
Poems On Life Quotes

Quotes tagged as "poems-on-life" Showing 1-30 of 167
A.R. Merrydew
“This book is dedicated to those in life whom I have met and by virtue of those encounters, have helped to shape the content herein.”
A.R. Merrydew, From The Pen Of An Aquarian: Love, hope and darker moments

Charles Bukowski
“the flesh covers the bone
and they put a mind
in there and
sometimes a soul,
and the women break
vases against the walls
and the men drink too
and nobody finds the
but keep
crawling in and out
of beds.
flesh covers
the bone and the
flesh searches
for more than
Charles Bukowski

Mohamad Jebara
“The graph of life is not a straight line—
Initiatives climax to gradually decline.

The world is infused with greed and hate—
Where innocent errors may alter one's fate.

Where the fulfillment of desires fails to satiate—
Where turbulence is a constant state.”
Mohamad Jebara, The Illustrious Garden

Mohamad Jebara
“Don’t let the delusions of learning derail your mind.
Remain considerate, congenial, and kind.

For the good you do, may not quickly show
True success comes awfully slow

Whether good you do or evil you sow
Fruits of your labor sprout as they grow”
Mohamad Jebara, The Illustrious Garden

“She traced an imaginary line
On the endlessly nocturnal sky.
Only to locate the north
Which seemed so near,
Yet so far.
For the compass she had
Was cracked and broken.”
Ruqayya Shaheed Khan

“Blind Heart’s.

In the circle of life, a sorrowful tale,
Where death and life dance an endless wail.
Hungry eyes search for morsels to devour,
Survival's cruel game with each passing hour.

Angst and fear grip hearts, cold and bleak,
Aching souls yearning for solace they seek.
In a world that lacks fairness, unjust and unkind,
Tears fall like rain, leaving scars behind.

Hatred and love, a twisted embrace,
In this nature of existence, a bitter chase.
For when darkness looms,
Love hides in despair,
Yet hate finds its mark,
leaving hearts threadbare.

people who turn blind eyes to the cries,
As if suffering and anguish were mere lies.
Ignoring the plight that surrounds us all,
Humanity's downfall, a deafening fall.

But what of the animals, creatures so dear?
Caught in this cycle, their voices unclear.
Silently they suffer, their pain left unheard,
In nature's cruel script, an unspoken word.

Children on ground, black and white
Dying, Drying while survival trying.
Scars defining not body, but soul
Oh light, forgive us Lord.

The circle spins on, in sorrow it turns,
A tragic symphony,
where hope rarely burns.
In this poem of life,
where sadness takes hold,
Let us open our eyes,
let compassion unfold.”
Astivan Mirza

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“Life is moving much too fast.
I think I can’t catch up with it.
A little bird flew out of nowhere
and sat calmly on my shoulder.
No worries, I’m not afraid
of being left out now.
I’ll never chase life.
Instead, I’ll try to see, understand
and enjoy life as much as I can.
Little bird, you opened my eyes.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

C. Madan
“Maybe I will keep wanting more,
perhaps I cannot stop this
restless aching snore...”
C. Madan, The Poetic Refuge: An Anthology

C. Madan
“And when I look into those eyes,
the world around me pauses,
everything that exists just stops at your gaze,
when it meets mine, rising the burning blaze...”
C. Madan, The Poetic Refuge: An Anthology

“Wine should be pale like the lover’s face. Yellow, the color of suffering:
it should be mature and clear, bitter but sweetened with sugar.

-- Translated by Kayvan Tahmasebian and Rebecca Ruth Gould”
Khaqani, Divan of Khaqani

Phillip L. Harrison
“...it's not the air that lifts the wing..”
Phillip L. Harrison, DRAGONFLY

Phillip L. Harrison
“..Not of our existent living, But perhaps by our deeds now gone..”
Phillip L. Harrison, DRAGONFLY

Abhijit Naskar
“Time is a slimy wimy thing,
Life is a blessy messy thing.
Love is a happy crappy thing,
Mind is a mighty fighty thing.”
Abhijit Naskar, Sapionova: 200 Limericks for Students

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“Happiness is a guest in life
Pain is part of life
The rainbow comes with rain.
The gray shade is part of life

It gives breath to a dead body.
Sometimes it kills your soul
Sweet or bitter, it doesn't matter what taste it has.
But love is a part of life

Some give you joy
Some break you badly in all
pleasant moments in the heart
or deep wounds in the soul

visible in your eyes, like a dark tear's trace
or decorate a pretty smile on your face
thousands of times scroll in your mind
even if unpleasant. but it has grace

Your biggest emotion's strife
Maybe it hurts you, like a sharp knife.
doesn't matter what color and shape it has
But memories are part of life.

