
Phase Quotes

Quotes tagged as "phase" Showing 1-15 of 15
“My gracefulness took a vacation this weekend?”
E.C. Newman, Phase

“It's a crime to be that hot and yet, that evil.”
E.C. Newman, Phase

Sarah Vowell
“It's such a hopeful, almost utopian word, that word "phase." As if any minute, "we" would suffer some sort of Joad overload, come to "our" senses, and for heaven's sake, do something about our godforsaken shoes. But the book phase never ended. The book phase would bloom and grow into a whole series of seasonal affiliations including our communist phase, our beatnik phase, our vegetarian phase, and the three-year period known as Please Don't Talk to Me. Now that we are finishing up the third decade of the book phase, we ask ourselves if we have changed. Sure, we still dress in the bruise palette of gray, black, and blue, and we still haven't gotten around to piercing our ears. But we wear lipstick now, we own high-heeled shoes. Concessions have been made.”
Sarah Vowell, Take the Cannoli

Michael Finkel
“In 1988, a cave explorer named Véronique Le Guen volunteered for an extreme experiment: to live alone in an underground cavern in southern France without a clock for one hundred and eleven days, monitored by scientists who wished to study the human body's natural rhythms in the absence of time cues. For a while, she settled into a pattern of thirty hours awake and twenty hours asleep. She described herself as being "psychologically completely out of phase, where I no longer know what my values are or what is my purpose in life."
When she returned to society, her husband later noted, she seemed to have an emptiness inside her that she was unable to fully express. "While I was alone in my cave I was my own judge," she said. "You are your own most severe judge. You must never lie or all is lost. The strongest sentiment I brought out of the cave is that in my life I will never tolerate lying." A little more than a year later, Le Guen swallowed an overdose of barbiturates and lay down in her car in Paris, a suicide at age thirty-three.”
Michael Finkel, The Stranger in the Woods: The Extraordinary Story of the Last True Hermit

“Being human sucked.”
E.C. Newman, Phase

Steven Magee
“It is ironic that as we are becoming a globally connected population of over 7 billion people, that we are rapidly approaching the disconnection phase that environmental collapse will bring.”
Steven Magee

“Step back in perspective, open your heart and welcome transition into a new phase of life.”
Linda Rawson

C.S. Lewis
“Of course, there is no conceivable way of getting by reason from the proposition "I am losing interest in this" to the proposition "This is false.”
C.S. Lewis

Jennifer Pierre
“Whatever I feel, I can't act on it”
Jennifer Pierre

Deyth Banger
“If we agree about the first phase, we must agree and about God is a person with multiple personalities.”
Deyth Banger

Amy Rankin
“Within weeks of being at St Camillus, I was up from my wheelchair actually walking. Kathy was holding a gate belt around me and I was using the grab bar, but I was up and walking. This started a mew phase of my recovery.”
Amy Rankin, Nobody Thought I Could Do It, But I Showed Them, and So Can You!

“Good things wait for the Good phase to come.”

Steven Magee
“The route to success often has a pariah phase along the way.”
Steven Magee

Mitta Xinindlu
“It's your own pace, race, and phase.”
Mitta Xinindlu