
Mirror Of My Soul Quotes

Quotes tagged as "mirror-of-my-soul" Showing 1-29 of 29
Joey W. Hill
“We forget that sometimes there is something greater than our pain. That's the pain of the person who loves us, who couldn't protect us from that pain.”
Joey W. Hill, Mirror of My Soul

Joey W. Hill
“I want you to make love to me. I want to go to your room, your bed, be under you, feel you inside me, see your eyes, feel your body and know…we're together. I don't know if that's love or just need, but I know I need you. I need that with you. I need what I've never known and I need it from you. Only you. And it may destroy everything or build something. I really don't know. I just know…Please make love to me.”
Joey W. Hill, Mirror of My Soul

Nathaniel Hawthorne
“It was one of those moments—which sometimes occur only at the interval of years—when a man's moral aspect is faithfully revealed to his mind's eye. Not improbably, he had never before viewed himself as he did now.”
Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Scarlet Letter

Paul Morabito
“Only by glaring into the depths of ones own reflection can we find our true selves. It is here where the mirrored voices of our souls speak and can be heard.”
Paul Morabito, Mirrored Voices: Emerging Poets Anthology

Joey W. Hill
“Love is not temporary. It endures everything even if it changes form. Even when it must be put away to handle harsher things, it's always there, ready to be called.”
Joey W. Hill, Mirror of My Soul

Joey W. Hill
“Tyler wrote:
Dearest Marguerite:
You've taught me a great deal about stillness. About the many things that can drift into your mind and heart when you shut down the barricades created by noise. Unexpected gifts of insight, revelation and wisdom. <…>
But you taught me that love is found in stillness. It is the space between objects. It's the star you can't see if you look directly at it in the night sky, but if you look away, look forward, you see it in your peripheral vision, beside you, watching over you. If you lie down on the earth it's there, beneath you, cradling you.<…>
You're my angel, my tormentor, my woman, my love.

God, Tyler is such a gentleman! He is gentle AND a gentleman.
Joey W. Hill, Mirror of My Soul

Joey W. Hill
“But whatever lies beyond…You've helped me remember why it's worth fighting. Living. Even when the lines get so confusing you think you're losing your mind.”
Joey W. Hill, Mirror of My Soul

Jodi Picoult
“The Native Americans know that wolves are mirrors for humans. What they show us are our strengths and weaknesses... When I lived with the wolves, I was proud of the reflection of myself. But when I came back, I always paled in comparison.”
Jodi Picoult, Lone Wolf

Joey W. Hill
“And while there's so much wisdom that I don't know, I know that evil doesn't happen for a cosmic reason, a 'balance of good' bullshit. Evil happens because it can, because circumstances allow it to take place. And you build your own sanctuary against it to keep yourself sane, to keep yourself fighting it.”
Joey W. Hill, Mirror of My Soul

Nicola An
“If we learn to love someone for their imperfections that reflect our own, we eventually appreciate the thought that even the most beautiful things are damaged”
Nicola An , The Universe at Heartbeat

Joey W. Hill
“I held her in my arms last night," he said quietly. "And when I felt her every response, I thought, 'There's nothing else I could ever want.' Whether there's a Heaven or not, it doesn't matter. This…Those moments when she gave me everything were more than I ever hoped Heaven could be.”
Joey W. Hill, Mirror of My Soul

Joey W. Hill
“I'll endure anything for you, angel. Anything.
Joey W. Hill, Mirror of My Soul

Joe R. Lansdale
“Deep down I think I may be just like everyone else. And do you know what, Harry?"
"No sir."
"That bothers me.”
Joe R. Lansdale, The Bottoms

Stewart Stafford
“Are those conspirators that you spy through your window or is it a mirror reflecting the chattering parasites in your mind?”
Stewart Stafford

“Loving who you came from is like looking into the mirror and loving yourself. Your ancestry is your reflection in the mirror.”
Deborah Bravandt

Andrew Pacholyk
“This moon, O lunar landscape glow, by reflecting sunlight's passing flow...of energy and vibrant waves to mirror back our feelings so.”
Andrew Pacholyk, Lead Us To A Place: Your Spiritual Journey Through Life's Seasons

Nicola An
“If we learn to love someone for their imperfections that reflect our own, we eventually thought that even the most beautiful things are damaged”
Nicola An , The Universe at Heartbeat

Lois Lowry
“Its a little like looking at yourself looking in a mirror looking at yourself looking in a mirror.”
Lois Lowry, The Giver

“How could we even be prepared to face such a harsh reality as ourselves when we see nothing in a mirror but the reflection of our disguised faces staring back at us with the many cruel intentions behind it? And perhaps it is this that is hell in itself. It just seems less demanding to submit ourselves to the oblivious demise we have crafted then to witness the ruin of our very soul.”
Cage J. Madison, The Proclamation of the Demon in I

Tom  Meyers
“Life is a mirror, look and observe yourself”
Tom Meyers

Eric Overby
“To know your mind,
you need a little distance.
You need to be a step or two away
and be able to notice
what your mind is doing
without being so lost or involved in it
that you can’t see it.
It’s like trying to see your eyes.
If you want to see yourself,
you need to create some space,
you need a mirror.
Stillness, mindfulness, meditation:
these are the mirrors.”
Eric Overby, Legacy

“The world has waited long enough for you to cultivate your brilliance, all there is left for you to do is walk outside and mirror the sun.”
Monika Zands

Debasish Mridha
“My writings are the mirror of my soul and the dance of my mind.”
Debasish Mridha

Muriel Barbery
“Iata deci cugetarea mea profunda pe ziua de azi: e pentru prima oara cand intalnesc pe cineva care cauta oameni si care vede mai departe. Poate sa para ceva banal dar eu cred ca este profund. Noi nu vedem niciodata mai departe de certitudinile noastre si, mai grav, am renuntat la intalnirea cu ceilalti, nu facem decat sa ne intalnim pe noi insine, fara a ne recunoaste in aceste oglinzi permanente. Daca ne-am da seama de asta, daca am deveni constienti ca nu ne privim niciodata decat pe noi insine in celalalt, ca suntem singuri in desert, am innebuni.
Eu insa implor soarta sa-mi acorde sansa de a vedea mai departe de mine insami si de a intalni pe cineva.”
Muriel Barbery, The Elegance of the Hedgehog

“I look into the mirror and i see nothing, only in darkness i feel myself, only in silence i hear myself. I have been parted into two, a body and a soul and i have no knowledge of which one i am living.”
Neymat Khan

C.J. Carmichael
“Marriages fall apart every day," she told her reflection. "Other women live through it. So will you."

But how?

Claire moved closer to the mirror and stared into her eyes, eyes that Kirk claimed were the color of the irises that bloomed every spring under their front window. Who was this woman staring back at her?

A wife. A mother. Who else? What did other people see? What did they think?”
C.J. Carmichael, The Fourth Child

Cali Willette
“In dim mirrors now I see;
Who God wants me to be.”
Cali Willette, Fractures of Gold

“A mirror does not judge when you look at it. It reflects who you are or what you are becoming.”
Eduvie Donald