
Played Quotes

Quotes tagged as "played" Showing 1-10 of 10
Coco J. Ginger
“....finally I see that it’s never been me, just a blanket that keeps you warm. Easily tossed along
when something flashier or someone prettier comes along. Your heart I held so carefully, I see, this was all just a game...”
Coco J. Ginger

Jeffrey Fry
“A great voice is a unique instrument, not to sound like another instrument, but to be played like one.”
Jeffrey Fry

James C. Dobson
“Given these differences between the sexes, the sexual revolution was the biggest joke men ever played on women. By convincing them that the old rules didn’t apply and that two could play the predator game, men enticed women to do what men have always wanted women to do. But what a price was paid for the new “freedom.” And predictably, women were the ones who got stuck with the bill.”
James C. Dobson, Life on the Edge: The Next Generation's Guide to a Meaningful Future

Emma Lord
I narrowed my eyes at her, and then down at the container in her hands, where there were chocolate hand pies lined up in neat rows. The So Sorry Blondies were all gone by then, devoured between me and Paul and the rest of the dive team, and the memory of their deliciousness was too fresh for me to resist another Pepper Evans creation. I took one of the mini pies with a wary hand, just as she pulled out her phone, tapped it a few times, and smirked.
I stopped chewing. "Did you just tweet?" I asked, my mouth full of chocolate.
Pepper swept her bangs back with her fingers, and this time the gesture was calculated and breezy. "Did I?"
I scowled into my phone screen, lowering it under my desk so Mrs. Fairchild wouldn't see. This one was just a GIF of Regina George from Mean Girls--- "Why are you so obsessed with me?"
"At least your pie is better than your tweets," I mumbled.
But the smirk on Pepper's face only deepened. "Those are from the Big League Burger bargain menu, by the way."
My mouth dropped open. Pepper turned her eyes back to her textbook, burying her smirk in it. "Enjoy.”
Emma Lord, Tweet Cute

“I am betrayed and played but right now im feeling nothing pain but to forgive, it's because I love God too much that I can't hate.”

Steven Magee
“I have outlived a few of the kids that I grew up with in Knowsley Village, Liverpool, UK. Two dropped dead at eighteen years of age from heart attacks! They lived across the road from each other and played together. I wonder if it was some exposure that was common to them? Curiously, an entire family of three ladies all got breast cancer just round the corner from them, it killed my friend! A little further up the road another friend dropped dead of brain cancer in her thirties. Always seemed like far too much premature death in such a small area.”
Steven Magee

Ellen Palestrant
“Children need more time to be simply children and adults need more time to remember their childhood and how they once played.”
Ellen Palestrant, Have You Ever Had a Hunch? The Importance of Creative Thinking

Vincent H. O'Neil
“The next time someone tries to make a bet with your ass, tell them to make that bet with their own.”
Vincent H. O'Neil, A Pause in the Perpetual Rotation

“She felt like she had started running a full marathon feeling completely prepared and ready, only to be told just before the finish line that the race had been cancelled, and in fact, there never even was a finish line”
Kawaguchi Toshikazu
tags: played