
Precision Medicine Quotes

Quotes tagged as "precision-medicine" Showing 1-9 of 9
Amit Ray
“Precision medicine is a data driven, knowledge driven, compassion driven, social intelligence driven, genetically compatible tailoring medical treatment and prevention systems for individual patients.”
Amit Ray

Tom Golway
“In the post-Covid world, the mathematics of chaos theory will experience a greater relevancy as it is applied across a broader set of science disciplines, especially epidemiology, precision medicine and climate science. - Tom Golway”
Tom Golway

“Although these digital tools can improve the diagnostic process and offer clinicians a variety of state-of-the-art treatment options, most are based on a reductionist approach to health and disease. This paradigm takes a divide-and-conquer approach to medicine, "rooted in the assumption that complex problems are solvable by dividing them into smaller, simpler, and thus more tractable units." Although this methodology has led to important insights and practical implications in healthcare, it does have its limitations.

Reductionist thinking has led researchers and clinicians to search for one or two primary causes of each disease and design therapies that address those causes.... The limitation of this type of reasoning becomes obvious when one examines the impact of each of these diseases. There are many individuals who are exposed to HIV who do not develop the infection, many patients have blood glucose levels outside the normal range who never develop signs and symptoms of diabetes, and many patients with low thyroxine levels do not develop clinical hypothyroidism. These "anomalies" imply that there are cofactors involved in all these conditions, which when combined with the primary cause or causes bring about the clinical onset. Detecting these contributing factors requires the reductionist approach to be complemented by a systems biology approach, which assumes there are many interacting causes to each disease.”
Paul Cerrato, Reinventing Clinical Decision Support: Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Diagnostic Reasoning

“The program is grounded in 10 design principles, the aim of which is to create innovative solutions to intractable health problems....In other words, do not be content with the status quo. The remaining principles include several obvious but often overlooked themes in routine patient care: value each person, be human, be human-centered, codesign, facilitate connections, treat with dignity, and provide a stage from which the hardest, most important stories may be told.”
Paul Cerrato, Realizing the Promise of Precision Medicine: The Role of Patient Data, Mobile Technology, and Consumer Engagement

“In nature, ecosystems consist of fauna and flora, climatic characteristics, soil conditions, geologic features, and a host of other interacting influences. Similarly, the precision medicine ecosystem is made of many interacting components, including patients, clinicians, researchers, laboratory services, CDS software, genomic databases, smartphones, servers, claims data, mobile apps, biobanks to store clinical specimens, and EHRs. EHRs need to serve as gateways to this ecosystem. And for the EHR to become an effective conduit, it needs a way to organize these diverse sources in a way that lets clinicians and patients make more effective diagnostic and treatment decisions.”
Paul Cerrato, Realizing the Promise of Precision Medicine: The Role of Patient Data, Mobile Technology, and Consumer Engagement

“The US National Institutes of Health states: "There is a lot of overlap between the terms 'precision medicine' and 'personalized medicine.' According to the National Research Council, 'personalized medicine' is an older term with a meaning similar to 'precision medicine.' However, there was concern that the word 'personalized' could be misinterpreted to imply that treatments and preventions are being developed uniquely for each individual; in precision medicine, the focus is on identifying which approaches will be effective for which patients based on genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors.”
Paul Cerrato, Reinventing Clinical Decision Support: Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Diagnostic Reasoning

“Since the 19th century, medicine has focused on specific disease states by linking collections of signs and symptoms to single organs.... Systems biology and its offspring, sometimes called Network Medicine, takes a more wholistic approach, looking at all the diverse genetic, metabolic, and environmental factors that contribute to clinical disease. Equally important, it looks at the preclinical manifestations of pathology.

The current focus of medicine is much like the focus that an auto mechanic takes to repair a car. The diagnostic process isolates a broken part and repairs or replaces it.... Although this strategy has saved countless lives and reduced pain and suffering, it nevertheless treats the disease and not the patient, with all their unique habits, lifestyle mistakes, environmental exposures, psychosocial interactions, and genetic predispositions.”
Paul Cerrato, Reinventing Clinical Decision Support: Data Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Diagnostic Reasoning

Tom Golway
“Over the course of 2021/2022 we will see the current transformation initiatives and innovation around supply chains being applied to the science of #epidemiology to track the journey and morphing of infectious diseases. #COVID19 #PrecisionMedicine - Tom Golway”
Tom Golway

Tom Golway
“To date the hype around the #MetaVerse has been use in social media, while the real tech companies work on creating value in areas like precision medicine, manufacturing and other areas that could benefit from the concept of #DigitalTwins .”
Tom Golway