Level Quotes

Quotes tagged as "level" Showing 91-118 of 118
Michael Bassey Johnson
“Don't shrink your standards, link yourself with those who think and ink like you.”
Michael Bassey Johnson

Virgil Kalyana Mittata Iordache
“Ever since I was young I enjoyed solving puzzles and having the pleasure to see the bigger picture afterwards. But even after all that, I found that life could be the most challenging puzzle we have to face. It's one of those things that even if you have all the pieces and could see the whole picture, it still takes time and patience to solve it. At times, we feel more at ease not knowing the whole picture, not knowing the whole level of difficulty or number of pieces that we're missing, but just building up one piece at a time. The problem with this approach is that the only clues that we have for matching two pieces are the shape and a small glimpse of the image. We so often find comfort in building up the corners and the borders but very rarely do we adventure in the middle of the puzzle. We'd rather work little by little holding on to our safe border and only move towards the center when the pieces are still in touch with our borders or roots. On the other hand, you could be one of those people that just jumps in the middle and builds up on every piece you have in order to get small portions of the truth of the bigger picture every now and then. Not having your borders or corners in place might mean that you don't need to know your limits in order to realize that the puzzle will one day come to an end. Nevertheless, every piece is equally important and it gets handed to you at a time where you have at least some matching piece. That doesn't mean you should only focus on one point or piece and limit your possible connections. Spread out and you will find even more connections. The truth of the puzzle information comes in different shapes and colors but in the end it's all connected. Information might be divided, spread out in different areas, different people, different experiences. What's important to remember is that every piece is meant for you. You might throw it on the side now and use it later, but it will forever remain a part of your bigger picture. Work on your puzzle, with patience and care in moving forward and with a hopeful spirit that it will all work out in the end for your highest good!”
Virgil Kalyana Mittata Iordache

Steve Maraboli
“The only thing sadder than hateful people’s willingness to drag us down to their level, is our willingness to oblige.”
Steve Maraboli

“The level of our submission to God will determine our success and prosperity.”
Sunday Adelaja

Steven Magee
“The human body when kept in an indoor environment of low lux light will not realize that it is daytime, as it cannot sense the increasing levels of daylight that the genetics are accustomed to. As such, by late morning your body may start sending a signal for you to sleep!”
Steven Magee, Electrical Forensics

Israelmore Ayivor
“No matter how potent your talents are, they remain to be out of use until you take time to develop them to their optimum level. This calls for preparation. Through preparation, personal branding, consistent exposure and productive connections, you set up a condition for your dreams to flourish and bear fruits!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Anthony Liccione
“Level, is spelled the same forward and backwards. Those on the upper level can always hit the bottom, and those on the bottom can always rank to the top. Envision your footprints up there already trailing, and your feet will soon follow suit.”
Anthony Liccione

Israelmore Ayivor
“You become excellent when you fly at a level that creates a wide gap between where you were before and where you are now. Fly like the eagle; the eagle flies as if it never remembered it was once an egg!”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Israelmore Ayivor
“The level of your self-control is measured as the difference between how you act when you have nothing and how you react when you have everything.”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

Elizabeth George
“Each and every decision you make, regardless of its level of intensity, is vitally important as you seek to do God’s will.”
Elizabeth George, Prayers to Calm Your Heart: Finding the Path to More Peace and Less Stress

Steven Magee
“If the natural environment is changed and the electromagnetic radiation levels increase, then it may cause illness and disease in humans.”
Steven Magee, Solar Radiation, Global Warming and Human Disease

Steven Magee
“Some people call street lights 'Crime Lights', as they are associated with an increased level of criminal activity.”
Steven Magee

Steven Magee
“When I see the promotion of nighttime street lighting to the masses, I realize the great level of incompetence that is present in governments, human health and the biological effects of light.”
Steven Magee, Toxic Light

Israelmore Ayivor
“Move what you can do at level one when you get to level one. When you get to level two, you need a bigger power to move it!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Leaders' Watchwords

“The principles of the Kingdom of God make it possible to live life at its highest level.”
Sunday Adelaja

“The prosperity of a person is directly proportional to the level of his giving.”
Sunday Adelaja

Israelmore Ayivor
“Your level is above the reach of the devil... Keep it in mind; as long as you are in the light of God, you bind him (the devil) tight!”
Israelmore Ayivor, Daily Drive 365

Steven Magee
“Incorrect radiation levels may be able to affect your sex drive and it may be proven in the future that human sex drive is governed more by radiation types and levels than any other factor, even more so than hormones! Generally, a feeling of contentment replaces sexual desire in natural radiation environments.”
Steven Magee, Electrical Forensics

Steven Magee
“There is no limit on the level that the reflections can be at and in a modern environment, such as a city, the albedo can increase the power levels many times of the sky based solar radiation of direct and diffuse combined. The trees prevent the albedo reflections from occurring.”
Steven Magee, Solar Radiation, Global Warming and Human Disease

Steven Magee
“There is a significant problem associated with burning large quantities of fossil fuels into the atmosphere. This pollution will change the electromagnetic transmission of the atmosphere and lead to an unnatural electromagnetic environment at the ground level where we all live. Once the electromagnetic environment has been significantly changed by these emissions, then we will be in a new era of evolution. It appears that we have already entered that era some time ago.”
Steven Magee, Solar Radiation, Global Warming and Human Disease

“Through self-development, you can continuously fortify yourself for the next level of increase”
Sunday Adelaja

“Most of the time, yesterday’s level of increase will not be enough to secure tomorrow"s increase”
Sunday Adelaja

“The level of corruption in a country is determined by the value systems of that country.”
Sunday Adelaja

“The commendable efforts of preachers to Europe is that each worker no matter the level, knows he is participating in the process of creation with God hence the dignity.”
Sunday Adelaja

Steven Magee
“Based on the medical evidence that clearly states that being above 10,000 feet is hazardous to the health of sea level adapted humans, it is clear that all of the manned facilities on top of the 13,796 feet Mauna Kea summit in Hawaii should be removed and the summit restored back to its native environment.”
Steven Magee, Health Forensics

Deyth Banger
“People just don't understand, they aren't your level and they won't get there soon. So move because you will fall from there!”
Deyth Banger

Deyth Banger
“Don't try to provoke me, you won't win because of few words... I will be just quite because you are under my level!”
Deyth Banger

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