
Netflix Quotes

Quotes tagged as "netflix" Showing 1-30 of 36
“you are the bane of my existence, and the object of all my desires”
Anthony Bridgerton

Mouloud Benzadi
“Celebrities are like the stars with one major difference:
The stars shine TOGETHER,
Celebrities hate EACH OTHER!”
Mouloud Benzadi

David Foster Wallace
“I think one of the reasons that I feel empty after watching a lot of TV, and one of the things that makes TV seductive, is that it gives the illusion of relationships with people. It's a way to have people in the room talking and being entertaining, but it doesn't require anything of me. I mean, I can see them, they can't see me. And, and, they're there for me, and I can, I can receive from the TV, I can receive entertainment and stimulation. Without having to give anything back but the most tangential kind of attention. And that is very seductive.
The problem is it's also very empty. Because one of the differences about having a real person there is that number one, I've gotta do some work. Like, he pays attention to me, I gotta pay attention to him. You know: I watch him, he watches me. The stress level goes up. But there's also, there's something nourishing about it, because I think like as creatures, we've all got to figure out how to be together in the same room.
And so TV is like candy in that it's more pleasurable and easier than the real food. But it also doesn't have any of the nourishment of real food. And the thing, what the book is supposed to be about is, What has happened to us, that I'm now willing--and I do this too--that I'm willing to derive enormous amounts of my sense of community and awareness of other people, from television? But I'm not willing to undergo the stress and awkwardness and potential shit of dealing with real people.
And that as the Internet grows, and as our ability to be linked up, like--I mean, you and I coulda done this through e-mail, and I never woulda had to meet you, and that woulda been easier for me. Right? Like, at a certain point, we're gonna have to build some machinery, inside our guts, to help us deal with this. Because the technology is just gonna get better and better and better and better. And it's gonna get easier and easier, and more and more convenient, and more and more pleasurable, to be alone with images on a screen, given to us by people who do not love us but want our money. Which is all right. In low doses, right? But if that's the basic main staple of your diet, you're gonna die. In a meaningful way, you're going to die.”
David Foster Wallace

“The weak breeze whispers nothing
the water screams sublime.
His feet shift, teeter-totter
deep breaths, stand back, it’s time.

Toes untouch the overpass
soon he’s water-bound.
Eyes locked shut but peek to see
the view from halfway down.

A little wind, a summer sun
a river rich and regal.
A flood of fond endorphins
brings a calm that knows no equal.

You’re flying now, you see things
much more clear than from the ground.
It's all okay, or it would be
were you not now halfway down.

Thrash to break from gravity
what now could slow the drop?
All I’d give for toes to touch
the safety back at top.

But this is it, the deed is done
silence drowns the sound.
Before I leaped I should've seen
the view from halfway down.

I really should’ve thought about
the view from halfway down.
I wish I could've known about
the view from halfway down—”
Raphael Bob-Waksberg, BoJack Horseman: The Art Before the Horse

“You don't realize how strong you are until you have to be.”
Thereza (from Coisa Mais Linda)

“A true selfless act always sparks another”

“do you think there is a corner of this earth that you could travel to, far away enough to free me from this torment?”
Anthony Bridgerton

“I'm still in love with you. I tried not to be, it didn't work...I want another chance. I'm in love with you.

Mark, i- i have a boyfriend.

I know. I'm saying you can have a husband.”
Mark Sloan

Jarod Kintz
“Self-driving cars are so lonely. Are you really going to use all that extra commute time to binge-watch Netflix? Why not hire me to sit next to you and whistle all your favorite tunes?”
Jarod Kintz, There are Two Typos of People in This World: Those Who Can Edit and Those Who Can't

Becky Albertalli
“Netflix means not having to suck in your stomach or think of anything smart or adorable to say. It means a whole night of not wondering what people think about you. No alcohol, and no flirtation, and no confusion, and every organ calm and settled. Perfect. Exactly what I want.”
Becky Albertalli, The Upside of Unrequited

Jean Baudrillard
“All these novels in which the authors try desperately to dramatize their own histories, their experiences, to recount their own psychological dramas - this is not literature. It is secretion, just like bile, sweat or tears - and, sometimes even, excretion. It is the literary transcription of 'reality television'. It is all the product of a vulgar unconscious not unlike a small intestine, around which roam the phantasms and affects of those who, now they've been persuaded they have an inner life, don't know what to do with it.”
Jean Baudrillard, Cool Memories V: 2000 - 2004

“I've been thinking about what you said about seeing and not seeing. I had a painting teacher once tell me that the difference between a good painting and a great painting is typically five strokes. And they're usually the five boldest strokes in the painting. The question is, of course, is which five strokes?”
Aster Flores

Ariana Brown
“[our various selves] are all names we wear. Until we don't.”
Ariana Brown

