
Jonathan Hoffman Quotes

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Tracey Garvis Graves
“Jonathan made concessions for me, and I didn't need Janice to tell me that. He kept me away from loud noises before they could overwhelm me. He was always kind- to people, to animals, to strangers. He made me feel special and smart.”
Tracey Garvis Graves, The Girl He Used to Know

Tracey Garvis Graves
Was Jonathan a nerd? Just because he had short hair and didn't play every sport didn't mean that he was a nerd. He was really smart, and intelligence had always made guys seem more interesting to me than they might be to others. Plus, he was really good-looking and sometimes while we were playing chess I stared at him, mesmerized by how perfect his face looked. He had the whitest teeth I'd ever seen, which made me think his kisses would taste like Pep O Mint Life Savers.”
Tracey Garvis Graves, The Girl He Used to Know

Tracey Garvis Graves
“They'll take one look at you and forget how to play the game."
"I don't think so," I said. "These players are really good. I can't imagine they'd suddenly forget how to play."
"I meant because you're so pretty. They'll be too busy looking at you and it will blow their concentration."
"That probably won't happen."
He let out a short laugh. "Just me then, huh?"
My brain figured out what he meant a few minutes later and I yelled "Oh" loud enough to make Jonathan jump in his seat a little. "Were you flirting with me?"
"I was trying to. I thought I was halfway decent at it, but now I'm not so sure."
He took his eyes off the road for a second and looked over at me.
"I totally thought you were flirting. I was just making sure."
Then he gave me another one of those smiles I'd told Janice about.”
Tracey Garvis Graves, The Girl He Used to Know

Tracey Garvis Graves
“Miss, you can't come in here like that," a voice said. I didn't realize it was directed at me until Jonathan said, "Annika, where are your shoes?" It felt like one of those moments when you're talking too loud because you're in a noisy place but then the noise stops suddenly and everyone looks to see who's shouting. Except I wasn't shouting. I was standing in line at a diner in my bare feet, and everyone was looking down at my hot pink painted toenails. I hadn't done it intentionally; I'd just forgotten to slip my shoes back on before we got out of the truck.
My face flamed, and I turned toward the door, panicking when I tried to pull it open instead of pushing. It rattled as I shook it and when I finally comprehended how it worked, I burst through it and fled to the parking lot. Jonathan caught up to me as I jerked on the door handle of his truck. "Hold on, it's locked," he said. He put in the key and opened the door for me. "Don't worry about it. Just put on your shoes and we'll go back in."
I climbed into the truck and wiped the tears that spilled from my eyes with the back of my hand. Jonathan stood patiently next to the door, waiting.
"I can't go back in there."
"Why not?"
"You go ahead. I'll wait here."
"Annika, it's no big deal."
"Please don't make me go in," I cried.
He placed his hands, palm side down, on my legs, and his touch comforted me in a way I'd never felt before. He made me feel protected, as if he'd never let anything bad happen to me. "Stay here. Lock the door, and I'll be back in a minute."
He closed the door, and I pushed down on the lock as he walked back into the diner. Through the glass, I watched him talk to the team and then make his way to the counter. He returned to the truck five minutes later carrying a white paper bag.
I reached over and unlocked his door. "I told them you were tired and that the competition really took it out of you so we decided we'd head back. They were totally cool. Wanted me to tell you again how great you did today. I got sandwiches and pie. Do you like pie?"
I no longer had any doubt about the kind of guy Jonathan was.”
Tracey Garvis Graves, The Girl He Used to Know

Tracey Garvis Graves
“Shortly after Ryan and I broke up, I returned to the solitude I normally enjoyed, appreciating the simplicity of my life because I no longer had to walk on eggshells around a man. But now that time had passed, the loneliness had started reappearing like a growing tidal wave in the distance. I could feel it building and when it finally reached me, I would spend the rest of the day or night restless and fighting tears. It would eventually pass, but the episodes were becoming more frequent. I tried to fill my days with more social interaction, but that only left me feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. A personal connection with someone was what I craved the most. Someone who understood my needs and was willing to speak my language.
Someone like Jonathan.
I avert my eyes as I answer him. "I don't mind spending time alone, but sometimes I do get very lonely."
Jonathan leans over and puts his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close as I fight back tears. "Not everyone can look past their own hang-ups to see what I see. It's their loss."
When Jonathan said things like that, it propped me up and took away a little of the sting from the people who'd tried to tear me down or make me feel like a second-class citizen because I viewed things differently than they did. Ten years ago, I might not have been clear on what Jonathan was saying, but that had changed. Tina had taught me that it was important to surround myself with people who understood me. People who were secure about their own place in the world. It wasn't always easy to identify who those people were, but I was much better at it now than I had been in the past.”
Tracey Garvis Graves, The Girl He Used to Know