
Liam Mairi Quotes

Quotes tagged as "liam-mairi" Showing 1-23 of 23
Rebecca Yarros
“Thank you, Liam. Thank you for being my shadow. Thank you for being my friend.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“I hold up my middle finger and keep my eyes forward. Not that I don't like Liam, but I'm still pissed at Xaden for assigning him.

Liam snorts and grins, flashing his dimple. 'And now he's glaring. Tell me, is it fun pissing off the most powerful rider in the quadrant?'

'You could try it yourself and find out,' I suggest, opening my notebook to the next empty page. I can't turn around. I won't. Wanting Xaden is fine. It has to be. Indulging the impulses it gives me? That's asinine.

'That's going to be a no from me.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“What did you want to be when you grew up?' I ask, just to keep the conversation going.

'Alive.' He shrugs.

Well, that's... something.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“So, Tairn hasn't channelled to you, either, right?' Liam asks, a look of uncertainty, vulnerability on his face.

I shake my head. 'I think he has commitment issues,' I whisper.

'I heard that.'

'Then stay out of my head.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“I'm going to kill him for making you come to this,' I mutter under my breath as Dain greets the king with perfect manners.

'Xaden didn't make me come.'

'What?' My gaze jumps to his.

'He'd never ask this of me. Never ask it of anyone. But I told him I would keep you safe, and that's what I'm doing, keeping you safe.' He flashes a crooked smile.

'You're a good friend, Liam Mairi. 'I rest my head on his arm.

'You saved my life, Violet. The least I can do is grin and bear it through a fucking party.'

'I'm not sure I can grin and bear it.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“Deigh,' Liam whispers, falling limp against Tairn's back.

'I'll get you to him,' I promise, already fumbling with the strap's buckle. 'Deigh's gone,' I cry to Xaden, my voice a trembling mess. 'Liam is dying.'

'No,' I feel his terror, his sorrow, and his overpowering anger wrap around my mind, mixing with my own until it hurts to breathe.

Minutes. We have minutes.

'Just hold on,' I whisper to Liam, fighting not to cry as he looks up at me with those sky-blue eyes, wide with shock and pain. After everything Liam has given up for me, this is the least I can do for him. I can get him to Deigh the same way I know he would carry me to Tairn or Andarna.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“No, Liam,' Xaden chokes out as he crouches in front of us, the muscles in his face working to control his expression, but there's no hiding the despair that pushes at our mental connection.

'Deigh,' Liam pleads in a strangled whisper, turning his head toward Xaden.

'I know, brother,' Xaden's jaw flexes and our gazes lock above Liam as tears overflow my eyes. 'I know.' He leans forward and lifts Liam into his arms, then stands, carrying him. 'I'll take you.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“You are kind of terrifying.'

'Thank you.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“Liam, you know I adore you, right?'

'Well, that's nice-'

'Go away.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“If you even think about touching me, I swear I'll fucking kill you.' My power flares with my rage and lightning cracks across the sky, jumping from cloud to cloud.

'I think she means it,' Liam warns.

'I know she does,' Xaden's jaw ticks as out gazes collide and hold.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“Why did you do that?' I cry, my fingers searching for purchase on his leathers to pull him closer. I settle for the back of his collar and yank. 'Why would you risk it?' Gods, if anything happened to them...

His gaze collides with mine. 'That thing was going to take a chunk out of Tairn. You've saved my life and now it's my turn. No matter what you think of me for keeping secrets, we're friends, Violet.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“You are slightly stuck with him for...' He makes a face. 'Well, forever.'

'Or until one of us dies,' I joke, but it falls flat...”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“You're overstepping.' My nails bite into my palms.

'You haven't begun to see overstepping,' he warns, hid voice dropping low, sending a shiver down my spine. 'Any threat against you is a threat against me, and as we've already established, I have more important things to do than sleep on your floor.'

Heat flushes up my neck and stains my cheeks. 'He is not sleeping in my room.'

'Of course not.' He freaking smirks, and my traitorous stomach dips. 'I had him moved into the one next to yours. Wouldn't want to overstep.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“How does anyone think long-term around here?'

'Not everyone is in a quadrant where death is less of a chance and more of a foregone conclusion.' I breathe in the scent of the Archives and try to absorb a little of the peace it brings.

'So you're saying that some people still try to make cute little things like plans.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“Anyway, is it hard for you to be in here? Or is it more of a comfort thing?'
'It feels like coming home, but not. And it's not that it's changed- this place never changes. Hell, I think change is the mortal enemy of a scribe. But I'm starting to realise that I've changed. I don't quite fit here. Not anymore.'

'Yeah. I get that.' Something in his voice tells me he really does.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“You're a shameless flirt.'

'Thank you.' He grins and goes back to carving.

'It wasn't a compliment.'

'Don't mind her, she's just sexually frustrated. Makes a girl crabby.'
'That has nothing to do with it.' Gods, could she have said that a little louder?

'And yet I don't hear you denying it.' She smiled sweetly at me.

'I'm sorry I don't make the cut,' Liam teases. 'But I'm sure Riorson would be fine with my reviewing a couple candidates, especially if it means you'll stop flipping him off in front of his entire wing.'

'And how exactly would you be reviewing candidates? What will you be scoring?' Rhiannon asks, one eyebrow raised above her wide grin. 'This I have to hear.'

I manage a straight face for all of two seconds before laughing at how horrified he suddenly looks. 'Thanks for the offer, though. I'll make sure to run any potential liaisons by you.'

'I mean, you could watch,' Rhiannon continues, blinking innocently at him. 'Just to be sure she's fully covered. You know, so no one... sticks it to her.'

'Oh, are we telling dick jokes now?' Ridoc asks from Liam's side. 'Because my entire life has led up to this moment.'

Even Sawyer laughs.

'Fuck me,' Liam mutters under his breath.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“That is...' Rhiannon murmurs beside me.

'It sure is,' I agree.

'Stop objectifying your wingleader,' Liam teases.

'Is that what we're doing?' Rhiannon asks, not bothering to look away.

My mouth waters at the muscled expanse of his back and that sculpted ass. 'Yeah, I think that's what we're doing.'

Liam snorts.

'We could just be watching for technique.'

'Yeah. We absolutely could be.' But I'm not.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“Guard her like you're me.'

'You mean like I'm six inches taller and built like a bull?' Ridoc gives him a thumbs-up. 'Sure. I'll do my best. In the meantime, you'd better run.'

Liam's gaze finds mine. 'Stay alive.'

'Working on it, and not just for my sake.' I give him a smile. 'Thanks for being a great shadow.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“Don't you look handsome.'

'I know.' He preens sarcastically, straightening his sash over a midnight-black doublet. 'I've heard healer cadets have a thing for riders.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“You can go. You should go. This is...' I shake my head.

'I go where you go.' His hand tightens over mine.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“You doing all right? — If I say I’m not sure, will you think less of me? — I’d think you’re being honest.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“You doing all right with whatever is going on there?' Liam asks, startling me.

'And if I tell you I'm not sure?' I give him the same answer, my lips curving.

'I'd think you got yourself in over your head.' The look on his face is anything but teasing now.

'For someone who said he owns Xaden everything, that's not a glowing recommendation.' I drop my pack to the ground and roll the tense muscles of my shoulders. 'Don't turn into Dain on me.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing

Rebecca Yarros
“It's been. My honour.”
Rebecca Yarros, Fourth Wing