Investment Psychology Quotes

Quotes tagged as "investment-psychology" Showing 31-60 of 132
“Investing has the best results when you learn from nature.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, The Wealth Reference Guide: An American Classic

“Our Investments should be consistent with our values.

It’s simple. If we value health, we shouldn’t have our money plugged into businesses and systems that promote disease. If we value spirituality, we shouldn’t have our money plugged into businesses and systems that promote a perversion of the spirit.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

“A good investment is a productive investment.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

“Our Investments should be consistent with our values.

If we value the environment, we should have our money invested in businesses and systems that improve the condition of the environment and add value to nature. If we value health, we should have our money invested in businesses and systems that help people to live healthier lives in some way.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

“Ultimately, Investing is about holistic ROI. It’s not about just owning stocks or crypto or flipping for quick income. When we talk about holistic ROI, we are looking at our long term profit, short term profit, income security, cash flow, social impact, environmental impact, spiritual impact, stability of the permaculture economy, and more.

That’s how we see it at Mayflower-Plymouth.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

“Every tree in every forest is participating in investment activities….. capital allocation, energy flow, resourcefulness, utilization, leverage, information distribution, growth, value creation, and ROI…. Nature is an economy, and every tree is an investor in that economy.

Sometimes I just sit in my back yard, observe, and take notes.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

“Before we invest, we ask ourselves ’What kind of value is this business creating and how do its customers and prospective customers appraise that value?”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

“When you invest in something, you establish an energetic connection with it. So be careful what you invest in, and invest wisely.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

“Every tree in the forest knows about creating value, and about reciprocity and about stewardship. And every tree in the forest knows about profit and about investing and about ROI. This is why I study and learn from nature.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

“The first investment priority for each of us should be our home. We should each Invest in making our house feel like home. We should Invest making sure our home is a place where we feel loved and safe - a home that is an energetic incubator of our prosperity.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

“Money has a spiritual correlation. What we do with money and how we impact the world through our spending, saving and investing…. It has spiritual consequences.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, The Wealth Reference Guide: An American Classic

“Todos tenemos la responsabilidad de ser administradores eficientes de los recursos. De eso también se trata una buena inversión: ser un administrador eficiente de los recursos.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

“When we are talking about cash flow - once again, nature is a great teacher. Cash is simply the base resource with which most activities predicate. In nature, cash is symbolized by water. Rarely is anything in nature ever lacking water. Even in the deserts, the life forms that live and grow there have figured out ‘cash flow’ or ‘water flow’…. They’ve figured out how to manage the flow of water relative to the tasks and objectives which require its use. If a cactus in the desert can figure out how to manage the flow of water relative to the tasks and objectives which require its use… then we can figure out how to manage the flow of cash relative to the tasks and objectives which require its use. If nature can invest wisely, so can we.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

“There are enough resources in the world for everyone to experience some variable degree of wealth. And from a spiritual perspective, there are no limitations, only abundance.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr, The Wealth Reference Guide: An American Classic

“At Mayflower-Plymouth, our perspective is largely influenced by what we learn from nature.

A good investment is like a good fruit tree. From its conception, it grows exponentially larger - consistently and reliably. Its required input is a small percentage relative to its output. It regularly gives back to the broader ecosystem, helping multiple other lives to prosper as well. And it produces an abundance of fruit for the enjoyment of its owner.

This is how all good investments are. And this is our perspective at Mayflower-Plymouth.”
Hendrith Smith, The Wealth Reference Guide: An American Classic

“With money comes responsibility. How we spend and invest our money has an impact on ourselves and on so many other people.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

“Stock Traders are always trying to time the market. But an investor tends to be thinking bigger, more broadly, and more holistically.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr

“This tendency of overconfidence and poor outcomes is not confined to only retail investors. Institutional investors suffer from overconfidence equally if not more, and their investment results are not superior either.”
Naved Abdali

“Trading is buying and selling to exploit a change in the price. Investing is acquiring assets for economic reasons.”
Naved Abdali

“Most active investors fail to realize that they are part of the crowd themselves. They are trying to beat the crowd while being the crowd.”
Naved Abdali

“Leverage has the potential to turn a reasonably good investment into disastrous gambling.”
Naved Abdali

“Greed and fear are in our DNA. We can’t get rid of them, but we can learn how to keep them in check.”
Naved Abdali

“Acquiring knowledge is the best defense against our emotions.”
Naved Abdali

“Be realistic about potential market returns, and be aware of possible risks.”
Naved Abdali

“The more investors do active trading, the more it makes sense to do passive investing.”
Naved Abdali

“.... gold is an investment, jewellery is not.
When we disguise our desires as our needs, we almost always end up making a mistake.”
Ankur Warikoo, Do Epic Shit

“Financially smart people take loans even if they can afford, to save money. Financially weak people take loans knowing that they can't afford, to spend money!”
Ankur Warikoo, Do Epic Shit

“No one knows the highs or lows of a market. The best way to invest over a long term is to invest regularly. Irrespective of the price at that time.”
Ankur Warikoo, Do Epic Shit

“Stocks aren’t like a pair of shoes with a consistent value that you can buy on sale—the value of a business changes based on economics and its prospective earnings.”
Coreen T. Sol, CFA

“Making money and growing it while keeping the majority is a powerful combination of financial literacy. At school, you are not being taught how to get those.”
David Angway