
Lola Quotes

Quotes tagged as "lola" Showing 1-21 of 21
Stephanie Perkins
“When I come back, the club is packed. There's hardly any standing room. Anna snagged a wooden bar stool, one of the few seats here. St. Clair stands close to her, facing her, and he smoothes the platinum stripe in her hair. She pulls him even closer by the top of his jeans, one finger tucked inside. It's an intimate gesture. I'm embarrassed to watch, but I can't look away.
He kisses her slowly and deeply. They don't care that anyone could watch. Or maybe they've forgotten they aren't alone. When they break apart, Anna says something that makes him fall into silly, boyish laughter. For some reason, that's the moment that makes me turn away. Something about their love is painful.”
Stephanie Perkins, Lola and the Boy Next Door

Stephanie Perkins
“He glances down and notices that I'm still wearing a certain blue something, and, this time, it's HIS index finger that wraps underneath MY rubber band.
I shiver wonderfully. "I'm never taking it off."
Cricket brushes the delicate skin of my wrist. "It'll fall off."
"I'll ask you for another one."
"I'll give you another one." He smiles and touches his nose to mine.”
Stephanie Perkins, Lola and the Boy Next Door

Stephanie Perkins
“I want to kiss him for the rest of the night, for the rest of our lives. The one.”
Stephanie Perkins, Lola and the Boy Next Door

Jacqueline Wilson
“Well, I didn't need them.
I didn't need anyone. I was Lola Rose.
I just wished I looked more like my idea of Lola Rose.”
Jacqueline Wilson, Lola Rose

Stephanie Perkins
“Thank you for helping my sister,” he says.
I lean forward, mimicking his position. “I’m happy to.”
Calliope leans out her window. “STOP FLIRTING AND GET BACK TO WORK.”
Stephanie Perkins, Lola and the Boy Next Door

Stephanie Perkins
“How did you know? That she wasn't the one for him?" Now he's staring at his hands, slowing rubbing them together. "They just didn't have that . . . natural magic. You know? It never seemed easy."
My voice grows tiny. "Do you think things have to be easy? For it to work?"
Cricket's head shoots up, his eyes bulging as they grasp my meaning. "NO. I mean, yes, but . . . sometimes there are ... extenuating circumstances. That prevent it from being easy. For a while. But then people overcome those ...circumstances . . . and . . ."
"So you believe in second chances?" I bite my lip.
"Second, third, fourth. Whatever it takes. However long it takes. If the person is right," he adds.
If the person is . . . Lola?"
This time, he holds my gaze. "Only if the other person is Cricket."

Chapter 27
Pg 273”
Stephanie Perkins, Lola and the Boy Next Door

Christina Lauren
“I want this to be everything you want it to be." Leaning in, he smiles and says, "I want you to see your dream come to life.”
Christina Lauren, Dark Wild Night

Vladimir Nabokov
“Being a murderer with a sensational but incomplete and unorthodox memory, I cannot tell you, ladies and gentlemen, the exact day which I first knew with certainty that the red convertible was following us.”
Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita
tags: lola

Christina Lauren
“I pride myself on being steady and unruffled even with my friends, and so I'm trying to get myself together, but goddamn, it is hard. They're making a movie out of my childhood ideas.”
Christina Lauren, Dark Wild Night

Kelly Thompson
“I sit back and try to think. I've been discovering, much to my dismay, that I'm not a criminal mastermind or anything. I'm just brute force and my powers in no way include super-intelligence, which kind of pisses me off.”
Kelly Thompson, The Girl Who Would Be King

Kelly Thompson
“I should feel energized and powerful, invulnerable and potent, but all I feel is lost.”
Kelly Thompson, The Girl Who Would Be King

Cesya MaRae Cuono
“How funny would it be if we left a trail of Faerie dust in our wake?”
“That would be hilarious.” I laughed. “It’s a shame we don’t produce any.” Do we? I idiotically shook my hand as I tried to brandish Faerie dust like Tinkerbell. It didn’t work.”
Cesya MaRae Cuono, Elemental Reality

Louis-Ferdinand Céline
“- Lola: Il n'y a que les fous et les lâches qui refusent la guerre quand leur Patrie est en danger.
- Ferdinand: Alors vivent les fous et les lâches.”
Louis-Ferdinand Céline, Voyage au bout de la nuit

Kelly Thompson
“I'm afraid of everything I don't know.”
Kelly Thompson, The Girl Who Would Be King

Kelly Thompson
“It's hard to know what happy is if you're not sure if you've felt it before.”
Kelly Thompson, The Girl Who Would Be King

Kelly Thompson
“Letting go seems like the most powerful thing I could do.

And so I do.

I just let it all go.

And it feels glorious.”
Kelly Thompson, The Girl Who Would Be King

“lol christine lyf”
twelvie gang

Kelly Thompson
“Once in my room I don't have a goddamn clue what to do.”
Kelly Thompson, The Girl Who Would Be King

Kelly Thompson
“I'm going to kill you. And you know what? You totally deserve it.”
Kelly Thompson, The Girl Who Would Be King

Michelle Peñaloza
“Lola long dead, I still enter her old room
and find her rosary made from pressed rose petals.
I cradle it in my palms, perfuming
my hands with her prayers.
I don't pray. I just wonder
at the fragrance a brown bead can hold,
how many petals, how many roses,
to make just one bead.”
Michelle Peñaloza, Former Possessions of the Spanish Empire

Christina Lauren
“Motherfucking Joe starts yell-singing along with Def Leppard:
-demolition man, can i be your man?
Oh.My.God. Music dies, Joe proclaims "Show Thyself, mighty stallion!" Laughing i call out "Shut the fuck up!”
Christina Lauren, Dark Wild Night