
Ontological Mathematics Quotes

Quotes tagged as "ontological-mathematics" Showing 1-30 of 90
Steve  Madison
“Ontological Fourier mathematics is the complete mathematical explanation of Cartesian philosophy. It converts a substance dualism into a dual-aspect substance monism. There is only one substance - mathematics - but it can exist both dimensionlessly (as mind) and dimensionally (as matter, the product of mind). Mind adds the framing dimensions of space (extended real numbers) and time (extended imaginary numbers) to the unextended real and imaginary numbers of the frequency domain. (Ontologically, frequencies are not in space and time. They are instead the source of space and time).”
Steve Madison, Transconsciousness

“Reality is based on unobservable mathematical points
(singularities). That’s the secret of existence. What’s at the centre of a black hole? – a singularity. What was the Big Bang? – a singularity event. What is the Big Crunch? – when spacetime returns to a singularity. What is light made of? – photonic singularities (immaterial and dimensionless; according to Einstein’s special theory of relativity, photons have no mass, are maximally length contracted to zero, and time has stopped for them). The whole universe is made of light. It comes from light and returns to light. Light is all about points – singularities. Light is the basis of thought, the basis of mind, and the basis of matter. Everything is derived from light, and light is nothing but mathematical points defined by the generalised Euler Formula, and it creates the visible world via Fourier mathematics.”
Mike Hockney, Richard Dawkins: The Pope of Unreason

“Never forget – there is nothing other than mathematics. The reason why you imagine that the universe is not mathematical is that your mind experiences the information carried by mathematics – its empirical Content – but you don’t regard this as math. Yet it is. It’s just the other side of the ontological mathematical coin It’s mathematical Content rather than mathematical Form, but it’s math all the same. Mathematics is Janus-faced. It looks two ways at once: empirically and rationally. You have been brainwashed to think that only the rational Form is math – and that it’s cold and abstract, with nothing to do with reality. In fact, both sides of the coin are fully mathematical. That’s what it means to say that mathematics is ontological.”
Mike Hockney, Transcendental Mathematics

“If “God” were real, we all know what he would really have said: “Let There Be Mathematics!”
Mike Hockney, The Mathematical Universe

“Isn’t it time to become enlightened? Isn’t it time to join the Church of Reason? Abandon all of the other false, irrational religions. Embrace the Truth. Become one with your immortal, indestructible, mathematical soul. “God” did not create your soul. On the contrary, it is itself becoming God!”
Mike Hockney, Richard Dawkins: The Pope of Unreason

“Reality is based on unobservable mathematical points (singularities). That’s the secret of existence. What’s at the centre of a black hole? – a singularity. What was the Big Bang? – a singularity event. What is the Big Crunch? – when spacetime returns to a singularity. What is light made of? – photonic singularities (immaterial and dimensionless; according to Einstein’s special theory of relativity, photons have no mass, are maximally length contracted to zero, and time has stopped for them). The whole universe is made of light. It comes from light and returns to light. Light is all about points – singularities. Light is the basis of thought, the basis of mind, and the basis of matter. Everything is derived from light, and light is nothing but mathematical points defined by the generalised Euler Formula, and it creates the visible world via Fourier mathematics.”
Mike Hockney, Richard Dawkins: The Pope of Unreason

“Ontological mathematics: science with the scientific method relegated to the study of empirical, phenomenal mathematics only, and the mathematical method used to study noumenal, metaphysical reality: ultimate existence itself, i.e. the very thing that religion sought to understand. Ontological mathematics is religion, philosophy and science transmuted into a perfect, unified, closed, analytic, a priori, deductive, logical, complete and consistent rational system.”
Mike Hockney, Why Math Must Replace Science

“Mathematics is not an unreal abstraction, as sensory science says. It is reality in itself, stripped of all sensory interpretations and perceptions. “Light” is just another word for reality in itself, for pure math! Have you seen the light yet?”
Mike Hockney, Transcendental Mathematics

“The revolutionary paradigm shift the intellectual world requires – the new Copernican Revolution – is to leave behind the notion of mathematics as an unreal, abstract world of potentiality while physics is the real, concrete world of actuality. The current paradigm says: mathematics unreal, physics real. The new paradigm says: mathematics real (noumenal, ontological), physics phenomenal, concerned with appearances, but not real in itself.”
Mike Hockney, Mind and Life, Form and Content

“Math is nothing – eternally structured, dynamic nothingness. Why does anything exist? Because it’s a special type of nothing – mathematical nothing. It needs nothing, expends nothing, and nothing can stop it, and that’s exactly why it can endure forever. There is only one perfect perpetual motion machine: mathematical nothingness, which is also everything.”
Mike Hockney, Causation and the Principle of Sufficient Reason

“The cleverest people in the world are those most capable of making the least expected connections between apparently disparate things. This book has explained how light, life, mind, soul, causation, motion, energy, ontological mathematics and ontological reason are all synonymous. Are you one of the rare few capable of seeing the light? Can you see the hidden mathematical order beneath the Grand Illusion presented to our senses? Only those on the verge of Enlightenment have any hope of understanding ontological mathematics, the science of the soul, the science of the unseen light of the Universal Mind.”
Mike Hockney, Causation and the Principle of Sufficient Reason

