
Kuan Yin Quotes

Quotes tagged as "kuan-yin" Showing 1-26 of 26
Hope Bradford
“Gain strength. Suck up energy. Make a point of appreciating the fragrance of the flowers and the beauty of the sunset. It is like armor. When you take a moment to practice my message you can then be armed with an ability to be detached. One is meant to forgive, to forgive and be compassionate."~Kuan Yin”
Hope Bradford, Oracle of Compassion: The Living Word of Kuan Yin

Hope Bradford
“Death is like giving birth. Birth can be painful. Sometimes women die from giving birth. However, when the baby is born, all that pain (that was endured) vanishes in an instant. Love for that tiny baby makes one forget the pain, the fear. And as I’ve said before, love between mother and child is the highest experience, the closest to divine love.
You might wonder about the parallel I’m making between birth and death. But I say to you, the fear and pain accompanying an awful death is over quickly. Beyond that portal one is suddenly in the light, in oneness and bliss…Just as a woman heals rapidly after childbirth and then is able to fall in love with her baby, those who pass over also are able to fall in love with a new life."-Kuan Yin (From "Oracle of Compassion: the Living Word of Kuan Yin”
Hope Bradford, Oracle of Compassion: The Living Word of Kuan Yin

Hope Bradford
“What people need to remember is they are eternal beings and that they never die."~Kuan Yin”
Hope Bradford, Beneficial Law of Attraction: the Manifestation Teachings

Hope Bradford
“Experiential versus the God eye! Possessing ‘ego vision’, a person’s view through her/his physical eyes is quite versatile; able to discern wide and varied vistas over huge distances or scrutinizing the minutest of details.

Ego’s very nature: capable of relatively expansive, detailed, and yet individualistic perspective is crucial. Separating itself out from the God Force, ego extracts infinite unique experiences, integral to humanity’s process of spiritualizing matter. Incarnating on the earth, achieving individualism is therefore critical for attainment of divinity.

Individualism may cause momentary estrangement from the God Self. However, this person has forgotten that they are everything in the mirror, the ‘sliver’ and the ‘ball of light’,” continues Kuan Yin.

During this complex passage Lena was inundated by infinite rapid-fire visuals: emanations from the God Mind.

“Further and unfortunately, wrong assumptions are made about suffering. Some individuals even believe that it is required, that suffering brings one closer to salvation. Quite the contrary,” disputes Kuan Yin, “the God Force likes to play. Therefore, if all individuals could unite creating a real sense of community many problems could be healed.

The God Force is separate and not separate, whole and not whole at the same time. Really, it is not ‘sliceable’, not reducible. Even when it is sliced into individual energies, it does not diminish the total God Force or the power of the individual.
Each of you has the potential for the God Force potency. However, no individual can overcome the God Force. There is a misinterpretation, (by some) that Satan is as powerful as God. Limited energy cannot live on its own. Every experience must exist and yet they (the limiting forces) can never exist on their own. Limited energy, then, is the experience of the absence of the God Force. Therefore, there is no need to fear it.

Those choosing such experiences have a need to understand how it feels to believe evil powers exist. Again, I say those who pursue this route are taking it too personally. They believe the story they’ve made up about themselves.

It is similar to a person going into an ice cream store and only choosing one flavor from many. Preoccupied with tasting that flavor for a very long time, they are probably quite sick and tired of it. Still, they don’t want to believe there are any other flavors available. The ‘agreement’, then, is to continue to believe in that particular flavor. Here’s where reincarnation and its opportunity for experiencing a vast array of perspectives, “agreements”, enters in. Another life offers another opportunity, a chance to ‘switch flavors’ so to speak.

Taking oneself too personally, however, can cause a soul to get caught up, stuck in redundancy: in a particular (and perhaps unfortunate) flavor. In such instances, the individual is forgetting one has the ability to choose his or her flavors, lives,” contends Kuan Yin.”
Hope Bradford, Oracle of Compassion: The Living Word of Kuan Yin

Hope Bradford
“Don’t pass along the beliefs and actions you disapprove of to your children. Loving-kindness is potent even when displayed during the so-called mundane tasks of daily existence. It’s so potent that if everyone could get into that mindset for a minute or even less, they would blast into a great ball of light. Even the newest (smallest) energies would blast through,”-Kuan Yin (from "Oracle of Compassion: the Living Word of Kuan Yin")”
Hope Bradford, Oracle of Compassion: The Living Word of Kuan Yin

Hope Bradford
“Kuan Yin Speaks on Reincarnation: “Beliefs are so powerful that they can create expansive or entrapping lifetimes over and over…Another life offers another opportunity, a chance to switch flavors so to speak. Taking oneself too personally, however, can cause a soul to get caught up, stuck in redundancy: in a particular (and perhaps unfortunate) flavor. In such instances, the individual is forgetting one has the ability to choose from a variety of flavors, lives!”
Hope Bradford, Oracle of Compassion: The Living Word of Kuan Yin

Hope Bradford
“What is the most helpful thing we can do for the earth and her people, Kuan Yin?”

