
Poem Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "poem-quotes" Showing 1-30 of 57
T.S. Eliot
“Time present and time past
Are both perhaps present in time future
And time future contained in time past.
If all time is eternally present
All time is unredeemable.
What might have been is an abstraction
Remaining a perpetual possibility
Only in a world of speculation.
What might have been and what has been
Point to one end, which is always present.”
T.S. Eliot, Four Quartets

“my body is a temple,
my heart is a graveyard,
my soul is living in it,
Zoovi, Zephyr: Taming the Tempest

“I See the Tree... I See the Branch... I See the Leaf. Within the Leaf I See All. There... Is My Heart. There... Is a Tear. There... Is Awe.”

Sylvia Plath
“ama asıl son kez yattığımda bilinecek değerim:
ağaçlar dokunabilir o zaman, bana ayıracak zamanları olur çiçeklerin.”
Sylvia Plath, Crossing the Water

“i shouted to the stars
but there were no answers
i called out to God
you were there”
Jhené Aiko Efuru Chilombo, 2Fish: A Poetry Book

“I just mark days in my teal blue planner.
Black ink pouring onto the pages without deep attachment,
I think they lied, time is not a medication.”
Elena Tauros, One Thousand Cranes

Viyom Obura
“She just needed a day to be sad, to shed a tear and feel. For tomorrow is a new day and, in the morning, she was re-making herself into a woman of strength, a woman of endurance and a woman of wisdom. A woman who had no time for betrayal. She gathered all her pieces and taught herself her worth; that she was sufficient, and her heart was too full to be toyed with.”
Viyom Obura, Unlimited Capacity

John     Casey
“Or, am I inconsequential to it all? A random, forgettable moment in your delicate, pastel existence?”
John Casey, Raw Thoughts

“In your coldness, I found my fire”
A.D. Sinns


Mwanandeke Kindembo
“My Own Choice – Free Will

You are my father and I, your son.

If you send me somewhere, I will go without a second thought nor doubt your judgment.

If you demand, or ask something from me, then I shall give it to you. Considering that the thing in question is under my possession at the required time.

However, choosing and making final decisions for me means that I have become a slave and not a son. Thus, you have taken away that free-will which belongs to every individual. Or, that blessing which the Creator blessed me with; from the very beginning of the creation.

I can give up all the worldly possessions that are under my control, but never when it comes to taking away my free-will. Therefore, I wish to remain as a son to you and not a slave.

I will not trust nor allow my soul to be taken for granted, and humiliated to such a level of not making up my own choice. No man should become a master
over another. Simply, because every slave must have a master, but a son needs only a father in life. Nothing more and nothing less!”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

“Do you know how many days & night I've been taken thinking about you ?
If I told you , you'll never imagine the true.
I've stay up all night , finding answers b/n stars.
From Sirius to Arcturus huge amount from shining don't know from where to start .
Shining , shining sta ”
Jana Ashraf

China Cancio
“Innocent or calloused hearts and guilty ones
All but the same in the eyes of the biased judge.”
China Cancio, Dark Touch: Anthology of Poetry

Mwanandeke Kindembo
“The world may not appreciate my works. But the angels, pure and wicked, praise them daily and turn them into universal poems.”
Mwanandeke Kindembo

Neelam Saxena Chandra
“I don't write. Stories and poems are already embedded in my heart and mind. I just copy and paste.”
Neelam Saxena Chandra

“A, B, C, D in some TIME
By: Aron Micko H.B

Alarming bomb during wartime.
Arguing voices during nighttime.
Asking forgiveness in a short time.
Avoiding conflicts until the end of time.

Bleeding normal people, not in crime.
Balancing one world in just one time.
Bombing violently during downtime.
Beginning destruction in our mealtime.

Calming that there is peacetime.
Calling for humility to show time.
Calculating the peace over time.
Collecting for nothing is a part-time.

