Political Quotes

Quotes tagged as "political" Showing 61-90 of 1,013
Chad Boudreaux
“He had always been so careful, never revealed his true identity. But somehow, they’d fingered him, and his life had changed forever—for the worst. He couldn’t help but think that some­one in the Central Intelligence Agency had turned on him. One of his own.”
Chad Boudreaux, Scavenger Hunt

Anne  Michaud
“Eleanor was an orphan at the age of 10. She went to live with her maternal Grandma Hall, a bitter and biblically strict woman who nonetheless struggled to control her children. Eleanor had to endure some uncles who drank to excess and possibly abused her. For protection, her grandmother or an aunt installed three heavy locks on Eleanor’s bedroom door. A girlfriend who slept over asked Eleanor about the locks. She said they were “to keep my uncles out.”
Anne Michaud, Why They Stay: Sex Scandals, Deals, and Hidden Agendas of Eight Political Wives

Abraham Lincoln
“Congressmen who willfully take action during wartime that damages morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled, or hung”
Abraham Lincoln

“Maybe I`m getting to the age when I`m starting to be senile or nostalgic or both, but people are so angry now. You used to be able to disagree with people and still be friends. Now you hear these talk shows, and everyone who believes differently from you is a moron and an idiot - both on the Right and the Left. ”
Clint Eastwood

Anne  Michaud
“When people grow up in a home where extramarital sex is condoned, they’re much less likely to regard it as a deal-breaker. Jacqueline Bouvier’s father, ‘Black Jack,’ confided in her about his female conquests, even going so far as to play a game with Jackie when he visited her at boarding school. She would point to a classmate’s mother, and Jack would respond, ‘Yes’ or ‘Not yet’ — answering the silent question, had he slept with that one?”
Anne Michaud, Why They Stay: Sex Scandals, Deals, and Hidden Agendas of Eight Political Wives

Anne  Michaud
“The Trump marriage veered furthest away from my concept of the union — and surprised me most as a student of American politics. Donald and Melania seem to inhabit separate realms and to come together when necessary, when one could not move forward without the other. The presidency was one instance in which they were forced into a joint undertaking. If my choice of language sounds businesslike, that’s because that’s how I’ve come to view the Trumps. Having learned more about each partner’s history, I believe they are two highly ambitious individuals who benefit from their partnership. It’s a transaction: he gains a beautiful woman on his arm, a solid-seeming marriage, a son, and a savvy adviser. She gains wealth and international cachet.”
Anne Michaud, Why They Stay: Sex Scandals, Deals, and Hidden Agendas of Eight Political Wives

Tony Benn
“If we can find the money to kill people, we can find the money to help people.”
Tony Benn

Mahatma Gandhi
“An unjust law is itself a species of violence. Arrest for its breach is more so.”
Mahatma Gandhi

Anne  Michaud
“By the end of the four-year term, Americans hold a bifurcated view of Mrs. Trump. Many Republicans, especially women, revere her as elegant, graceful, beautiful and wronged by the press. A pastor in Missouri held up Melania as a wifely model to which other women should aspire — or risk losing their men. At the same time some southern preachers referred to then-Senator and presidential candidate Kamala Harris as Jezebel, the Bible’s most nefarious woman and archetype of female cunning. There could be no surer sign that the life stories of prominent women affect the lives of private women than when pastors hold them up as positive or negative role models.”
Anne Michaud, Why They Stay: Sex Scandals, Deals, and Hidden Agendas of Eight Political Wives

Ayn Rand
“Everyone has the right to make his own decisions, but none has the right to force his decision on others.”
Ayn Rand, The Early Ayn Rand: A Selection from Her Unpublished Fiction

Dennis Kucinich
“Everyone should have health insurance? I say everyone should have health care. I'm not selling insurance.”
Dennis Kucinich

William O. Douglas
“The framers of the constitution knew human nature as well as we do. They too had lived in dangerous days; they too knew the suffocating influence of orthodoxy and standardized thought. They weighed the compulsions for restrained speech and thought against the abuses of liberty. They chose liberty."

