
Outcasts Quotes

Quotes tagged as "outcasts" Showing 1-30 of 50
Jodee Blanco
“What a desperate, pathetic fool I was. Time after time, my "friends" had shown me their true colors. Yet, I still wanted to believe they were sorry for causing me pain. p. 128”
Jodee Blanco, Please Stop Laughing at Me... One Woman's Inspirational Story

Audre Lorde
“Those of us who stand outside the circle of this society's definition of acceptable women; those of us who have been forged in the crucibles of difference - those of us who are poor, who are lesbians, who are black, who are older - know that survival is not an academic skill...For the master's tools will not dismantle the master's house. They will never allow us to bring about genuine change.”
Audre Lorde

N.K. Jemisin
“We aren't human."

"Yes. We. Are." His voice turns fierce. "I don't give a shit what the something-somethingth council of big important farts decreed, or how the geomests classify things, or any of that. That we're not human is just the lie they tell themselves so they don't have to feel bad about how they treat us.”
N.K. Jemisin, The Fifth Season

David  Wong
“From day one it was like society was this violent, complicated dance and everybody had taken lessons but me. Knocked to the floor again, climbing to my feet each time, bloody and humiliated. Always met with disapproving faces, waiting for me to leave so I'd stop fucking up the party.

The wanted to push me outside, where the freaks huddled in the cold. Out there with the misfits, the broken, the glazed-eye types who can only watch as the normals enjoy their shiny new cars and careers and marriages and vacations with the kids.

The freaks spend their lives shambling around, wondering how they got left out, mumbling about conspiracy theories and bigfoot sightings. Their encounters with the world are marked by awkward conversations and stifled laughter, hidden smirks and rolled eyes. And worst of all, pity.”
David Wong, John Dies at the End

Erik Pevernagie
“In the architecture of their life some may display Potemkin happiness in view of hiding the dark features of their fair weather relationship, preferring to set up a window dressing of fake satisfaction rather than being rejected as emotional outcasts. ("Absence of beauty was like hell")”
Erik Pevernagie

Zeena Schreck
“The material world is all feminine. The feminine engergy makes the non-manifest, manifest. So even men (are of the feminine energy). We have to relinquish our ideas of gender in the conventional sense. This has nothing to do with gender, it has to do with energy. So feminine energy is what creates and allows anything which is non-manifest, like an idea, to come into form, into being, to be born. All that we experience in the world around us, absolutely everything (is feminine energy). The only way that anything exists is through the feminine force.”
Zeena Schreck

John Steinbeck
“Our Father who art in nature, who has given the gift of survival to the coyote, the common brown rat, the English sparrow, the house fly and the moth, must have a great and overwhelming love for no-goods and blots-on-the-town and bums, and Mack and the boys. Virtues and graces and laziness and zest. Our Father who art in nature.”
John Steinbeck, Cannery Row

Samantha    Shannon
“Black doves and white crows flew to her, for she was mother to the outcasts.”
Samantha Shannon, The Priory of the Orange Tree

Shūsaku Endō
“The earth is not just for the clever and the strong.”
Shūsaku Endō

Zeena Schreck
“There are Tantrics who deliberately seek to do more active forms of renunciation, so transgression of social norms and breaking of taboo, and breaking of social taboos especially, is a form of renunciation.”
Zeena Schreck

Masha Gessen
“To create, and to confront, one has to be an outcast.”
Masha Gessen, Words Will Break Cement: The Passion of Pussy Riot

Shūsaku Endō
“The earth is not just for the clever and the strong. It must be possible even for weak and pitiful creatures — like himself and this old dog — to make some contribution in their lifetime.”
Shusako Endo

Gregory Boyle
“If you read Scripture scholar Marcus Borg and go to the index in search of 'sinner,' it'll say, 'see outcast.' This was a social grouping of people who felt wholly unacceptable. The world had deemed them disgraceful and shameful, and this toxic shame, as I have mentioned before, was brought inside and given a home in the outcast.

