
News Media Quotes

Quotes tagged as "news-media" Showing 1-30 of 50
Frank  Sonnenberg
“The only difference between being uninformed and misinformed is that one is your choice and the other is theirs.”
Frank Sonnenberg, Listen to Your Conscience: That's Why You Have One

“The proliferation of material means that people might start to become selective about what they consume and, if my instincts are correct, they are likely to read only that which confirms what they already know. This means they will never have their ideas tested. I worry that as a result, people will form tight groups around those who confirm their biases, mistrusting those whom they encounter who think differently.”
Una McCormack

“In America, as soon as you are born, you are brainwashed. Starting with your parents, then by religion, then by the public school system, and then by government via the news media.”
James Thomas Kesterson Jr

“The most emerging religion in India is “Religion of News agency”, Though the reality is most of them are driven by asinine deliberative political rhetoric. So, your allegiance towards the nation cannot be impelled by these news outlets, it has to be with living and breathing document “The Constitution of India”
Ramkrishan Guru

C.S. Lewis
“The most unliterary reader of all sticks to 'the news'. He reads daily, with unwearied relish, how, in some place he has never seen, under circumstances which never become quite clear, someone he doesn't know has married, rescued, robbed, raped, or murdered someone else he doesn't know.”
C.S. Lewis, An Experiment in Criticism

Elisa Gabbert
“In the era of fake news - a natural extension of the era of news proper - we don't just look to the media for facts, we look to it for narratives.”
Elisa Gabbert, The Unreality of Memory: And Other Essays

Andrew Marr
“If the headline asks a question, try answering 'no'. Is This the True Face of Britain's Young? (Sensible reader: No.) Have We Found the Cure for AIDS? (No; or you wouldn't have put the question mark in.) Does This Map Provide the Key for Peace? (Probably not.) A headline with a question mark at the end means, in the vast majority of cases, that the story is tendentious or over-sold. It is often a scare story, or an attempt to elevate some run-of-the-mill piece of reporting into a national controversy and, preferably, a national panic. To a busy journalist hunting for real information a question mark means 'don't bother reading this bit'.”
Andrew Marr, My Trade: A Short History of British Journalism

Germany Kent
“To be successful as a journalist, you must be curious and have a yearning for learning facts.”
Germany Kent

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Labeling an opposing opinion as ‘hate speech’ is not a defense. Rather, it highlights the lack of a defense.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“This Psalm is that from which the Devil dared to tempt our Lord Jesus Christ: allow us to therefore attend thereto, that thus armed, we could also be enabled to resist Satan.”
Psalm 91 Reading From Bible

“If you approach your guardian spirit with prayer or meditation before bed, before falling asleep, your angel can send you messages through your dreams. you're more receptive to angelic messages once you are asleep than once you are awake for several reasons.”
Interpret Your Guardian Angel's Messages

Dan Kovalik
“One of the reasons that the West continues to dance on the grave of the Soviet Union, and to downplay its achievements, is to make sure that, as the world-wide economy worsens, and as the suffering of working people around the world deepens, they don't get any notions in their heads to organize some new socialist revolution with such ideals.”
Dan Kovalik, The Plot to Scapegoat Russia: How the CIA and the Deep State Have Conspired to Vilify Russia

Dan Kovalik
“But you don't have to my word for it that Russia and Putin are being unfairly scapegoated. Even Nadezhda Tolokonnikova- the founder of the Russian punk group Pussy Riot, whose members were imprisoned in Russia in response to their anti-government protest at an Orthodox Church- recently expressed such an opinion. As Tolokonnikova explained in an interview with David Sirota in the International Business Times, "I'm not terrified of him {Putin} at all. I don't think you have to be terrified of him. He's just a guy who claims that he has power, but I claim to have power too and you have power....If you talk here about mainstream liberal media in America, which speak a lot about Putin, I think it's just a trick....They don't really want to talk about internal American problems....They're just looking for a scapegoat and, you know, for Trump it's Muslims and Mexican workers. And for liberal media in America it is Putin.”
Dan Kovalik, The Plot to Scapegoat Russia: How the CIA and the Deep State Have Conspired to Vilify Russia