[Beauharnais v.Illinois, 342 U.S. 250, 287 (1952) (dissenting)]”
William O. Douglas

Jon   Stewart
“I have some bad news. Bjork cannot be here tonight. She was trying on her Oscar dress and Dick Cheney shot her.”
Jon Stewart

ميلان كونديرا
“كان الحب بينه وبين تيريزا جميلاً، بكل تأكيد، ولكنه كان متعباً: وجب عليه دائماً أن يخفي أمراً ما، وأن يتكتم، وأن يستدرك، وأن يرفع من معنوياتها، وأن يؤاسيها، وأن يثبت باستمرار حبه لها وأن يتلقى ملامات غيرتها وألمها وأحلامها، وأن يشعر بالذنب، وأن يبرر نفسه وأن يعتذر . . الآن كل التعب تلاشى ولم تبقَ إلا الحلاوة.”
ميلان كونديرا, The Unbearable Lightness of Being

Malcolm X
“Sitting at the table doesn't make you a diner, unless you eat some of what's on that plate. Being here in America doesn't make you an American. Being born here in America doesn't make you an American.”
Malcolm X

Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Those who stay away from the election think that one vote will do no good. 'Tis but one step more to think one vote will do no harm.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ferdinand E. Marcos
“It's easier to run a revolution than a government.”
Ferdinand Marcos

Ron Paul
“A system of capitalism presumes sound money, not fiat money manipulated by a central bank. Capitalism cherishes voluntary contracts and interest rates that are determined by savings, not credit creation by a central bank.”
Ron Paul

“If your desire is for good, the people will be good.”

Criss Jami
“A utopian system, when established by men, is likely to be synonymous with a dystopian depression. The only way for perfect peace by man is absolute control of all wrongs. Bully-cultures find this: with each and every mistake, another village idiot is shamed into nothingness and mindlessly shut down by the herd. This is a superficial peace made by force and by fear, one in which there is no freedom to breathe; and the reason it is impossible for man to maintain freedom and peace for everyone at the same time. Christ, on the other hand, transforms, instead of controls, by instilling his certain inner peace. This is the place where one realizes that only his holiness is and feels like true freedom, rather than like imprisonment, and, too, why Hell, I imagine, a magnified version of man's never-ending conflict between freedom and peace, would be the flesh's ultimate utopia - yet its ultimate regret.”
Criss Jami, Healology

جمال بدوي
“اذا دخل الاستبداد من الباب هربت الحرية و الكرامة و الأمن و حقوق الانسان من النافذة لأن الاستبداد لا يدخل وحده و انما يصحبه الارهاب و البطش و الترويع عندئذ يتحول الناس الى كائنات هلامية حسبهم من الحياة أن يعيشوها فى سكون و أن ينتهى بقاؤهم فيها دون أن يمسهم طائف من العذاب..انها حياة أشبه بحياة القطيع ليس فيها من النشاط الانسانى سوى اشباع الغرائز أما اشباع العقل و غذاء الروح و الارتقاء بالتفكير فكلها أنشطة تخضع لسيطرة المستبد الذى يسعده أن تتحول الرعية الى امعات معدومة الشخصية تميل حيث تميل الريح ..ولا تسبح أبدا ضد التيار”
جمال بدوى

George Orwell
“England is the most class-ridden country under the sun. It is a land of snobbery and privilege, ruled largely by the old and silly.”
George Orwell, Why I Write

Robert F. Kennedy
“States' rights, as our forefathers conceived it, was a protection of the right of the individual citizen. Those who preach most frequently about states' rights today are not seeking the protection of the individual citizen, but his exploitation. . . . The time is long past - if indeed it ever existed - when we should permit the noble concept of States' rights to be betrayed and corrupted into a slogan to hide the bald denial of American rights, of civil rights, and of human rights.”
Robert Kennedy

Noam Chomsky
“Both political parties have moved to the right during the neoliberal period. Today’s New Democrats are pretty much what used to be called “moderate Republicans.” The “political revolution” that Bernie Sanders called for, rightly, would not have greatly surprised Dwight Eisenhower.

The fate of the minimum wage illustrates what has been happening. Through the periods of high and egalitarian growth in the ‘50s and ‘60s, the minimum wage—which sets a floor for other wages—tracked productivity. That ended with the onset of neoliberal doctrine. Since then, the minimum wage has stagnated (in real value). Had it continued as before, it would probably be close to $20 per hour. Today, it is considered a political revolution to raise it to $15.”
Noam Chomsky

Stéphane Hessel
“The worst possible outlook is indifference that says, “I can’t do anything about it; I’ll just get by.” Behaving like that deprives you of one of the essentials of being human: the capacity and the freedom to feel outraged. That freedom is indispensable, as is the political involvement that goes with it.”
Stéphane Hessel, Indignez-vous !

Mark Twain
“There is no distinctly native American criminal class save Congress.”
Mark Twain

Thomas Jefferson
“It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world.”
Thomas Jefferson

Henry Mosquera
“Some things are just like riding a bicycle; you jump on, pedal, and hope you don’t fall.”
Henry Mosquera, Sleeper's Run