“Kuan Yin is changing shape in response to your question, Hope. I’m not sure what this particular shape-shifting means, if it is an answer in itself or if she is adjusting to the question” Lena contemplates. “I’ll just watch for a moment and try to understand.”

“Loving people is the most helpful thing anyone can do,” Kuan Yin answers after a short while. “Your society has the resources, at this very moment, to fashion industries and lifestyles conducive to a non-harmful environment. There is a popular belief that over-population is the threat to the earth’s environment. However, for many places upon the earth it is also very much a question of resource availability and distribution. There is a real need for creating a holistic infrastructure that can support everyone.

A helpful mindset is simple-living and high-thinking”, continues Kuan Yin. “Science is constantly evolving. There are now recyclable batteries, ink cartridges, etc. Keep up to date on the latest technologies. Be aware, set examples and create trends that will positively influence people’s lives and the environment. As I said earlier, however, this is also a discussion about love and developing a greater capacity to love. It can help everyone.
We’re all one huge family, a great continuum. Don’t underestimate the power of the love created in your homes and families. This love has an immense potency, the power to influence others lives in a positive way.”
Hope Bradford, Oracle of Compassion: The Living Word of Kuan Yin

Hope Bradford
“Some energies are not as potent. The only way to develop a potent energy is to spend an existence on the earth. There, one can develop a compassionate nature so that when passing onto other dimensions, one can be of help. When one leaves one’s earth body one will need to fully understand compassion to be helpful, effective. On earth, you are encapsulated in flesh...No soul is forced into an assignment upon the earth. Instead they go to their ‘rightful space’. When you leave the earth you have a lot more power. It won’t be ego-based power. Rather it will be beyond ego, beyond good and evil. In fact, ‘evil’ is just a label as everything is intermixed. The pendulum just appears to swing back and forth.”...

"Kuan Yin is showing me a person running with sandbags. She’s telling me that when the person finally lets-go of the sandbags, she or he is faster, stronger. Oh. I get it! That’s what the earth existence is like. In many ways living on earth is an ‘artificial’ burden. Once one is free of one’s body, they are not only lighter but also stronger, more powerful. I’m reminded of a time when I was a child. I felt so limited. I remember thinking, ‘Why can’t I just be wherever I want to be and physically not have to walk or use transportation? Why do I have to physically cross the street?’”-Lena Lees”
Hope Bradford, Oracle of Compassion: The Living Word of Kuan Yin

Hope Bradford
“[Lena Lees describes from trance her experience of Kuan Yin]:

“I see Kuan Yin. She is like Venus, statuesque and standing in front of a beautiful pink half-shell. Quickly, she walks in front of me, pointing the way. We are entering the mouth of a cave. It’s so interesting. I see stairs carved out of rock in the cave. We walk up the stairs to a door. I know somehow this is just another entrance, a doorway to another time, place. Perhaps at another historical time monks lived there. Now, I’m seeing a huge image, a beautiful statue of Kuan Yin right at the top of the mountain. There are stairs leading up to her and it is as if I’m right on location, standing alongside a group of worshipers. I feel the potency of her energy. In these places, perhaps China or Vietnam, there is a palpable sense of being immersed in and supported by her presence. There is a need by the people to know more, to pick up and accumulate wisdom.

I’m suddenly feeling a need to be in that kind of energy. Suddenly it is Kuan Yin who is speaking: “Some believe I am in servitude to Buddha. However, Buddha doesn’t see it like that. We’re more like brother and sister. I’m showing, Lena, my abode, a place on earth where humans can visit me and be in my potency. Lena is looking at my statue and then at my form. There’s a difference. I come to people in many forms, forms constructed from people’s own perceptions of how I should come to them. And it is individual spiritual needs that create these unique perceptions. In the end, it does not matter what form I take.”

“Kuan Yin wants me to know that I can have the most divine life imaginable,” whispers Lena, still very deep in trance. “She’ll be here until the last soul passes off the earth. She remains in deity form to assist people in transcending their materialistic nature, to help them attain their highest spiritual level.”
Hope Bradford, Oracle of Compassion: The Living Word of Kuan Yin

Hope Bradford
“Kuan Yin is showing me visually how I’m (and we all are) part of a round ball of light that people call God,” delineates Lena.