Jesus' strategy is a simple one: He eats with them. Precisely to those paralyzed in this toxic shame, Jesus says, 'I will eat with you.' He goes where love has not yet arrived, and he 'gets his grub on.' Eating with outcasts rendered them acceptable.”
Gregory Boyle, Tattoos on the Heart: The Power of Boundless Compassion

Lily King
“Socially we balanced each other out. He was the guy who came into the room and everyone was relieved. I made people deeply uneasy, myself most of all.”
Lily King, Five Tuesdays in Winter

Nelson Algren
“Then the wooden benches along the walls, where so many outcasts had slept, would be lit by a sort of slow, clocked lightning til the bulb steadied and fastened its tiny feral fury upon the center of the room like a single sullen and manic eye. To burn on there with a steady hate. Til morning wearied and dimmed it away to nothing more than some sort of little old lost gray child of a district-station moon, all its hatred spent.”
Nelson Algren, The Man with the Golden Arm

Mary E. DeMuth
“We are to be agents of His great upside down Kindgom, where the outcasts are listened to, the broken are given dignity, and those suffering under the weight of sexual exploitation are rescued and healed.”
Mary E. DeMuth, We Too: How the Church Can Respond Redemptively to the Sexual Abuse Crisis

Michael Bassey Johnson
“When a person is deserted, he learns by default, how to survive.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Night of a Thousand Thoughts

K. Weikel
“We will no longer be outcasts - we will be rulers.”
K. Weikel, The One-Hundred: Damian's Deeds

Abhijit Naskar
“Whom the society deems worthless, once they discover their special inclination, it will change the very course of their lives as well as the shape of the very society that distastes them.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Education Decree

“If you don’t take care of the disenfranchised and outcasts of your city, they will come knocking on your door one day with revenge and bitterness”
Sunday Adelaja

Adam Weishaupt
“We are the outsiders, the heretics, the rebels, the revolutionaries, the blasphemers, the outcasts, the infidels. We are the Resistance. We are the Truth seekers. We are the Mathematikoi. We are the Hyperboreans. We are the Illuminati. We are contra mundum.”
Adam Weishaupt, Contra Mundum

“It had been bound to happen. If anything, technology created a space for the strange and the afraid. Some would argue that the environment had created those people, but I doubted that. Those who flocked to technology as a place to hide and to fit in would have found something else, but instead they found another life.”
J.P. Carver, DataTrigger

“Take responsibility for the disenfranchised people”
Sunday Adelaja

Jaime Allison Parker
“Steffy risked a glance at her fellow neighbors and townspeople. She often looked for kindred spirits in the crowd. None were ever found. Just once, she wished to see someone trying to hide a smile, a snicker, or plain sighing at the absurdity. The rowdy outcasts among the community were not welcome in the church. They knew better than to show their faces.”
Jaime Allison Parker

Kathleen Kent
“It's hard to imagine, seeing how crowded the sky looks tonight, how far away one star is from another. Like people, really. We can appear to be standing right next to each other, and yet in our minds, we can be thousand miles away, lost to the outer reaches. But we're altogether in the same black soup, which makes us all related somehow.”
Kathleen Kent, The Outcasts

Andrzej Sapkowski
“They were outcasts. They were a strange, mixed bag created by war, misfortune and contempt. War, misfortune and contempt had brought them together and thrown them onto the bank, the way a river in flood throws and deposits drifting, black pieces of wood smoothed by stones onto its banks.”
Andrzej Sapkowski, Czas pogardy

Carmen Laforet
“I knew that in a few minutes I'd have to enter a happy, unthinking world. A world that revolved around the solid pedestal of money, with an optimistic view I knew something about from listening to the conversations of my friends.”
Carmen Laforet, Nada

Udayakumar D.S.
“Being an outcast gives you immense freedom and thrill. You don’t have to follow the template life of a normal human being. Don’t despise your uniqueness. Embrace it gleefully. Explore the horizons of your potential. Keep pushing the boundaries. Knock all the doors open and see what’s there. This path you walk is not the one travelled by thousands and thousands. You might be the only one of your generation to tread that path. Walk with pride as you might be the one who creates the footpath on which a select few might travel later”
Udayakumar DS, Life of a Sunset Kid

“You know what normal is? A setting on the washing machine and no one wants to be that.”
Ashley Purdy

Michael Bassey Johnson
“It is easy to criticize the antisocial, but hard to get close to know what keeps them at bay.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Stamerenophobia

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