
Inspirational And Motivational Quotes

Quotes tagged as "inspirational-and-motivational" Showing 1-8 of 8
“RVM Thoughts for today
"How much you achieve in life is not as important as how much you enjoy each moment of Life.”

“Dwayne: What kind of husband do you want Whitley?
Whitley: What kind do you think?
Dwayne: Rich...
Whitley: I would like a man who is educated, enterprising, and ambitious.
Dwayne: So you wouldn't mind if he was a poor?
Whitley: That type of man is never poor...”
Kadeem and Jamine

“Be it Schumacher or a Shoe-maker,we are all racing toward the same finishline. Realizing the fragility of life can race you to greatness”
karan godara

“Don't get addicted to drugs, get addicted to your life. Because, one day drugs will eventually kill you, but life ; the countdown for your death has already begun! So start living your life from now, it's not too late.”
Sujish Kandampully

“You are lost in darkness. Turn on your light and it shall help you find your way.”

“there are many authors with the same name as mine i only have the one book fro now and pray it will encourage that god always have his eyes on you no matter what”
billy davis, My Life My Love My God: Looking for love in all the wrong places

“We all wake up with a choice: live like NOTHING MATTERS or that EVERYTHING MATTERS.

Sweetheart, it’s all about your daily choices & mindset.

If nothing matters, then why bother, right? Actually, WRONG. If nothing matters, then go wild! Make the most of this short, weird trip, every day...

If something does matter to you, Then get after it! Pursue your passions, build strong relationships, contribute to your community & create something awesome.

Darling listen – You know what makes you tick & what you want.. Point is - everything you say or do shapes your world. Choose wisely.

May you not leave a single dance move you haven’t busted out unexpressed (leave NO dream unchased)

Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल

“For those of you who aren’t understanding some things I write, my message is simple: we all have dreams, big or small, about what we want to achieve or who we want to be in life & guess what? They’re within your reach!

Darling listen – here’s the key: set aside your pride, apologize for past mistakes, actively change your behavior & show up for yourself, for your goals & for the life you crave.

Remember, sweetheart: you become what you focus on. Don’t just expect things to magically fall into place. Raise your standards & put in the work. This will not only improve the quality of your relationships but also propel you towards a truly fulfilling life. Raise your Standard, not expectations!

Once again, my morning messages, posts & articles are just to feed your mind strong affirmations until your dreams morph into reality. Because I firmly believe that our lives, future & destiny is shaped by the mental shifts that we adopt along our journey in life.

I wish & hope that you get closer to living the future that you want, everyday… Blessings!”
Rajesh Goyal, राजेश गोयल