“There are those who would rather God were thought of as a person, a man with a white beard,” elaborates Kuan Yin. “However, for purposes of this manuscript, I will continue with this ball of light analogy of the God Force. Those who object to my use of the word ‘God’ or ‘God Force’ will just have to deal with it for now.”

“I’m seeing not pie-shaped but straight slivers coming from this central ball of light,” depicts Lena. “These straight slivers of light become a person who plays out adventures from his or her beliefs. When you put all the slivers together they form God. It is as if one takes a small chip of gold from a cave made of gold. The cave and chip of gold are separate. Yet, they are the same. How can this be?”

Answering her own question, Lena comments, “Because they are both comprised of the same chemical elements. Why do we even go through such a complex process? Is it all just a beautiful game?” Lena asks Kuan Yin.

“The God Force likes intense pleasure,” expounds Kuan Yin. “However, the God Force experiences itself more clearly when it can separate itself out; obtaining a different point of view. Because of this separation, [becoming human--the personification of the “Always/Authentic Self”], there is the possibility for pain.”
Hope Bradford, Oracle of Compassion: The Living Word of Kuan Yin

Hope Bradford
“[Pertaining to The Law of Free Will and Karma]: Disputing traditional cause and effect karmic doctrine, Kuan Yin maintains that it is the accumulated beliefs from parallel realities creating “made-up stories” about oneself and, thus, reality. Because of this quantum factor, we have absolute Free Will to attract optimum realities from infinite, simultaneous Evolutionary Potentials. Thus, according to Kuan Yin, where and how skillfully one focuses their intention and attention can determine an outcome.”
Hope Bradford, Beneficial Law of Attraction: the Manifestation Teachings

“See my robe. See my beautiful light green robe! I love to dress beautifully. The jewelry you have on earth is actually a reflection of what they wear in the higher realms. However, they are living objects. All the jewelry in their crowns is living. In that world, they constantly compete for how ornately they can dress. They have so much fun! They do not call reality ‘life’ or ‘existence’. Instead, it is simply called ‘Presence’.” ~ Kuan Yin”
Hope Bradford Cht, Kuan Yin Buddhism:: The Kuan Yin Parables, Visitations and Teachings

Hope Bradford
“Having grown up knowing the formerly-mentioned historical figures are part of my family lineage, I was interested to learn that at least one, famed American psychic and suffragette, Amanda Theodosia Jones (of Puritan, Quaker and Huguenot heritage), was a self-proclaimed spiritualist. While aware of her inventions and business endeavors, I’d never been informed of her interest in metaphysics.
Possessing a rather significant collection of her letters, poetry and other documents, it is perhaps my intimate relationship with this extraordinary individual inspiring my lifelong engagement with the psychic world. Indeed, in a recent dream, the spirit of Amanda T. Jones contacted me for reasons that will later be delineated. It is my ongoing contact with her and other spirit entities (including the Bodhisattva of Compassion, Kuan Yin), in fact, inspiring me to pen this manuscript.”
Hope Bradford, The Healing Power of Dreams: The Science of Dream Analysis and Journaling for Your Best Life!

Hope Bradford
“I’m reminded of how passionate Kuan Yin is about the importance of being human on this earth,” continues Lena.

“It’s the most important thing in your existence,” states Kuan Yin. “Your existence is eternal. This phase (of your soul) is so important because you learn so much in human form. This is where the individual’s ‘spark’ of existence can expand into bigger, more powerful energies.”
Hope Bradford, Oracle of Compassion: The Living Word of Kuan Yin

Lisa Kemmerer
“Daoism also encourages people to love deeply and live compassionately (ci), to exercise restraint and frugality (jian), to seek harmony, and to practice wuwei (action as nonaction). Daoist precepts speak often and strongly against harming any creature, whether by disturbing their homes or eating their bodies. Guanyin, the most popular Chinese deity, exemplifies deep compassion for all beings. The Zhuangzi highlights basic similarities between humans and anymals, and encourages people to treat all beings with care and respect.”
Lisa Kemmerer, Animals and World Religions

Hope Bradford
“In dreams, I’d seen visions of Kuan Yin or hear Her speak. Indeed, H. P. Blavatsky, once defined Kuan Yin as the "Divine Voice of the Self", perhaps implying the infinite voices of Self—divine and otherwise, and that the Inner Self’s desire would inevitably be actualized by the waking self.”
Hope Bradford, The Healing Power of Dreams: The Science of Dream Analysis and Journaling for Your Best Life!