You cry, you laugh, and you breathe
looks like a clown or a freak
wearing a mask to hide the truth.
not only life
Sometimes death is also part of life
Sometimes death is also part of life.”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Paul Bamikole
“I am nothing like my past,
Before you swing your axe at me so fast.
There are questions you should ask .”
Paul Bamikole, Renegades And Other Soulful Poems

Paul Bamikole
“Keep the sand filled shoes,
I will keep my feet,
Away with your red-hot porridge,
My birthright is mine to keep.”
Paul Bamikole, Renegades And Other Soulful Poems

Brittany Burgunder
“It’s a new year but you don’t feel like a new you
Maybe instead you’re ruminating on your lows
And beating yourself up for how far you still must go
It’s easy to despair when we measure and compare
But it’s an illusion
It’s trivial, a distraction and meaningless fluff
For who you are now is more than enough
So, instead of thinking about how far you must run
Focus in on how far you have come.”
Brittany Burgunder

C. Madan
“I will not call your name,
for it ignites the forgotten flame,
and burn me in this choiceless game...”
C. Madan, The Poetic Refuge: An Anthology

C. Madan
“Let us not make our gazes meet,
and lot's never smile at each other,
for who am I? but a mere stranger..”
C. Madan

C. Madan
“Let us not make our gazes meet,
and let's never smile at each other,
for who am I? but a mere stranger...”
C. Madan, The Poetic Refuge: An Anthology

C. Madan
“He was alone yet he was happy, and that was his life's absurdity”
C. Madan, The Poetic Refuge: An Anthology

C. Madan
“And so my eyes wandered,
restless and sleepless,
searching for its lost light
that resided within you grace.”
C. Madan, The Poetic Refuge: An Anthology

Hornbill Harcel
“Effete tells and tales they encase
never fitting in a utopian plaquette”
Hornbill Harcel, Woebegone Wynds

Hornbill Harcel
“The bullets and the guns
pierce through me
My Armor’s made of specter,
Still, the heart runs a scary beat”
Hornbill Harcel, Woebegone Wynds

“তোমার বুকে অন্যকিছু থাকে
থাকুক, তাতে আঁচ লাগে না যেন
আমি কেবল মুহূর্ত, বুলবুলি
চোখ ফেরালেই ভুলতে বসো যাকে।”
সিফাত বিনতে ওয়াহিদ (Author of সকল পুণ্যের মাঝে আমি একটাই পাপ)

Ritu Negi
“And my poems will find
one of its kind,
It takes a heart to know me
and you are just too full of mind.”
Ritu Negi, Ethereal

“Laughing with blood relatives
amidst memorable melodies
in the background, styrofoam
plate in hand, topped with
foods that restaurants can’t
duplicate, it hit me:
I don’t belong here.

Staring at an unbelievable
sunrise from a balcony villa
in Tanzania, it hit me:
I don’t belong here.

Recognized and awarded for
notable news journalism, a few
semesters away from achieving
a prestigious degree decorated
with promised opportunities,
it hit me: I don’t belong here.

Hoping quietly for the best, to
“win my husband over” with
traditional submission,
more frequent sex,
and minimized speech,
it hit me: I don’t belong here.

Walking down a dusty
Egyptian street filled with
the welcoming laughter of
carefree children, it hit me:
I don’t belong here.

Sitting in a church pew
notating another good
message, clapping to some
of my favorite songs, and
then exiting to talk with
familiar faces, it hit me:
I don’t belong here.

Communing with those who
know who the “real chosen”
are, beholding their unknown
names unmasked, and secret
knowledges revealed
to ponder incessantly,
it hit me: I don’t belong here.

Placed underneath the
wanting body of a rare man
who showed me
unprecedented love,
it hit me: I don’t belong here.

My soul.
My mind.
My body.
Each malnourished.

My community.
My life purpose.
Both misplaced.

All starving for home.

So, I moved. Not to what looks
and feels good for them, but to
what ”
Zara Hairston

Briar Esterline
“To be 'psychopompous' is to live your life as if you know everything already. It's the arrogance and naivety that we all fall victim to as young adults.”
Briar Esterline, Psychopompous: A collection of poems & essays

Vennie Kocsis
“It is said the sum of the numb means we have succumbed to acceptance. I call that self-rejecting.”
Vennie Kocsis

Angela L.E. Komorovska
“She is different...but she is smarter than their sisters...
She is the one rose of roses...
She is pretty and special flower...
It´s a rose of roses
She smiles...she take cares about herself...she has pretty voice...she loves herself...she lives forever...

It´s a rose of roses...”

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