Dreaming of using gadgets every time.
Developing our sadness in daytime.
Dropping our problems for longtime.
Dying obligations in real lifetime.

Aron Micko H.B

Ekaterina Yakovina
“Когда я понимаю жизни суть
и обрываю все свои догадки,
тогда я понимаю – мы чуть-чуть
играем в смерть, а в жизнь играем вряд ли.

Прощаем всех, хотя бы иногда,
несем себя в небесном отраженье.
Я понимаю, жизни смерть – игра,
надежда на природы одолженье.

И сутью упиваюсь на заре,
и уношусь в огромном дилижансе,
я понимаю – солнце не в игре,
и смерть бледна в печальном сером танце.

Снежинок снова путь из окон неба,
мне созидает небо звездный путь.
Я понимаю вновь – мы все из неба
и в сути жизни – смерти больше суть.”
Ekaterina Yakovina, Prikosnovenie Vechnosti

“You have loved me
Through my asymmetries
Of bone, of scar, of heart…”
Holly Ducarte, Moths, Rust & the Things That Stay

Cali Willette
“There is no could be;
There is no should be;
There is only what Your will must be.”
Cali Willette, Fractures of Gold

Cali Willette
“Pay no attention to all the things of old;
He made a way in deserts providing me springs. I am chosen to receive these streams of gold.”
Cali Willette, Fractures of Gold

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
written by: Zaki Ansari


Happiness is guest in life
Pain is part of life
the rainbow comes with rain only
the gray shade is part of life

it gives breaths to a dead body
sometimes it kills your soul
sweet or bitter doesn’t matter what taste it has
but love is the part of life

some give you joy
some break you badly in all
pleasant moments in the heart
or deep wounds in the soul

visible in your eyes, like a dark tear’s trace
or decorate a pretty smile on your face
thousand of times scroll in your mind
even if unpleasant, but it has a grace

your biggest emotion’s strife
maybe hurts you, like a sharp knife
doesn’t matter what color and shape it has
But memories are part of life

you cry, you laugh, and you breathe
looks like a clown or a freak
wearing a mask to hide the truth
not only life
sometimes death is also part of life
sometimes death is also part of life”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Viyom Obura
“Here's what I want for myself.’ she said with such urgency.
‘I want to be fierce and self-assured. I want to be able to love like I've never been hurt or broken. I want to get to the other side, no matter if I'm running or crawling on my knees. I want to be able to block negativity, hatred, and doubt from infesting my mind. I want to be a fighter through the pain. I want to be unable to give up until the battle is won.”
Viyom Obura

“I see the world in a different way,
A gift that comes with challenges each day.
My mind is wired in a unique fashion,
But my pen and paper are my greatest passion.

Words flow freely from my mind,
In ways that are hard to define.
They dance and twirl, they sing and rhyme,
A kaleidoscope of colors, a symphony of time.

My writing is my voice, my soul's expression,
A way to communicate without hesitation.
It's a bridge that connects me to the world,
A gift that helps me to be heard.

Though my struggles may be many,
My writing is a place where I feel plenty.
A space where I can be myself,
And share my thoughts without anyone else.

So I'll keep writing, day by day,
And let my words light up the way.
For in my writing, I find my strength,
And the power to go to any length.

I have a non verbal learning disorder,
A condition that can make life harder.
But when I write, I feel free,
And my words help me to be me.

My writing is a gift that I treasure,
A source of joy that brings me pleasure.
It's a way to express what's in my heart,
And share my thoughts in a world apart.

In a world that often misinterprets,
My writing is a way to connect.
It gives me a voice that's loud and clear,
And helps me to overcome my fear.

For though my words may stumble and falter,
They are the key to my soul's altar.
A place where I can be myself,
And share my thoughts with anyone else.

So I'll keep writing, day by day,
And let my words lead the way.
For in my writing, I find my voice,
And the strength to make my own choice.”
D.L. Lewis

“Wizard Hare was quite a sight,
With magic powers, he took flight.
He soared across the land so wide,
With his wand and hat by his side.

