
Parents Advice Quotes

Quotes tagged as "parents-advice" Showing 1-21 of 21
“Some parents whenever their children have an independent thought they wrap them up in warm ignorance and send them to bed”
rassool jibraeel snyman

Abhijit Naskar
“Force your kids to pursue success and they shall be drowned into the abyss of characterlessness, but let them pursue excellence and they shall rise as glorious Gods.”
Abhijit Naskar, Human Making is Our Mission: A Treatise on Parenting

Abhijit Naskar
“More than Captain America your kids need Amelia Earhart – more than Ant Man, they need Abraham Lincoln - more than Green Arrow they need Gandhi – more than Iron Man they need Isaac Newton.”
Abhijit Naskar, Human Making is Our Mission: A Treatise on Parenting

“Embrace high expectations from “demanding” parents if what they are demanding is your positive growth and learning.”
Jason L. Ma, Young Leaders 3.0: Stories, Insights, and Tips for Next-Generation Achievers

“It is our job as parents, to instill principles and values in our children. So that when they depart from you, those principles and values won’t depart from them. Mallory Bullard, a street soldier from the old school.”
Drexel Deal, The Fight of My Life is Wrapped Up in My Father

Abhijit Naskar
“Do not raise creepy crawlers my dear braveheart parents. Raise mighty humans with Himalayan strength in their veins. Give them the voice that has gone extinct in today’s society. And if there is only one thing you could give to your children, then give them courage – courage to pursue their passion – courage to trample every obstacle in their path – courage to keep walking even when their heart bleeds in agony.”
Abhijit Naskar, Human Making is Our Mission: A Treatise on Parenting

Stephanie Lahart
“It is imperative that we teach our boys to love themselves, too! One day they will become men, husbands, and fathers. I encourage you to instill self-love early on!”
Stephanie Lahart

“Parenting is the privilege of constant failure... and being loved anyway.”
Damon Thueson

C. JoyBell C.
“Never attempt to cover true feelings. Don't expect it from your children and don't expect it from other adults. There are no right feelings and no wrong feelings. To be human, one must feel the full range of emotions, not just preferred ones, not just tolerated ones. Do not raise your children feeling like they need to fight for the freedom to feel.”
C. JoyBell C.

“My child reflect the treatment I give.”
Efrat Cybulkiewicz

Abhijit Naskar
“Parenting is not about the parents, it's about the children.”
Abhijit Naskar

“Agar kita bisa menyayangi anak, kita perlu memahami apa sebetulnya hakikat dari anak itu sendiri, baik secara fisik, psikologis, maupun hukum. Bagaimana anak dipandang dari ketiga sudut pandang itu.”
Rini Hildayani

“Having strict parents can save you from a lot of bad things.”
Gugu Mofokeng