
Mindfullness Quotes

Quotes tagged as "mindfullness" Showing 1-30 of 42
Thich Nhat Hanh
“The function of mindfulness is, first, to recognize the suffering and then to take care of the suffering. The work of mindfulness is first to recognize the suffering and second to embrace it. A mother taking care of a crying baby naturally will take the child into her arms without suppressing, judging it, or ignoring the crying. Mindfulness is like that mother, recognizing and embracing suffering without judgement.

So the practice is not to fight or suppress the feeling, but rather to cradle it with a lot of tenderness. When a mother embraces her child, that energy of tenderness begins to penetrate into the body of the child. Even if the mother doesn't understand at first why the child is suffering and she needs some time to find out what the difficulty is, just her acto f taking the child into her arms with tenderness can alreadby bring relief. If we can recognize and cradle the suffering while we breathe mindfully, there is relief already.”
Thích Nhất Hạnh, No Mud, No Lotus: The Art of Transforming Suffering

Stephen Richards
“One can observe that such changes in the breath are the direct result of your reaction to thoughts. If you can simply dismiss the thoughts by giving them no value then the breathing will find its own medium and become subtle.”
Stephen Richards, The Ultimate Cosmic Ordering Meditation

Cait Flanders
“Stuff I purchased with every intention of using, but only because I told myself it would somehow help. I wasn't good enough, but this stuff would make me better. I wanted to read, wear, and do everything so I could become the person I thought I should be.”
Cait Flanders, The Year of Less: How I Stopped Shopping, Gave Away My Belongings, and Discovered Life Is Worth More Than Anything You Can Buy in a Store

Blake Crouch
“If you change the way your brain processes an event, you change the duration of the ‘now.’ You actually change the point at which the present becomes the past.”
Blake Crouch, Recursion

Nikki Rowe
“Solitude, at first is scary. All you have is yourself. After a while its comforting, it knows the real you and cant judge you for it. If you live it long enough it becomes an addiction, like all things, too much of it and you will go insane but not enough of it will also send you there.n”
Nikki Rowe

“Trust the Universe. It is Father and Mother for all Lightworkers. Your way is never darkness.”
Nara InneresGold

Dave Cenker
“Now, each day I spend with Leah leads me closer to something more stable, but... unsteady.”
Dave Cenker, Second Chance

“To "Move On" does not mean to stop caring, it means I can't keep everyone happy.

To "Move On" is not to cut myself off, it's the realization I can't control others.

To "Move On" is not to reject, but to accept every change in life graciously.

To "Move On" is not to feel powerless, but to accept that the outcome is not in my hands.

To "Move On" is not to be protective, but to permit myself to face reality.

To "Move On" is not to escape, but to search my own shortcomings and correct them.

To "Move On" is not to deny anything, but to take each day as it comes, and cherish it fully.

To "Move On" is not to forget the past, but to grow wiser and live for Now.”
Aditya Ajmera

Michael Kilman
“It has gone nowhere, you have gone somewhere. We are all nowhere until we go somewhere. Your mind is full again, but not because it is empty, you only think it is full.”
Michael Kilman, Upon Stilted Cities: The Battle for Langeles

Leonie H. Mattison
“When we know what we don’t want, we can give full attention to coming into alignment with what we do want.”
Leonie H. Mattison, BESIDE STILL WATERS: Finding Rest, Refreshment, and Restoration for Your Soul: A 21-Day Devotional for Survivors of Abuse

“A fit body & mind complement a healthy life.”
Ashwin Muthiah, Chairman, AM International

“You must be gentle with yourself every day anew, so that the harshness of this world does not seep into your soul.”
Jan Lenarz

Eckhart Tolle
“For awhile, I was left with nothing on the physical plane. I had no relationships, no job, no home, no socially defined identity. I spent almost two years sitting on park benches in a state of the most intense joy.”
Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

“You can't stop the waves but you can learn to surf.”
Swami Satchitananda

Nara Inneres Gold

“Not all your family or friends will be happy when you succeed, nor will everyone be saddened when you lose; so, be careful with whom you're sharing your personal business.”
Kianu Starr

Deborah Lucero
“When your body, mind, soul, and spirit are tuned into your thoughts, feelings, and actions, your life will change!”
Deborah Lucero, Be F*#%Ing Amazing!: 70 Healing Insights to Live Your Full Life

Lochan Kalicharan
“Self-discovery and self-growth are meant to teach us many lessons, allowing us to be the type of person that can add to another's existence, complimenting them. Being complete means that the energy we expend can be used not only to enrich but to heal others.”
Lochan Kalicharan, Unchained

Pete Walker
“Mindfulness is a perspective of benign curiosity about all of your inner experience.”
Pete Walker, Complex PTSD: From Surviving to Thriving

Bertalan Thuroczy
“The human body has some amazing abilities. One of these is our ability to adapt: people can adapt to almost any kind of circumstances in the long run..
We are the biochemists of our own body.”
Bertalan Thuroczy, Believe, Live, Run: A story about having faith

“What we do in solitude defines us.”
RESHMA CHEKNATH UMESH, Dear Reader, by, Julie and other stories

“Taming the mind is the process of refining away mental afflictions until we aren't ruled by our circumstances and the negative thoughts and emotions they elicit.”
Khentrul Lodrö T'hayé Rinpoche

Jon Luvelli
“Stop oscillating from the future and the past, be here in the now.”
Jon Luvelli

Orna Ross
“Poetry Is Language Dancing.”
Orna Ross, Keepers: A Book of Motivational Poems

Orna Ross
“There is no wise writing without a wise reader.”
Orna Ross, After the Rising

Shunryu Suzuki
“In zazen, leave your front door and your back door open. Let thoughts come and go. Just don't serve them tea.”

Read in: A Monk's Guide to Happiness: Meditation in the 21st Century by Gelong Thubten”
Shunryu Suzuki

“Although you may not have control of what enters your mind, you do have control over what is kept within and that which exits your mind.”
Aegelis, Specks of Shadows, Flecks of Light

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