
Ms Quotes

Quotes tagged as "ms" Showing 1-16 of 16
Jo Franz
“Take a limitation and turn it into an opportunity. Take an opportunity and turn it into an adventure by dreaming BIG!”
Jo Franz

Carmen Ambrosio
“I was inspired to write (Life Continues) to tell people dealing with MS or any other illness that if opening your eyes, or getting out of bed, or holding a spoon, or combing your hair is the daunting Mount Everest you climb today, that is okay.”
Carmen Ambrosio, Life Continues: Facing the Challenges of MS, Menopause & Midlife with Hope, Courage & Humor

“A troubled life beats having no life at all”
Richard M. Cohen, Blindsided: Lifting a Life Above Illness: A Reluctant Memoir

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
“I prefer Ms. because it is similar to Mr. A man is Mr. whether married or not, a woman is Ms. whether married or not. So please teach Chizalum that in a truly just society, women should not be expected to make marriage-based changes that men are not expected to make. Here’s a nifty solution: Each couple that marries should take on an entirely new surname, chosen however they want as long as both agree to it, so that a day after the wedding, both husband and wife can hold hands and joyfully journey off to the municipal offices to change their passports, driver’s licenses, signatures, initials, bank accounts, etc.”
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Dear Ijeawele, or A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions
tags: ms

S.K. Ali
“Since the news was out about my MS, out with my Dad, my friends, and soon with Hanna, it emerged in the real world.
Like a boggart from Harry Potter's world, it took shape in front of me. Unmoving, but relentlessly forcing itself into my thoughts. My MS, it was real now.
I didn't want to climb the ladder to finish painting the room. I was scared to.
I wasn't part of any Hogwarts houses, because there wasn't a house for people who'd rather tuck away, overwhelmed with fear.”
S.K. Ali, Love from A to Z

“Many patients with cancer are depressed, yet depression is not the cause of cancer.”
David S. Bell M. D.

“The association between the post-encephalitic syndrome and demyelination or incomplete myelination of the brain seems quite secure. And the fact that encephalitis -including that caused by vaccination- can cause demyelination has been known since the 1920's!”
Harris Coulter, Vaccination, Social Violence, and Criminality: The Medical Assault on the American Brain

David     Pratt
“Joey broke the silence. “MS?” he asked.
“Microsoft,” said Calvin. “Or multiple sclerosis. Computer programs everyone has to use, or a debilitating disease. That’s life, in a nutshell.”
David Pratt, Looking After Joey

“Perhaps most important to keep in mind, however, is that it can be impossible to distinguish between the symptoms of MS and those of gluten sensitivity.”
Shari Lieberman, The Gluten Connection: How Gluten Sensitivity May Be Sabotaging Your Health - And What You Can Do to Take Control Now

Steven Magee
“I am not angry at Microsoft, as they did give me Windows 10 for free! I do feel a little misled about its reliability on older computers never certified for its installation by the manufacturer though.”
Steven Magee

“Progress is like wheels that never stop; they have to keep turning in order to remain relevant to a car and all of its mechanical parts. Stopping is not an option in real time but it is to those that envy progress and upward mobility. Progress never ends because it is infinite but it rebuilds and readjust (s) to take increment steps then massive steps if it is hindered.
- Terrance Robinson”
Terrance Robinson- Artist Educator Scholar Entrepreneur

“Progress is like wheels that never stop; they have to keep turning in order to remain relevant to a car and all of its mechanical parts. Stopping is not an option in real time but it is to those that envy progress and upward mobility. Progress never ends because it is infinite but it rebuilds and readjust (s) to take small steps then massive steps if it is hindered.”
Terrance Robinson- Artist Educator Scholar Entrepreneur

Steven Magee
“Windows 10, why are you so mean to me?”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Historians will remember the first year of Microsoft Windows 10 for its willful vandalism of many computers through the release of a flawed operating system (OS) and mandatory flaky automatic updates.”
Steven Magee