
Luxury Life Style Quotes

Quotes tagged as "luxury-life-style" Showing 1-30 of 50
“Sensuality is the most expensive taste and luxury in the world.”
Lebo Grand

“The ability to live a sensual lifestyle signals that an individual has become adept at overcoming the constraints of daily life and has entered into a privileged world where the key to entry is no longer the functional, but the aesthetic, the decadent, the passionate.”
Lebo Grand

“Time is not a luxury, sensuality is.”
Lebo Grand

“Now I’m not trying to sound big-headed or anything but my sensuality has benefited a lot of people in more ways than I can quantify. It has served people not only in romantic relationships but in businesses, organizations and professional lives as well. (People got big promotions at work and major business deals). This was brought to my attention recently by a very close friend of mine in a conversation we had while we were sitting in a coffee shop.

She said, “Lebo, have you noticed how so many people who got close to you either through work or relationship have had major transformations in their personal lives within the shortest space of time, that includes myself?” I paused for a moment and remembered the same words being said by one ex of mine, another lady I helped on her project not so long ago echoed the same notion. To some of you this might seem like... c’mon Lebo, anything could have led to any of those transformations. To even associate it with my sensuality seems utterly absurd, it’s like I’m trying to bolster my significance, but I know better now. I know the value I’m bringing into people’s lives whether they acknowledge it or not.

Our conversation also made me recall how I had been exploited by others who saw value in me which I, at the time, was still oblivious of. The thing about human beings is that, usually they won’t show you your true value from which they’re secretly benefiting because they know that once you wake up and start realizing it, you won’t supply it for free anymore.

So after I had woken up to my true value I decided to start making my sensuality EXCLUSIVE. Now when you make your sensuality exclusive it automatically makes your company highly priced. Consequently, it makes you highly sought after BY PEOPLE WHO SEEK TRUE VALUE AND KNOW WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE. When you make your sensuality exclusive, it increases your value exponentially as well as your desirability, not to everyone, but only TO THE RIGHT PEOPLE. You become the catch. Now I’m saying this to show you the hidden power of the world of sensuality that most people aren’t aware of.

Almost every successful luxury industry in the world essentially thrives on sensual principles whether they’re aware of it or not.”
Lebo Grand

Michael Bassey Johnson
“You will be remembered for making a difference, and not for being the owner of fleets of cars.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Song of a Nature Lover

Abhijit Naskar
“Sonnet of Luxury

Serenity shrinks as luxury grows,
While you pay moderation no heed.
Disparity is not a matter of economics,
All of it is born of human greed.
Moderation is the key to contentment,
Lesser the needs the happier you are.
Grow up and get hold of your needs,
Learn to tell necessities from desire.
Cherish the little things in life,
Value people over possession.
A healthy society is born of healthy mind,
Health begins where ends self-obsession.
Sophistication is an enemy of life.
A life of simplicity is bound to thrive.”
Abhijit Naskar, Hometown Human: To Live for Soil and Society

Abhijit Naskar
“All are so obsessed with comfort and luxury, that they rebel most vehemently when their wi-fi is down, but do nothing when their neighbor is down.”
Abhijit Naskar, The Gentalist: There's No Social Work, Only Family Work

“Sensuality is measured by your desire, not indulgence.”
Lebo Grand

“Almost every successful luxury industry in the world essentially thrives on sensual principles whether they’re aware of it or not.”
Lebo Grand

Abhijit Naskar
“You cannot simply waste money on the newest model of the iPhone, when countless homes across the world can't even afford electricity. You cannot simply have food fights in the name of fun, when countless people across the world don't even have two wholesome meals in a day. You cannot simply waste a ridiculous amount of money on fancy suits, dresses, wines, cars and mansions when our very own kind is suffering on a daily basis round the clock.”
Abhijit Naskar, Ain't Enough to Look Human

Abhijit Naskar
“Every time you waste money on nonessentials, you are essentially contributing to the economic disparities of the world.”
Abhijit Naskar, Ain't Enough to Look Human

Abhijit Naskar
“People often ask me, why don't I wear suits, I tell them, to you, attire defines a person, to me, character defines a person.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude

Abhijit Naskar
“To be big doesn't mean to be big in appearance, but in existence.”
Abhijit Naskar, Servitude is Sanctitude