Hope Bradford
“It's very complicated to hold the dream and live the dream. You are learning the art of juggling the dream and the world of dreams!”
Hope Bradford, The Healing Power of Dreams: The Science of Dream Analysis and Journaling for Your Best Life!

“You want to taste all these experiences. And the ego makes it possible. Don’t curse the ego. So many scriptures curse the ego self. Instead, regard your life as about choices, experiences and desire and that you are already liberated. Don’t be afraid of desire. It is why you’re here: to taste, live. It’s just an ‘agreement’ you all made when you took on an ego. You splintered off from the whole. ~ Kuan Yin”
Hope Bradford Cht, Kuan Yin Buddhism:: The Kuan Yin Parables, Visitations and Teachings

“I delight in helping to liberate souls. I don’t like suffering. However suffering reminds me of the work I need to do to help people. Liberating individuals from their suffering is my primary motivation. Of course, the reasons for suffering are as personal and varied as one’s voice or thoughts. Humankind needs to understand that suffering is just (and people accept it because of higher reasons) and that no one is a victim. ~ Kuan Yin”
Hope Bradford Cht, Kuan Yin Buddhism:: The Kuan Yin Parables, Visitations and Teachings

“It’s a perfect Buddhist time. Your hopes have been dashed. Your cup has been overturned. Some of the aspects of your life have not gone the way you had hoped. However, some of the stagnant energy has been cleared away. It is time to regroup. Everything is on schedule. The outcome is not important. What is important is that those who gave their energy and time seized the moment. Don’t have an attachment to the outcome. Do the right thing because it is the right thing to do such as helping others, helping the earth. ~ Kuan Yin”
Hope Bradford Cht, Kuan Yin Buddhism:: The Kuan Yin Parables, Visitations and Teachings

“Don’t be too hard on yourself about your choices in life. When one subtracts (from the equation of life) physical birth and death, one can regard lessons learned as forming an infinite line. Then one can say, ‘I’m learning this right now’. Try to crystallize the components of the lesson, excluding as much as is possible gender and financial factors. Repeat to yourself, ‘this is the lesson I’m learning right now, at this exact moment in time’. ~ Kuan Yin”
Hope Bradford Cht, Kuan Yin Buddhism:: The Kuan Yin Parables, Visitations and Teachings

“You don’t have to become the storm. You don’t have to absorb the storm. It helps a great deal if a person can stay in that love and compassion consciousness on a daily basis—doing some kind of ritual involving forgiveness and gratitude.
If you can create a space in yourself to meditate on the good; on love, then you can hold the space of love and compassion for others to join in with you. When you practice this you will gradually be able to more and more recognize negativity and not be influenced by conflict. You can regard them and say: ‘Oh, those are the angels of the negative’. Not learning how to hold the space of love and compassion is the lazy approach,” continues Kuan Yin. “You just need to practice the above Focused Intentions. If you can achieve this kind of inner peace, you will be very valuable once you leave the earth plane and going on to other places, realms. Please always replace the word “evil” with “negative”. When you accomplish these things; really focusing on love and compassion, you can then become a wizard.
When communities are formed around such concepts, then you have the beginning of something very powerful. You can help endless souls. Everyone wants to be loved. That’s all they really want. That is the human condition. ~ Kuan Yin”
Hope Bradford Cht, Kuan Yin Buddhism:: The Kuan Yin Parables, Visitations and Teachings

“Your memories are prayers. When you remember someone who’s passed over in a loving way, such a strong, expansive emotion becomes a prayer that helps them heal. These same memories will also help those who knew and loved them, heal as well.” ~ Kuan Yin”
Hope Bradford Cht, Kuan Yin Buddhism:: The Kuan Yin Parables, Visitations and Teachings

“You can meditate upon this beautiful burgundy-colored teardrop gemstone and know you are the God Gem. It’s a place of wholeness where one can experience their divinity, their completeness and know their absolute perfection. Even if someone is covered by troubles, they will discover their good actions and thoughts are the pure gem underneath.” ~ Kuan Yin”
Hope Bradford Cht, Kuan Yin Buddhism:: The Kuan Yin Parables, Visitations and Teachings

“I’m showing you what the earth would look like if every living soul was liberated. There would be an incredible, blinding light that emanated from the earth. Indeed, you do come to heal the earth. In your own natural evolution, you heal the earth.” ~ Kuan Yin”
Hope Bradford Cht, Kuan Yin Buddhism:: The Kuan Yin Parables, Visitations and Teachings

“The goddess Kuan Yin is perhaps the most famous bodhisattva in East Asia. She is the graceful lady of the Orient. She's related in iconographical background to Isis in the ancient world, or the Virgin Mary in our modern Western World.”
Roger Weir