“Mathematics has been described as “not just a language”, as a language plus reasoning, a language plus logic, as a tool for reasoning. In truth, mathematics is reason. It’s how reason manifests itself ontologically. It’s exactly because the universe is made of math that it’s a rational place, obeying the principle of sufficient reason. That’s why everything has an explanation.”
Mike Hockney, Causation and the Principle of Sufficient Reason

“So, which is it? Does matter create mind? Or does mind create matter? Scientific materialists have never made any progress whatsoever in explaining how matter produces mind. Mind can easily explain the production of matter – via autonomous Fourier immaterial frequency functions finding collective expression in a Fourier material spacetime world. It’s the collective rather than individual nature of this mental activity that makes it seem “physical”, and which gives rise to the delusion of the existence of matter. It’s all in the math.”
Mike Hockney, Black Holes Are Souls

“What are photons? They are dimensionless, unitless, massless, pure numbers! Every photon has a specific frequency – which is its number. So, the light of the sun is in fact the light of numbers, the light of mathematics ... the light of reason. Mathematics is not an unreal abstraction, as sensory science says. It is reality in itself, stripped of all sensory interpretations and perceptions. “Light” is just another word for reality in itself, for pure math! Have you seen the light yet?”
Mike Hockney

“Here’s another way to think of atoms. They are numbers. Numbers are the true atoms of existence, and all things are compounded from numbers. When you break up all compounds, you return to the
ultimate, simple, indivisible parts: eternal, necessary numbers. Numbers and their mathematical relations are all there are. Numbers, ontologically, are not pencil strokes on paper. Rather, they are energy-frequencies that exist as sinusoidal waves, and reality is nothing but how these eternal waves interact, and enter into
temporal, contingent wavefunctions. In other words, the answer to existence is simply to correctly define what numbers are ontologically, and what laws dictate their interactions. This is what Pythagoras first attempted two and a half thousand years ago. He conceived of numbers as living, dynamic things ruled by harmony (and discord). Isn’t that a far more powerful notion of reality than Feynman’s?”
Mike Hockney, The Forbidden History of Science

“Here’s another way to think of atoms. They are numbers. Numbers are the true atoms of existence, and all things are compounded from numbers. When you break up all compounds, you return to the ultimate, simple, indivisible parts: eternal, necessary numbers. Numbers and their mathematical relations are all there are. Numbers, ontologically, are not pencil strokes on paper. Rather, they are energy-frequencies that exist as sinusoidal waves, and reality is nothing but how these eternal waves interact, and enter into
temporal, contingent wavefunctions. In other words, the answer to existence is simply to correctly define what numbers are ontologically, and what laws dictate their interactions. This is what Pythagoras first attempted two and a half thousand years ago. He conceived of numbers as living, dynamic things ruled by harmony (and discord). Isn’t that a far more powerful notion of reality than Feynman’s?”
Mike Hockney, The Forbidden History of Science

“A thought in itself is in fact a sinusoidal wave, and, from this, everything else – the entire nature of existence – follows. Equating a thought to a sinusoidal wave that can be used in Fourier mathematics is the greatest intellectual breakthrough of all time. When its consequences are eventually understood by scientists, philosophers and mathematicians, it will revolutionize the human race like nothing before.”
Mike Hockney, Psychophysics

“Consider Euler’s identity: eiπ + 1 = 0. Here we have the exact situation where a something – the expression on the left – is exactly equal to zero (nothing). The expression on the left is not nonexistence. It has properties, capacities, potentialities, the ability to interact with others of its kind, indeed, to contribute to the entire infinite system of mathematics, which, in the end, reduces to nothing but a set of infinite tautologies expressing 0 = 0. Since we know that eiπ + 1 = 0, we can substitute 0 for eiπ + 1, leaving 0 = 0. So, here we have something whose essence is to exist and yet be nothing. This is
true of the whole of ontological mathematics, and it’s the only system of which this is true, hence it’s the only true system.”
Mike Hockney, Science's War On Reason

“Consider Euler’s identity: eiπ + 1 = 0. Here we have the exact situation where a something – the expression on the left – is exactly equal to zero (nothing). The expression on the left is not nonexistence. It has properties, capacities, potentialities, the ability to interact with others of its kind, indeed, to contribute to the entire infinite system of mathematics, which, in the end, reduces to nothing but a set of infinite tautologies expressing 0 = 0. Since we know that eiπ + 1 = 0, we can substitute 0 for eiπ + 1, leaving 0 = 0. So, here we have something whose essence is to exist and yet be nothing. This is true of the whole of ontological mathematics, and it’s the only system of which this is true, hence it’s the only true system.”
Mike Hockney, Science's War On Reason

“Mathematics is ontological and concrete, not manmade, abstract, potential or virtual. Mathematics is really out there, and we really can detect it. But only people of reason have this capacity, and no one else. Just as blind people can’t see the visible world all around them, people who are blind to reason can’t see the mathematical world all around them.”
Mike Hockney, Science's War On Reason