Abhijit Naskar
“I wish I could tell you that all the comfort and luxuries in the world are a sign of progress, but they are not - they are a sign of disparities - and these disparities can only go away with our sacrifice - with the sacrifice of the humanitarians - some must give all, all must give some, only then will there be actual civilized, sane, healthy and whole progress - progress that includes all of humanity, not just the privileged few.”
Abhijit Naskar, Sleepless for Society

Namrata Gupta
“I want to lead a luxurious life with someone who would still be with me without those luxuries.”
Namrata Gupta, Together we were

Abhijit Naskar
“For every dollar spent on luxuries, someone somewhere goes hungry.”
Abhijit Naskar, Martyr Meets World: To Solve The Hard Problem of Inhumanity

“A sensual lifestyle adds value to the business of luxury.”
Lebo Grand

Abhijit Naskar
“Self-gratification to the point of sustaining oneself is healthy, but beyond that, it's not only unhealthy, but downright inhuman.”
Abhijit Naskar, When Veins Ignite: Either Integration or Degradation

Abhijit Naskar
“Discard luxury and practice simplicity.”
Abhijit Naskar, Generation Corazon: Nationalism is Terrorism

“People who drown in luxury don't need lifeguards”
Tamerlan Kuzgov

Abhijit Naskar
“Travel doesn't expand a narrow mind - a mind that is narrow and self-obsessed, remains narrow and self-obsessed no matter how much they travel.”
Abhijit Naskar, Girl Over God: The Novel

Laura Chouette
“They danced
and yet they died;”
Laura Chouette

“A fast but skillful driver, Peter guided his Jaguar onto the M6 Highway, then accelerated to a dizzying speed. Thank goodness she'd seen something of the scenery on her way to Scotland, Toni reflected, as the landscape passed in a blur of greens and blues and tans. She managed to stay alert until they passed York, at which point her eyelids refused to stay open. She felt her body sinking lower and lower into the leather upholstery until finally she could fight the drowsiness no longer.”
Jessica Eliot, Home to the Highlands

“She slid into the warm, scented water, wryly accepting Zulema's assistance and bending her head obediently as her hair was carefully wetted and then shampooed. Cocooned in towels, she emerged again and sat down to have her hair combed out and her nails painted. Why all the fuss? She wondered.

'You look tired, sitt. Lie down and rest for a while,' Zulema urged. 'The party will last for hours.'

Party? So someone was throwing a party. Her curiosity satisfied, Bethany smiled and lay down. She could hear a helicopter.”
Lynn Graham, The Desert Bride

Germany Kent
“Successful people don't sit around trying to figure out how to be more successful than the next person. Most are too busy enjoying the abundance of success that they have already been given.”
Germany Kent

W.M Angel
“it somehow felt dissociating. A world in which I did not belong to, or could never belong to. Parties, as if it was 1920, transpired days and nights, spent in the bliss of alcohol, self-indulgence, sex and drug abuse. As if we humans were whores addicted to the ignorance and bliss of nothingness that drugs, sex and alcohol brought about. A never-ending freedom in which we could always come back to if we needed to. Luxurious, the life of the rich.”
W.M Angel, Atlas Loved

“Nobody knows a woman as her milliner does. This is because, for a woman, buying a hat is an emotional thing. When she is in the full glory of youth and beauty, she buys a hat to cap the climax of her glamour. When she grows old, she buys a hat to turn back a little the relentless hands of time.
When life slips out of the even way, a woman buys a hat. Sometimes in joy, sometimes in sorrow, but always for a purpose that is mixed up with her heart, and always she buys for her figure. Her figure cannot change from one moment to the next – but I have seen her face perform just this miracle. And when I see her eyes brighten and her chin lift as she turns her head, I feel very happy for my hat.
Women have come to me for a hat to make their dreams come true. (Sometimes they do.) They have come to me in disappointment or grief, for a hat to take their minds off their troubles. (It very often works.) They have come for a hat to hold a husband. (This is more difficult, but not impossible.) They have come for a hat to catch a husband. (This is easy.)
Being a milliner is sometimes like being a doctor. I prescribe a hat covered with pink roses to drive the blues away. I advise a daring hat for the woman who feels that she is in a rut, and wants to get out. For the girl who wants to get her man, I make a young, innocent, romantic hat, to make her look like a flower.”
Lilly Daché

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