
Iz Quotes

Quotes tagged as "iz" Showing 1-30 of 31
Susan Dennard
“Aeduan.” She’d never said his name aloud. She was surprised by how easily it rolled off the tongue.
He looked back, his expression inscrutable as always. But laced with … with something. Hope, she found herself thinking, though she knew it was fanciful.
Aeduan was not the sort of man to ever hope.”
Susan Dennard, Windwitch
tags: aeduan, iz

Susan Dennard
“He was younger than Iseult had imagined. No older than twenty, if she had to guess. Yet he felt old, with his voice so gruff. His language so formal.
It was in the way he carried himself too, as if he’d walked for a thousand years and planned to walk a thousand more.”
Susan Dennard, Windwitch
tags: aeduan, iz

Susan Dennard
“This young man had stalked Iseult through Veñaza City. Had smiled cruelly at her, his crystal eyes swirling red. Then he had saved her too, in Lejna. With a salamander cloak and a single phrase: Mhe varujta. Trust me as if my soul were yours.”
Susan Dennard, Windwitch
tags: aeduan, iz

Susan Dennard
“Someone owed Aeduan a life-debt. It was …
A first.
A first that he didn’t know how to swallow. The Threadwitch Iseult was alive because he had made it so. She could breathe her current breaths and could taste the river’s water because he had saved her life.
Though she had also, in a way, saved his. First, she had not killed him while he lay unconscious in the bear trap. And second, she had been the one to hook them to that stone before the Falls.
But Aeduan decided not to mention any of this, for if the Threadwitch believed she owed him three lives, then that gave him an advantage. That, he could use. He didn’t know how, he didn’t know when, only that he absolutely would.”
Susan Dennard, Windwitch
tags: aeduan, iz

Susan Dennard
“Aeduan didn’t contradict her. She was what she was, and fighting one’s nature only brought pain. Sometimes death too.”
Susan Dennard, Windwitch
tags: aeduan, iz

Susan Dennard
“This girl had fought Aeduan—tricked him and broken his spine. She had battled city guards and faced cleaved Poisonwitches head-on, yet never had Aeduan seen her show fear.”
Susan Dennard, Windwitch
tags: aeduan, iz

Susan Dennard
“We will need to move fast. Are you up for that?”
She snorted, and when Aeduan glanced back, he found her face had softened. The slightest—almost imperceptible—glint of mischief hovered there now.
“I think we both know the answer to that, Bloodwitch.” She stalked past him, her chin high. Challenging. “The question will be if you can keep up.”
Then she broke into a run, Aeduan broke into a run after her.”
Susan Dennard, Windwitch
tags: aeduan, iz

Susan Dennard
“This was not the Threadwitch who had cornered Aeduan beside a bear trap. Nor the Threadwitch who’d sparred with him that very morning. This was a woman changed.
Aeduan knew because he’d been there before himself. Soon she would learn—just as he had—that there was no outrunning the demons of one’s own creation.”
Susan Dennard, Windwitch
tags: aeduan, iz

Susan Dennard
“Forever after today, she would flex and furl her fingers, precisely as she did right now. She would roll her wrists and crack her neck. She would stretch her jaw and wonder who might next die at her hands. Who might not get away.
And forever after tonight, she would be hungry to outrun the nightmares. She would race and she would fight and she would kill again, just to make sure the ghosts were real.
They were.”
Susan Dennard, Windwitch
tags: aeduan, iz

Susan Dennard
“The air, the sky, the water—it was so much like their encounter two nights ago.
Yet also nothing like it at all. Iseult and the Bloodwitch had been enemies then, bound only by coins. Tonight, they were allies bound by … Well, Iseult didn’t know precisely.”
Susan Dennard, Windwitch
tags: aeduan, iz

Susan Dennard
“Who betrays whom first.”
Susan Dennard, Windwitch
tags: aeduan, iz

Susan Dennard
“When Aeduan had said he would kill her in Lejna, she hadn’t believed him. When he’d said he would kill her last night, she had.”
Susan Dennard, Windwitch
tags: aeduan, iz

Susan Dennard
“Why so much fighting? Is the land valuable?”
“There is nothing of value here. Yet men have always believed that they know better than those who came before. That they will be the ones to claim the Contested Lands.”
Susan Dennard, Windwitch
tags: aeduan, iz