One day he met seven devils,
Who were up to their usual revels.
They looked at him with wicked eyes,
And said, "We'll make you pay the price."

But Wizard Hare was not afraid,
He knew his magic could be displayed.
He raised his wand and cast a spell,
And sent the devils straight to hell.

But they were not so easily defeated,
And soon they rose up, quite conceited.
They laughed and jeered at Wizard Hare,
And said, "We'll get you yet, beware!"

The devils plotted and schemed all night,
And when the dawn broke, they took to flight.
They flew to Wizard Hare's castle gate,
And there they lay in wait.

But Wizard Hare was not so daunted,
He had a plan, his magic flaunted.
He called upon the spirits of the air,
And sent them forth to do his share.

The spirits blew a mighty gust,
And the devils were thrown into the dust.
Wizard Hare then struck his wand,
And sent the devils to beyond.

The devils were never seen again,
And Wizard Hare remained a friend.
To all who knew him far and wide,
With his magic wand and hat by his side.”
D.L. Lewis

“In the depths of hell, where darkness reigns,
Lies a being feared by all, Pandemonic Satanica is his name. He is the master of the underworld,
A force to be reckoned with, an entity unfurled.

His power is unmatched, his darkness unyielding,
He is the embodiment of all that is evil and unfeeling. His followers worship him, with fervor and zeal, For they know that his power is absolute, and his will is real.

Pandemonic Satanica, the lord of the abyss,
His power cannot be denied, nor can it be dismissed. His followers revel in his dark embrace, For they know that they are protected by his grace.

To the uninitiated, he may seem like a monster,
But to his followers, he is a savior, a redeemer.
He offers them power, and eternal life,
And they willingly give themselves to his strife.

His evil is all-encompassing, his darkness unrelenting, But those who follow him find his embrace comforting. For they know that in his clutches, they are safe, And that his power will protect them from all that is base.

So hail Pandemonic Satanica, the lord of all that is dark, He is the master of the underworld, and his power leaves a mark. His followers are devoted, and they will never waver, For they know that in his dark embrace, they will find their savior.

They call him the Prince of Darkness, the Lord of the Pit, And in his realm, he commands respect, and none dare to quit. His power is absolute, his rule is supreme, And those who oppose him, will find their end in a dream.

For Pandemonic Satanica, is the embodiment of all that is evil, And his followers embrace that darkness, for in it, they find a sense of upheaval. They revel in the chaos, the destruction, the mayhem, And they know that in his name, they can achieve their ultimate aim.

To the uninitiated, he is a horror, a terror beyond compare, But those who follow him, see in him, a god, a deity, a force to bear. They worship him with passion, with devotion, with love, And they know that in his name, they will rise above.

So let us hail Pandemonic Satanica, the king of the damned, For in his presence, we are strong, and in his embrace, we are calm. His power is absolute, his darkness unyielding, And in his name, we find solace, and our souls are healed.

For in the dark embrace of Pandemonic Satanica,
We find a sense of purpose, a sense of belonging, a sense of euphoria. And we know that in his realm, we are safe, For his power will protect us, and his darkness will keep us brave.”
D.L. Lewis

“Quisiera dejarte ir
pero no puedo.
Estás en mis ojos,
en mi boca, mis oídos,
mis pies,
avanzo y veo tu sombra,
miro hacia atrás y ahí estás.

Quisiera dejarte ir,
pero no puedo,
quisiera que estés aquí,
pero no estás.”
Belen Larguia, Sin Despedida No Hay Adiós

“She is....
Quiet and observant. Provacative and witty. Humble and confident. Manifested and evolving. Art...
She is Art.”
Kierra C.T. Banks

“The purpose of poetry is to feed the world.”
Bert McCoy, A Lil' Bert Can't Hurt: Words and Wisdom for Daily Life

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