David Benioff
“Be careful with what you know. That's where most people's troubles begin.”
David Benioff

Caroline Kepnes
“From every boy masquerading as a man that you let into your body, your heart. You learned you didn’t have whatever magic turns a beast into a prince.”
Caroline Kepnes

“Borrowing a book and not returning it is the height of all rudeness.”
Daniel Pilby

Jean Baudrillard
“Nothing has the same meaning any more once it has been confronted not with its unfinished form, but with its accomplished or even excessive form. We are no longer fighting the spectre of alienation, but that of ultra-reality. We are no longer fighting our shadows, but transparency. And every step in technological progress, every advance in information and communications, brings us closer to that inescapable transparency. All the signs have been reversed as a result of this precession of the end, this irruption of the final term at the very heart of things and their unfolding. The same acts, the same thoughts and the same hopes which brought us nearer to that finality we so longed for now take us away from it, since it is behind us. Similarly, everything changes meaning once the movement of History crosses this fatal demarcation line: the same events have different meanings depending on whether they take place in a history that is being made or in a history being unmade. It's the same with the curve of History as it is with the trajectory of reality. It is the upward movement which gives them force of reality. On the downward curve -- or because the movement is simply continuing as a result of its own inertia -- everything is caught in a different refraction space, as in a gravity alternator. In that new space, as in Alice's looking-glass space, words and effects are stood on their head, and every movement impedes every other.

The balance which, by the force of the negative, governed our world has been upset. Events, discourses, subjects or objects exist only within the magnetic field of value, which only exists as a result of the tension between two poles: good or evil, true or false, masculine or feminine. It is these values, now depolarized, which are beginning to spin in the undifferentiated field of reality. And objects, too, are beginning to spin in the undifferentiated field of value. All there is now is a circular form of switching or substitution between disconnected and erratic values. Everything which stood in a fixed relation of opposition is losing its meaning by becoming indistinguishable from its opposite as a result of the upsurge of a reality which is absorbing all differences and conflating opposing terms by promoting them all unreservedly.”
Jean Baudrillard, The Perfect Crime

Jean Baudrillard
“Let us not be deceived about the cool forms, forms indifferent to themselves, which this fetishism can assume in Warhol. Behind this machinic snobbery, what is really going on is a rise and rise of objects, images, signs and simulacra, as well as a rise and rise of values, the finest example of which is the art market itself. We are a long way from the alienation of price, which is still a real measure of things. We are in the ecstasy of value, which explodes the notion of market and simultaneously destroys the art work as such. Warhol is naturally party to this extermination of the real by the image, and to such an overdoing of the image as to put an end to all aesthetic value.

Warhol reintroduces nothingness into the heart of the image. In this sense, we cannot say he is not a great artist: fortunately for him, he is not an artist at all. The point of his work is a challenge to the very notion of art and aesthetics.”
Jean Baudrillard, The Perfect Crime

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Sarvesh Jain
“Some people think sharing your Netflix makes your friendship stronger. The modern world needs a modern way of affection.”
Sarvesh Jain

Anthony T. Hincks
“Squid Game, is a riveting TV program that deserves accolades of praise . It's a TV program that invites you, yourself in to play the games along with it.”
Anthony T. Hincks

Scott Galloway
“Si quieres trabajar para Vogue, producir películas o abrir un restaurante, es mejor que obtengas de ello una inmensa recompensa psicológica, pues tu compensación económica, y el retorno por tus esfuerzos, probablemente vaya a dar bastante pena.”
Scott Galloway, The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google

“We’re not in an Age of Politics, we’re in an Age of Netflix. It’s who can tell the most compelling story who wins.”
David Sinclair, Superheroes and Presidents: How Absurd Stories Have Poisoned the American Mind

Torron-Lee Dewar
“Just because a series is trending, it doesn't mean you automatically have to tune into it. Not everything broadcasted is healthy for the brain.”
Torron-Lee Dewar

Steven Magee
“Period? Ibuprofen, Netflix and recline!”
Steven Magee

Becca Fitzpatrick
“I’ve sworn off guys. If I need romance, that’s what Netflix is for.”
I’ll believe it when I see it, I thought with a smirk.”
Becca Fitzpatrick, Silence

“I can't let you take the blame for something I did. You have too much to lose.”
JJ Maybank

“There are only three kinds of relationships in the animal kingdom. The first is commensalism. One example: Fish finding hiding spots in coral reefs. Fish profit, but life for the coral doesn’t change. Then there’s mutualism, a relationship where both animals benefit from each other. The tricky thing about animals is you don’t always know what kind of relationship you’re in. Which brings me to relationship number three. The parasitic.”
John B. Routledge

“Even a blind pig can find an acorn at times! I actually don't know what that saying means, but I saw it on Reddit.”
JJ Maybank

“The antennae on his head look weird, I agree...but now I get Hulu and Netflix for free.”

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