Susan Dennard
“Iseult hated herself for that truth, but there it was. She wanted to go after Safi; she wanted Aeduan to lead the way; she wished this child would simply disappear.
Monster, she told herself. You’re a monster.
Susan Dennard, Windwitch
tags: aeduan, iz

Susan Dennard
“No stopping, though. Only running onward through the weak rain. Men charged with blades, but swords were so easy for Iseult to evade with Aeduan at her side. Together, they arced, they lunged, they ducked, they rolled. A fluid combination of steps built on blood and Threads.”
Susan Dennard, Windwitch
tags: aeduan, iz

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Ne zaman birisinin hayatına dokunsak orada bir iz bırakırız. Her zaman iyi izler bırak ki sokaklarda özgürce yürüyebilesin!”
Mehmet Murat ildan
tags: iz

Susan Dennard
“You’ve been there all along, Bloodwitch. Somewhere, l-lurking. You are the reason I had to go to my tribe—which means you are the reason Corlant c-c-could attack. So if I had never met you, then would I even be here right now?”
“If I had never met you,” he countered coolly, “then my spine would never have snapped, and Leopold fon Cartorra would never have hired me. Monk Evrane would not have almost died.”
Susan Dennard, Windwitch
tags: aeduan, iz

Susan Dennard
“Iseult knew what she had to do. She knew what Safi would do in this position. What Habim or Mathew or her mother or anyone with a backbone would do. So why was she finding it so hard to summon any words?”
Susan Dennard, Windwitch
tags: aeduan, iz

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Hayatın o kadar kısa ki sen arkanda bıraktığın izden başka bir şey değilsin!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“İnsanlığa bırakabileceğin en iyi hediye, insanları akla, bilime ve barışa çağıran arkanda bıraktığın güzel izdir!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Ozan Önen
“Nasıl olduğunu anlamaksızın ışık hızıyla geçiveren yılların hakiki şiddetini; yılların ailenin üstünde bıraktığı geri döndürülemez izleri, kendi kalbinin ortasındaki küçük kara noktada hissettiğinde anlarsın. (...)

Ozan Önen, Babam Beni Şahdamarımdan Öptü

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Şu dünyada yürürken arkasında iz bırakmayan hiçbir insan yoktur! Bütün mesele, kurbağa gibi çamurlu çirkin bir iz mi yoksa bir kuyruklu yıldız gibi ışıltılı güzel bir iz mi bırakmak?”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Geride bıraktığın izler o kadar önemli ki, geride bıraktığın yanlış bir iz bin tane daha yanlış iz yaratabilir!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Yüzünde, yaşadığı hayattan hiçbir iz taşımayan bir insan yoktur şu dünyada!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Feyza Hepçilingirler
“Hiçbir iz bırakmamasına bunca uğraştıktan sonra, şimdi niye kalkmış kendi sildiğim izlerden unutulmaz resimler yaratmaya çalışıyorum?
Feyza Hepçilingirler, Kırlangıçsız Geçti Yaz
tags: iz

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Hayat yolunda geride kötü bir iz bırakmak, hiç iz bırakmamaktan daha iyidir, çünkü o kötü iz bile insanların daha sonra iyi izi bulmalarına sebep olur!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Şu dünyanın en komik şeylerinden biri nedir derseniz, adamın birinin yüzlerce ve hatta binlerce yıl önce bıraktığı yanlış izlerin yüzlerce ve hatta binlerce yıl sonra milyonlarca insan tarafından safça takip edilmesidir derim!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Sevgili dostum, geride bıraktığın izlerin yok olacağından endişelenmene gerek yok çünkü geride bıraktığın izler her zaman yok olacaktır!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Sevgili dostum, arkanda bıraktığın izler bir gün gelip seni geçerlerse, doğru ve adaletli işler yaptın mı bilemem, ama bildiğim bir şey var, kesinlikle güçlü bir etki yaratan işler yapmışsın!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Şu dünyada arkanda bir iz bırakmak çok kolay, ama arkanda iyi bir iz bırakmak ise çok zor, hiçbir iz bırakmamak ise tamamen imkânsız!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

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