Matter Quotes

Quotes tagged as "matter" Showing 91-120 of 371
Pierce Brown
“Matter, how tiny my share.
Time, how brief my allotment.
Fate, how small my roll to play.
Self, All that can be mastered.”
Pierce Brown, Dark Age

Steve  Madison
“Ontological Fourier mathematics is the complete mathematical explanation of Cartesian philosophy. It converts a substance dualism into a dual-aspect substance monism. There is only one substance - mathematics - but it can exist both dimensionlessly (as mind) and dimensionally (as matter, the product of mind). Mind adds the framing dimensions of space (extended real numbers) and time (extended imaginary numbers) to the unextended real and imaginary numbers of the frequency domain. (Ontologically, frequencies are not in space and time. They are instead the source of space and time).”
Steve Madison, Transconsciousness

Marie-Louise von Franz
“As you know, there was a famous quarrel between Max Planck and Einstein, in which Einstein claimed that, on paper, the human mind was capable of inventing mathematical models of reality. In this he generalized his own experience because that is what he did. Einstein conceived his theories more or less completely on paper, and experimental developments in physics proved that his models explained phenomena very well. So Einstein says that the fact that a model constructed by the human mind in an introverted situation fits with outer facts is just a miracle and must be taken as such. Planck does not agree, but thinks that we conceive a model which we check by experiment, after which we revise our model, so that there is a kind of dialectic friction between experiment and model by which we slowly arrive at an explanatory fact compounded of the two. Plato-Aristotle in a new form! But both have forgotten something- the unconscious. We know something more than those two men, namely that when Einstein makes a new model of reality he is helped by his unconscious, without which he would not have arrived at his theories...But what role DOES the unconscious play?...either the unconscious knows about other realities, or what we call the unconscious is a part of the same thing as outer reality, for we do not know how the unconscious is linked with matter.”
Marie-Louise von Franz, Alchemy: An Introduction to the Symbolism and the Psychology

“Reality is based on unobservable mathematical points
(singularities). That’s the secret of existence. What’s at the centre of a black hole? – a singularity. What was the Big Bang? – a singularity event. What is the Big Crunch? – when spacetime returns to a singularity. What is light made of? – photonic singularities (immaterial and dimensionless; according to Einstein’s special theory of relativity, photons have no mass, are maximally length contracted to zero, and time has stopped for them). The whole universe is made of light. It comes from light and returns to light. Light is all about points – singularities. Light is the basis of thought, the basis of mind, and the basis of matter. Everything is derived from light, and light is nothing but mathematical points defined by the generalised Euler Formula, and it creates the visible world via Fourier mathematics.”
Mike Hockney, Richard Dawkins: The Pope of Unreason

“Imagine God as a mirror. The Devil is the shattered mirror, exploded into a myriad of splinters. God as a single mirror is made up of countless individual minds, but they are so harmonized, so integrated, so symmetrical, that they are indistinguishable and constitute a perfect Unity. However, when the perfect mirror breaks, it breaks everywhere, disconnecting every mind from the perfect hive. The perfect mirror has zero entropy. The exploded mirror has maximum entropy. Entropy is the Devil. Entropy is matter. Once the mirror - as a living entity - has broken, it needs to reconstitute itself, like a jigsaw puzzle. It needs to recreate God. That is the goal and meaning of existence.”
Harry Knox, God Is a Hive Mind: The Cellular Divinity

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
“Scientists know it (matter) hardly skin deep, and yet they will dogmatise.”
H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, Vol. 1 of 4

Nina LaCour
“I thought when you got divorced you were supposed to fight over all the stuff. The house and the cars and the furniture. The wedding gifts that are still around. The Art collection, if you're the type of people who collect art, which my parents happen to be. I thought you were supposed to want to hold on to the pieces of your life. I thought the years that came before were still supposed to matter.”
Nina LaCour, Summer Days and Summer Nights: Twelve Love Stories

“Reality is based on unobservable mathematical points (singularities). That’s the secret of existence. What’s at the centre of a black hole? – a singularity. What was the Big Bang? – a singularity event. What is the Big Crunch? – when spacetime returns to a singularity. What is light made of? – photonic singularities (immaterial and dimensionless; according to Einstein’s special theory of relativity, photons have no mass, are maximally length contracted to zero, and time has stopped for them). The whole universe is made of light. It comes from light and returns to light. Light is all about points – singularities. Light is the basis of thought, the basis of mind, and the basis of matter. Everything is derived from light, and light is nothing but mathematical points defined by the generalised Euler Formula, and it creates the visible world via Fourier mathematics.”
Mike Hockney, Richard Dawkins: The Pope of Unreason

“So, which is it? Does matter create mind? Or does mind create matter? Scientific materialists have never made any progress whatsoever in explaining how matter produces mind. Mind can easily explain the production of matter – via autonomous Fourier immaterial frequency functions finding collective expression in a Fourier material spacetime world. It’s the collective rather than individual nature of this mental activity that makes it seem “physical”, and which gives rise to the delusion of the existence of matter. It’s all in the math.”
Mike Hockney, Black Holes Are Souls