“We discover the properties of mathematical objects such as triangles. We don’t invent them. This is a crucial point. If we invented the properties of triangles, they would be temporal, contingent entities, subject to incompleteness and inconsistency, and all of our manmade fallacies and errors. In fact, the properties of triangles are the same whether human beings exist or not, and, moreover, these properties are eternally true. Nothing is more astounding than the idea of eternal truths because such truths prove conclusively that mathematics has existed forever, that it’s uncreated and uncaused. Nothing gave rise to mathematics because, in order to do so, it would have to be older than mathematics, and nothing can be older than eternity. Of only one thing can we be sure: eternal things are mathematical things, and not any other kind of thing. “God” would be eternal only if he were mathematical!”
Mike Hockney, Science's War On Reason

“Reason allows you to be more than human, superhuman, hyperhuman... a God. You can step out of your limited, flawed human prison. You can transcend the human condition, and see reality for what it actually is... a living mathematical organism relentlessly optimising and solving itself.”
Mike Hockney, Ontological Mathematics: How to Create the Universe

“The soul is pure light. It’s massless, unextended, dimensionless, and outside space and time. A soul comprises an autonomous, complete and consistent set of photons. You have your own unique set of photons that provide your free will, qualia, experiences, thoughts and feelings, and make you exactly who you are (and not someone else). There is no escaping from your eternal photons. You are the light forever... literally. Photons (sine and cosines orthogonal pairs) are the basic units of mathematics, mind and life. They are the arche, the eternal basis of existence. Only when humanity comprehends this can humanity embark on its divine trajectory to the Light. Math will set us free. Math will make us Gods, and deliver us all to paradise.”
Mike Hockney, Ontological Mathematics: How to Create the Universe

“The commonplace idea that math is a manmade language is comically dumb. We know what manmade languages are like: English, German, French, Spanish, Japanese, and so on. None of these has any resemblance whatsoever to math. How can a human being invent π or e? How can a human pluck Euler’s Formula out of nothing? The reason why people are so keen to say that math is manmade is because if they’re wrong then the converse is true: man is mathmade! That is, of course, exactly the position of ontological mathematics, and it represents the highest possible wisdom”
Mike Hockney, Ontological Mathematics: How to Create the Universe

“Humanity has always regarded math as a weird, unreal abstraction. Only a few geniuses here and there have realised otherwise. Mathematics is the most concrete thing of all – eternally concrete. Thoughts are numbers. What could be more bizarre to an ordinary human mind? Reality is just an enormous numerical system, relentlessly solving and optimising itself. Numbers = frequencies = energies. Why is math so good at describing the world? Because the world is mathematical! Duh! Why are numbers exactly the right things to measure the world? Because the world is made of numbers! As soon as you realise that thoughts, numbers, life, energy, motion, frequencies and waves are all ways of talking about the same thing, it’s obvious why mathematics is the explanation for everything.”
Mike Hockney, Ontological Mathematics: How to Create the Universe

“All of the mysteries of existence lie in light, and light is mental and mathematical, not physical and scientific. That’s what the Lorentz transformations say unequivocally. Light has no mass, has zero extension, does not experience time, and travels at a speed unreachable by any physical object. That is the exact definition of mind right there. If you can’t understand this, stop pretending to be rational.”
Joe Dixon, Take Them to the Morgue

“Mathematics and thought are ontologically the same thing. Have you understood? You are a thinking entity inhabiting a world created from thought. “God” doesn’t make the world out of nothing. God makes the world out of thought, his own thought. God is himself thought, and you yourself are an eternal, necessary node of God. This reality is just “God”, in all of his different monadic nodes, thinking about things and calculating the best answer to everything.”
Jack Tanner, Do the Math: Why Math Is Nothing Like How You Imagine

“The only system that can be God is mathematics, the quintessential subject for providing answers, and the only subject that can deliver perfection. Mathematics is the mirror of God and mathematics is God. This is the gospel of ontological mathematics.”
Rob Armstrong, Homo Roboticus: The Inner Human Robot Revealed By Sleepwalking and Hypnosis

“What do the Lorentz transformations tell us? They not only show that space and time are linked (they change in a precise mathematical way to always ensure that the speed of light remains the same), they also show that space and time exist within a container that is not in space and time, that is outside space and time. Space and time exist within the container of light. That’s literally what the Lorentz transformations say. They say that light is maximally length contracted, hence is not in space, that it is maximally time dilated, hence not in time, and that it massless, hence not part of the material order. All material things have non-zero mass and travel at less than the speed of light. The immaterial – massless light – travels at a fixed speed, the maximum speed of reality.”
Dr. Thomas Stark, Ontological Mathematics Versus Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity

“Everything is about frequencies, vibrations. “Matter” is just a special type of vibration. There is no bigger idea than that thoughts = sinusoids, and sinusoids = light, and from light we get all of matter. Meaning that everything belongs to a giant system of thought, to a self-solving cosmic intellect.”
Dr. Thomas Stark, Ontological Mathematics Versus Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity

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