“One of the biggest threats to the U.S. government is a united population. This is why we continue to see the news media focus on social issues rather than focusing on the problems the government is doing nothing about.”
James Thomas Kesterson Jr

“Don’t mistake being informed by trusting what you hear or read in the news. The most trusted information is what you feel in your gut.”
Charles F Glassman

“Don’t mistake being informed by trusting the media. The most trusted information you can get is from your gut.”
Charles F Glassman

Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu
“Watching Al Jazeera news is like reading the encyclopaedia. You get to know about all that matters.”
Nkwachukwu Ogbuagu

Michael Parenti
“In keeping with their system-sustaining function, the major news media present reality as a scatter of events and subjects that ostensibly bear little relation to each other or to a larger set of social relations.”
Michael Parenti, Blackshirts and Reds: Rational Fascism and the Overthrow of Communism

“It seems like news media strive on bad things, bad people or bad situation. They are always happy to report bad news. That will scare people. They like to install fear in people's live.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Applying the term ‘hate speech’ has become the latest way to defend a position that cannot be defended by creating the appearance that you’re defending it.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Hate speech’ is the slight-of-hand used to distract people from the indefensibility of a position by making people feel sorry for it.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Steven Magee
“It was clear there was a controlled release of information to the masses by the state of Hawaii news media during the august 2023 Maui wildfires disaster.”
Steven Magee

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“Normal people apply butter on bread to feed their child, and most news anchor and reporter apply genocide victims' blood on bread to feed their children”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Mohammed Zaki Ansari
“the most shameful generation in the future will be the generation of journalists & media personalities. They will be ashamed of being a generation of those who are directly involved in genocide and nothing more than a propaganda tool.”
Mohammed Zaki Ansari, "Zaki's Gift Of Love"

Roger Ebert
“It's said that Richard Harding Davis was dispatched by William Randolph Hearst to cover the Johnstown flood. Here was his lead: "God stood on a mountaintop here and looked at what his waters had wrought." Hearst cabled back: "Forget flood. Interview God.”
Roger Ebert, A Horrible Experience of Unbearable Length: More Movies That Suck

Joshua Krook
“The rules were simple, as far as I could tell. Being correct had nothing to do with substance and everything to do with style. The correct answer was a matter of yelling loudly. Whoever yelled the loudest was telling the greatest version of the truth. The title of the show was Objectivity.”
Joshua Krook, Black Friday 2050: The powerful psychological thriller set in a terrifying high-tech future

“Creating a website is akin to crafting a digital masterpiece, where each pixel and line of code serves a purpose. Begin by envisioning the essence of your website, its core message, and the audience it aims to captivate. Lay a sturdy foundation by selecting the right platform, be it a user-friendly website builder or delving into the intricacies of coding languages like HTML and CSS. Embrace simplicity in design, allowing for intuitive navigation and seamless user experience. Remember, content reigns supreme; curate it with precision, blending creativity and relevance to engage your visitors.”
Jacob Mathison

Stephen Nothum
“It was October 17th, 2084 and stupid opinions were illegal in the United States of America. Up until 2059 stupid opinions had been very legal, very common, and extremely monetized. You could make lots of money off stupid opinions back before 2059. Some people made zounds of money talking about how stupid the stupid opinions were. Other people made zounds of money defending stupid opinions and building a platform on the idea that—no matter how stupid an opinion was—it was each American’s right to have and promote stupid and dangerous opinions. Few people talked about worthwhile opinions then. Worthwhile opinions were not exciting. They did not get likes or views. If something didn’t get likes or views back then, it didn’t exist.

But it was 2084. A stupid opinion had not been shared online for 25 years. The internet had atrophied. It was just a big store now. The big store mostly sold banana-flavored cigarettes. Almost everyone smoked banana-flavored cigarettes.”
Stephen Nothum, Teething and Other Tales From the American Dystopia

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