Hrishikesh Agnihotri
“Whether you realize it or not, you do matter.
And your presence in this world does make a difference.”
Hrishikesh Agnihotri, Enrich The World With Your Presence : HA's Original Quotes, Volume 01

“Vision challenges the status quo. It latches on the fact of supremacy of mind over matter to turn what is to what could be.”
Abiodun Fijabi

“Mind operates on matter in the same way as photons do. That’s because photons are in fact the carriers of mind! The mind stays in the frequency domain while still having an impact on spacetime, and interacting with matter. Photons are “force particles” (bosons) operating on “matter particles” (fermions). We could equally say that photons are “frequency mind particles” operating on “spacetime matter particles”. Light is thought.”
Mike Hockney, Ontological Mathematics: How to Create the Universe

“The universe is alive. Rules and equations aren’t dead... they’re the formulae for life itself. They are Platonic Forms of Life. Monads – the basic constituents of living mathematics – are living, self-solving, self-optimising minds. Life is breathed into math because math is inherently alive. Of course, you have to be an idealist, not a materialist, to understand this.”
Mike Hockney, Ontological Mathematics: How to Create the Universe

“All of the mysteries of existence lie in light, and light is mental and mathematical, not physical and scientific. That’s what the Lorentz transformations say unequivocally. Light has no mass, has zero extension, does not experience time, and travels at a speed unreachable by any physical object. That is the exact definition of mind right there. If you can’t understand this, stop pretending to be rational.”
Joe Dixon, Take Them to the Morgue

“The science books once stated that physics is the study of matter and energy and their relationships. I think it's fair to say that this is an abstraction. Truth is simple in reality. Physics is the study of self. And so as self continues to study itself, self is bound to discover that all differentiation is but self-desired, self-caused and self-perceived so self would not feel by itself, so self could experience companionship, so self could experience friendship, so self could experience love. For such is the purpose of self; all this so to love and be loved in endless return.”
Wald Wassermann

Sarvesh Jain
“Someday it won't matter what I did today. But today, it does matter.”
Sarvesh Jain

Helena Petrovna Blavatsky
“It is most remarkable that, while confessing their entire ignorance of the true Nature of even terrestrial matter--primordial substance being regarded more as a dream than as a sober reality--the physicists should set themselves up as judges, nevertheless, of that matter, and claim to know what it is able and is not able to do, in various combinations.”
H.P. Blavatsky, The Secret Doctrine, Vol. 1 of 4

“Sky is simile of a goal that beckons as well as keeps receding as you fly towards it, making it an infinite journey. The Sanskrit word for sky, "aakaasha", is even more expressive, its meaning being space as well. Matter that represents all things worldly can never fill space as all matter is permeable and is always permeated by space. So matter can neither fill, nor fulfill. Contrasted with matter, space is "nothingness" the ancient Indians' concept of God. Yet, it is made of all possible paths, "dik", the Sanskrit word for direction, being used to describe space as constituted of infinite directions. Thus the infinite paths to the infinite goal make us reach where we already are - in infinite space.”
R. N. Prasher

“I mean right now. Like this very second. You as this person across from me. You're something.”
Julie Cross and Mark Perini

Pradip Bendkule
“Each Thing Matters Because Everything in the Universe is made up of Matter.”
Pradip Bendkule

Ronda Rousey
“I walked toward the only thing that mattered: the embrace of my family.”
Ronda Rousey, My Fight / Your Fight

Steven Magee
“The Green Party was not available in Tucson, so I voted Democrat because Black Lives Matter.”
Steven Magee

Deyth Banger
“So God exist so what?
So he doesn't exist so what?
It really doesn't matter as long you don't go as abusive parent and start forcing your beliefs onto others.”
Deyth Banger, God Who Cares?

Alexandra Bracken
“I want you to remember that - it's our choices that matter in the end. Not wishes, not words, not promises.”
Alexandra Bracken, Passenger

Steven Magee
“I will take Biden over Trump.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“It is only a matter of time before the Space program kills a civilian with a piece of rocket or satellite debris.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“Part of customer service is knowing you cannot make some people happy, no matter what you do.”
Steven Magee

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“You really can’t have an attitude of ‘mind over matter’ if you no longer ‘mind’ about the things that ‘matter.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Richard Rohr
“You cannot know anything spiritually by saying it is a not-that: you can only know it by meeting it in its precise and irreplaceable thisness and honoring it there.”
Richard Rohr, Just This

Rebecca Solnit
“To consider earth holy is to connect the lowest and most material to the most high and ethereal, to close the breach between matter and spirit. It subversively suggests that the whole world might potentially be holy and that the sacred can be underfoot rather than above.”
Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust: A History of Walking