
New Love Quotes

Quotes tagged as "new-love" Showing 1-30 of 49
Crystal Woods
“I know you think I'm crazy. Maybe that's because I am. About life, about this moment, about you.”
Crystal Woods, Write like no one is reading

Wally Lamb
“Maybe that's what love is. Having someone who guides you through different experiences, coaxes you to try news things but still makes you feel safe.”
Wally Lamb, We Are Water

“I wish I was your favorite girl, I wish you thought I was the reason you are in the world, I wish I was your favorite smile, I wish the way I dressed was your favorite kind of style”
Kate Nash

Maquita Donyel Irvin Andrews
“I feel your words on my lips
and feel your mood in my hips”
Maquita Donyel Irvin

“All I know is that your the nicest thing I've ever seen, I wish we could see if we could be something...”
Kate Nash

Jennifer Megan Varnadore
“New love can heal lost loves, but it cannot make you forget.”
Jennifer Megan Varnadore

Cassandra Clare
“It was as though each of them had discovered something unexpected but infinitely desirable. They were not yet sure of each other, but they wanted to be.”
Cassandra Clare, The Red Scrolls of Magic

Philip Pullman
“It might have been a new way for her heart to beat.”
Philip Pullman, The Amber Spyglass

“A cold word from a cold man sends shivers throughout my body but my heart remains warm”
Sonya Watson, The Tide Breaker

K.M. Golland
“His calm and gentle tone was like an anchor in a ferocious sea, keeping me from drifting into a current of heartache.”
K.M. Golland, Discovering Stella

Molly Ringle
“Eventually the real world intruded again, and Sophie had to return to campus—woefully behind on homework, but incandescently in love.”
Molly Ringle, Persephone's Orchard

Eric Overby
“My past is being burnt down
I've shown you the ash
Is it me, or are we more than just friends now?
I have to ask.”
Eric Overby, Senses

Eli Easton
“New love is grand. Savor all the crazy, muddled might of it.”
Eli Easton, The Mating of Michael

Philip Pullman
“So, wondering whether any lovers before them had made this blissful discovery, they lay together as the earth turned slowly and the moon and stars blazed above them.”
Philip Pullman, The Amber Spyglass

Maggie Shipstead
“We think each new romantic prospect, each new lover, is a fresh start, but really we're just tacking into the wind, each new trajectory determined by the last, plotting a jagged yet unbroken line of reactions through our lives.

[Hadley Baxter]”
Maggie Shipstead, Great Circle

Allie Ray
“Something unnamable fit between them and for now it was too delicate to put words to. Even if Lars spoke better English.”
Allie Ray, Inheritance

Charlotte Eriksson
“You know you’ve moved on when you find other people beautiful.
when you don’t avert your eyes but keep them steady
or when you stay the night, the last one at the party,
and you don’t feel sorry. or empty. or guilty
because whatever, where are you going anyway?”
Charlotte Eriksson, He loved me some days. I'm sure he did: 99 essays on growth through loss

Steve Maraboli
“I had to heal… I had to stop trying to nourish my present life with expired moments. I had to move on… So that I could experience new love without being afraid of old pain.”
Steve Maraboli

“Her legs quivering from fear, sexual yearn at a height never before felt...”
Bat Maxwell, The Color of Honey

Margot Berwin
“Gabriel will give you things you never expected to receive in this lifetime. He will take you places in love that you cannot imagine. Gabriel will haunt you. Gabriel can save you. Gabriel will make you want to live forever. Gabriel will make you wish you were dead."
I looked around the packed church for my Gabriel.
Father Madrid continued.
"Gabriel is the messenger of God and the angel of death. How can one being be both of those things?
"Gabriel signifies duality, complication, perplexity; the true human condition in the form of an angel.
"How many of you have acted like Gabriel in your day-to-day life? On the one hand finding a special person to love and on the other hand bringing pain and heartache to that very same person?
"On the one hand loving someone new and exciting. And on the other knowing that that very love brings destruction and hurt to others, who feel abandoned by you as you live only for your new love, and brings pain to those who desire your beloved for themselves.”
Margot Berwin, Scent of Darkness

Sarah Hall
“There's blindness to new lovers. They exist in the rare atmosphere of their own colony, trusting by sense and feel, creatures consuming each other, building shelters with their hopes. Other worlds cease. I know I felt something as it began, an understanding, foreboding, ordinance, even. Love is never the oldest story. It grows in the rich darkness.”
Sarah Hall, Burntcoat

Richard Powers
“We are not born familiar. At best, familiar waits for us down the run of years. Familiar is what he can become to her only through life. But familiar to herself, already, looking on him.”
Richard Powers, The Time of Our Singing

Zora Neale Hurston
“God made it so you spent yo' ole age first wid somebody else, and saved up yo' young girl days to spend wid me.”
Zora Neale Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God

Zora Neale Hurston
“Tea Cake love me in blue, so Ah wears it. Jody ain't never in his life picked out no color for me.”
Zora Neale Hurston, Their Eyes Were Watching God

A.D. Aliwat
“So powerful will be our intimacy, that words, mere words, would do it great injustice.”
A.D. Aliwat, In Limbo

Rosella Postorino
“Mi sembrava di aver conosciuto la felicità solo dopo averlo incontrato. Non avevo mai pensato, prima, che mi spettasse. [...] Così smagliante, e sazia, ed era mia, una felicità che Gregor aveva portato in dono come fosse la cosa più semplice del mondo. La sua personale vocazione.
Poi però aveva rinunciato a quel compito, ne aveva uno più importante.”
Rosella Postorino, At the Wolf's Table

Stewart Stafford
“The Ludicrous Pragmatic by Stewart Stafford

Love is anaesthesia,
Of the human condition,
Honeyed, layman's nostrum,
healing body and mind.

An auction won unbidden,
Self-created, human-sustained,
Unlike energy, destructible,
morphing into vicious hatred.

Convalescing in a void,
baby steps towards others,
a sentient river to the sea,
Until love's exhumed again.

© Stewart Stafford, 2023. All rights reserved.”
Stewart Stafford

H.S. Crow
“When describing love, why are we always falling? Why not say instead that we are rising, or growing in love?”
H.S. Crow, Lunora: A Book of Sand

“Southern women will steal your heart, and act like it was an accident.”
Scott Thompson, Lost in ‘96

Erin Langston
“She looked around the derelict shop. “All we have now is a story and a press.”

“True.” He smiled, a wide, brilliant arc of possibility, and Belle fell straight into it. “It’s more than either of us had before.”
Erin Langston, The Finest Print

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