Procrastination Quotes

Quotes tagged as "procrastination" Showing 91-120 of 564
Pandora Poikilos
“Procrastination is the foundation of all disasters.”
Pandora Poikilos, Excuse Me, My Brains Have Stepped Out

Victor Hugo
“He who every morning plans the transactions of that day and follows that plan carries a thread that will guide him through the labyrinth of the most busy life.”
Victor Hugo

Thomas More
“What is deferred is not avoided.”
Sir Thomas More

F. Scott Fitzgerald
“He had seen me several times, and had intended to call on me long before, but a peculiar combination of circumstances had prevented it.”
F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby

Israelmore Ayivor
“Someone may have all the technical knowledge, scientific intellect and business know-how but when he/she decides to choose laziness, excuses, procrastination, complaining and other bad attitudes, his/her relevance is meaningless.”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Miranda July
“The funny thing about my procrastination was that I was almost done with the screenplay. I was like a person who had fought dragons and lost limbs and crawled through swamps and now, finally, the castle was visible. I could see tiny children waving flags on the balcony; all I had to do was walk across a field to get to them. But all of a sudden I was very, very sleepy. And the children couldn't believe their eyes as I folded down to my knees and fell to the ground face-first, with my eyes open. Motionless, I watched ants hurry in and out of a hole and I knew that standing up again would be a thousand times harder than the dragon or the swamp and so I did not even try. I just clicked on one thing after another after another.”
Miranda July, It Chooses You

Stephen Richards
“The problem with procrastination is it’s been around since the beginning of time it seems.”
Stephen Richards, The Secret of Getting Started: Strategies to Triumph over Procrastination

Jenna Woginrich
“You can put off your dreams, your desires, your careers, your farms. You can avoid your responsibilities, obligations, promises, and sovereign rights. But any person who wants to make music, and doesn't, is a goddamned fool.”
Jenna Woginrich

Stephen Richards
“How often do you find yourself saying, “In a minute”, “I’ll get to it” or “Tomorrow’s good enough” and every other possible excuse in the book? Compare it with how often you decide it’s got to be done, so let’s get on and do it! That should tell you just how serious your procrastinating problem really is.”
Stephen Richards, The Secret of Getting Started: Strategies to Triumph over Procrastination

Quentin Tarantino
“You guys like to tell jokes and giggle and kid around, huh? Giggling like a bunch of young broads in a school yard. Well, let me tell you a joke: Five guys sitting in a bull pen, San Quentin. Wondering how the fuck they got there. What'd we do wrong? What should we've done? What didn't we do? It's your fault, my fault, his fault. All that bullshit. Finally, someone comes up with the idea, wait a minute, while we were planning this caper, all we did was sit around and tell fucking jokes. Got the message?”
Quentin Tarantino, Reservoir Dogs

Lon Milo DuQuette
“It is only by working the rituals, that any significant degree of understanding can develop. If you wait until you are positive you understand all aspects of the ceremony before beginning to work, you will never begin to work.”
Lon Milo DuQuette, The Magick of Aleister Crowley: A Handbook of the Rituals of Thelema

“If you work without being distracted, you can do so much in one hour. Something that is not even achievable in a month, especially if you are not living with a Procrasdemon – a blood curdling time-wasting machine.”
Neeraj Agnihotri, Procrasdemon - The Artist's Guide to Liberation from Procrastination

“In this world, one of the biggest illusions that we live in is that we have unlimited time. With that mindset, we are uncontrolled to waste it as much as we can.”
Neeraj Agnihotri, Procrasdemon - The Artist's Guide to Liberation from Procrastination

“Remember, it’s not only the porn you watch but also the porn that watches you.”
Neeraj Agnihotri, Procrasdemon - The Artist's Guide to Liberation from Procrastination

“Our creative dreams are subject to grudge-holding when we decide that other people somehow have made their dreams real and we have not.”
Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy (SARK), Make Your Creative Dreams Real: A Plan for Procrastinators, Perfectionists, Busy People, and People Who Would Really Rather Sleep All Day

“Procrasdemon has the power to actually make you waste your entire life doing purposeless things, and the worst part is that you won't even be aware of this.”
Neeraj Agnihotri, Procrasdemon - The Artist's Guide to Liberation from Procrastination

Michael Bassey Johnson
“Stop sleeping, Get to work! You will have much time to sleep when you die.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

“Too much freedom can lead to the development of indiscipline.”
Neeraj Agnihotri, Procrasdemon - The Artist's Guide to Liberation from Procrastination

“Procrasdemon makes you waste your time on things that do not add value to your life.”
Neeraj Agnihotri, Procrasdemon - The Artist's Guide to Liberation from Procrastination

“Inside" Children

Inside each of us are the children we were at each developmental stage.

With regard to our creative dreams, these inside children can prevent us from living them by "acting out" in order to try to get our attention. Your inner 5-year-old is not going to patiently wait as you learn intricate metalworking techniques or study impressionist painting. Yet, your inner 10-year-old may be perfectly suited to learn and observe new skills.

What's really needed is parenting of these inside children so that we bring them to age-appropriate activities.”
Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy (SARK)

“I have noticed that the majority of people procrastinate. In fact, it’s way more common than the common cold itself.”
Neeraj Agnihotri, Procrasdemon - The Artist's Guide to Liberation from Procrastination

Marcel Proust
“Had I been less firmly resolved upon settling down definitively to work, I should perhaps have made an effort to begin at once. But since my resolution was explicit, since within twenty-four hours, in the empty frame of the following day where everything was so well-arranged because I myself was not yet in it, my good intention would be realized without difficulty, it was better not to start on an evening when I felt ill-prepared. The following days were not, alas, to prove more propitious. But I was reasonable. It would have been puerile, on the part of one who had waited now for years, not to put up with a postponement of two or three days. Confident that by the day after tomorrow I should have written several pages, I said not a word more to my parents of my decision; I preferred to remain patient and then to bring to a convinced and comforted grandmother a sample of work that was already under way. Unfortunately the next day was not that vast, extraneous expanse of time to which I had feverishly looked forward. When it drew to a close, my laziness and my painful struggle to overcome certain internal obstacles had simply lasted twenty-four hours longer. And at the end of several days, my plans not having matured, I had no longer the same hope that they would be realized at once, and hence no longer the heart to subordinate everything else to their realization: I began once again to keep late hours...”
Marcel Proust, Within a Budding Grove, Part 2

“If you always do what is easy and choose the path of least resistance, you never step outside your comfort zone. Great things don’t come from comfort zones.”
Roy Bennett

Frank  Sonnenberg
“If you want to get anywhere, you have to start somewhere.”
Frank Sonnenberg, Soul Food: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life

“Your addiction has a voice. A voice that constantly tells you to keep on feeding it.”
Neeraj Agnihotri, Procrasdemon - The Artist's Guide to Liberation from Procrastination

Frank  Sonnenberg
“If you don’t start, you’ll never finish.”
Frank Sonnenberg, The Path to a Meaningful Life