, instead in my memories and in my heart beats you I discover and always manage to find!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“The lovers

They had loved, they had cried, and they had smiled, together;
Now they looked at the horizon of life and wished to gather,

The moments inextricably tied to their lives,
Upon which their present thrives,

But they think of the future, and the moments of love in it,
For they do not wish to live in the future, but a future with love in it,

A feeling that rises from the bottom of their hearts,
And then whether they are in the present or the future, it never departs,

With these inalienable feelings of love they wish to be,
For a day is lifeless when in each others eyes, their own reflections they cannot see,

The boy loves the woman in her, while the girl loves the man in him,
And this feeling lights up their pathways of life in moments where the light of hope is dim,

So, he touches her face and kisses her wherever he could,
And the girl feels everything a woman in her should,

Then they endlessly look at the horizon of life and watch it turn beautiful,
Because now he feels her and she feels him in ways fulfilling and full,

And as the evening spreads across their amorous universe,
Their feelings of love across it freely traverse,

She tells him her story of her heart beats, and the boy too repeats,
That how for her his heart everyday beats,

Loving her, feeling her, being with her, until he feels his universe exists only because of her,
And then once again he embraces her and then tenderly kisses her,

And they both disappear from the worldly sight,
Because they have evolved into everything now, the brightness of the day, and the beautiful secrets of the night,

So whenever you see two lovers looking at the horizon of their lives,
Be certain, that it is in them too, in their hopes, in their desires, that their love thrives,

Maybe they have disappeared, and there is no trace of theirs left for the eyes that only see,
Because the most beautiful virtues are the ones you can only feel and not see, with the eyes that feel before they see,

So, they have disappeared because they felt what no lover has ever felt,
And it was then I saw that even the horizon of the universe in their obeisance knelt,

And now they live in each other,
In the eyes of the other and forever together!

And I hear the universe say, “this is true love of true lovers!”
Who now love each other in the night's secrets, and their twinkling covers!

As I leave the scene Irma, the night covers me too,
And I escape into the world that it creates exclusively for me and for you!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Trail of lovers

He had walked that path before,
It was a place that was like a sea with no shore,

But he walked anyway,
Relentlessly every night and everyday,

The path seemed to have no end,
But he had his hopes and his aspirations to defend,

He walked everyday, anyway,
And it was so even today,

The path appeared to extend into infinity,
And he hoped for a moment of serendipity,

But there was none, none at all,
The path continued always ahead of his will, and the person in him, unwilling to fall,

Until one day infinity got tired and abruptly ended,
For it had exhausted its every reserve of finite moments that to safeguard its pride it had expended,

When we all expected that he would now stop here,
He pronounced, “I seek something that lies everywhere!”

So, he continued walking and the path stretched as far as it could,
Then one day time too got tired and said, “Stop please. Stop. You should!”

But he smiled and walked anyway,
Because he knew the path he had taken was not to be determined by the trail of the way,

It lay in the vision of the mind where he bore her every sweet memory,
And they fed his quest that would place him on the trail that was starry,

Where sky was the limit, where time was the end, where everywhere was the direction,
Because that is what is felt by a heart kissed by love and someone’s true affection,

And the path has led him somewhere, that is what they say,
Where, I cannot say that, I cannot; nay!

Because time got tired chasing him and his trails of love,
Now they say he resides somewhere where you can reach only with the feelings of that special love,

That he felt, someday and someway,
And in its lure he traveled far, and finally too far away,

Where time gets tired to tread,
Because there only they go who on feelings of romantic love are fed!

And we often think of him, we even think of her, who made him so,
But there, we who can never travel ahead of time, dare not go,

There they now live together,
On the trail of time that lasts forever!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Roses and they

She had shown him many things,
She had made him feel joys of many springs,

They had been to many places together,
They had found love in each other,

He had believed in her and her every word,
He had erected on the highways of his heart her every memories’ billboard,

She had travelled on them for many years,
She had never let time’s brevity be the reason for her fears,

So they felt every passing day, they experienced life of love,
So much, that they even felt loved by the feeling of love,

She waited for him in every moment,
She felt it was him whenever a leaf fell or she felt some movement,

He too felt the same; as she felt,
He to with her in his own heart dwelt,

They lived a life that was unlamented by all virtues,
They were kissed by life’s joys and and beauty’s all possible hues,

He was unremitting when it came to loving her,
He always wanted to be with her, forever together,

Then one day they slept under a rose bush in full bloom,
Then I beheld them being woven together on the life’s loom,

He now lives within her and she lives within him,
She is the rose bush that radiates with a different light under the moonlight dim,

He is the roses which only bloom for her,
And she is the rose bush that only grows for him forever!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Roses and they

She had shown him many things,
She had made him feel joys of many springs,

They had been to many places together,
They had found love in each other,

He had believed in her and her every word,
He had erected on the highways of his heart her every memories’ billboard,

She had travelled on them for many years,
She had never let time’s brevity be the reason for her fears,

So they felt every passing day, they experienced life of love,
So much, that they even felt loved by the feeling of love,

She waited for him in every moment,
She felt it was him whenever a leaf fell or she felt some movement,

He too felt the same; the way she felt,
He too with her in his own heart dwelt,

They lived a life that was unlamented by all virtues,
They were kissed by life’s joys and and beauty’s all possible hues,

He was unremitting when it came to loving her,
He always wanted to be with her, forever together,

Then one day they slept under a rose bush in full bloom,
Then I beheld them being woven together on the life’s loom,

He now lives within her and she lives within him,
She is the rose bush that radiates with a different light under the moonlight dim,

He is these roses which only bloom for her,
And she is the rose bush that only grows for him forever!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!

“Feeling so

It was not often she felt so,
It was not often he felt her so,

There was something about it and she wondered why was it so,
There was something within her asking her to let it be so,

It was beautiful, it was surreal, and nothing had ever made her feel so,
It was forever that she wished, if she could feel so,

And then wondered how could it be so,
Forever with him, forever around him; and then forever feel so,

Like the summer flower kissed my summer kisses, so often and so,
Like the summer flower, she wanted to feel and then be so,

And ah this feeling, to then forever feel so,
And ah the touch of the summer that makes the summer flower feel so,

A summer that it has never felt before, and it loves to feel so,
A summer that always returns just for her and makes her feel the flower within her, and ah the feeling thereof and so,

That is how my love Irma I feel, and the feeling is truly so,
That of the summer, the summer flower, and in it all, just you, and ah the wonder to feel so!

Maybe that is what love is about, and maybe that is why I feel so,
Maybe that is what I had always wanted to feel, and now I feel so!”
Javid Ahmad Tak, They Loved in 2075!