Individual Quotes

Quotes tagged as "individual" Showing 91-120 of 368
“People are weird. We all react differently as an individual, but as a group, we behave alike. Still, we can’t predict who the next celebrity would be.”
Abhaidev, The Influencer: Speed Must Have a Limit

“For society, you are not even a human; you are just a trained manpower. For them, you can “Rest in Peace” only after death. That too is a lie. To discover the eternal peace inside you, you have to walk alone.”

Charles Darwin
“All that at present can be said with certainty, is that, as with the individual, so with the species, the hour of life has run its course, ans is spent.”
Charles Darwin, Voyage of the Beagle

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Conformity eats away individuality.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

Irène Némirovsky
“And Lucile thought: "Individual or Community?... My God, that is not a new thing, they invented nothing. Our two millions of death people , during the other war, were sacrificed also for the "feeling of the beehive"! They are dead... and twentyfive years later... What a deception! What an illusion! There are laws that rule the fate of the beehives and populations, that's it! The soul itself of the population, probably, is ruled by laws that we didn't caught, or by mysterious whims. Poor world, so beautiful and so absurd... But what is sure is that in five years, in ten years or twenty this problem, that according to his opinion, is the problem of our time, will no longer exist, will be replaced by others... While this music, this noise of the rain on the glasses, this gloomy creaking of the cedar in the opposite garden, this very sweet moment, so strange in the middle of a war, this won't change... It is eternal...”
Irène Némirovsky, Suite Française

Norman Cousins
“The eternal quest of the individual human being is to shatter his loneliness.”
Norman Cousins

“The ideal education is tailored to each.”

Jean-Jacques Rousseau
“But unity divides. Unity excludes. Unity polarizes. The corollary of the nation’s unity is the elimination of any individuals or groups that disrupt that unity. People who do not concur with the nation’s interests and goals, who persist in voicing their own private interests, who threaten the nation’s unanimity are considered enemies to be banished or punished. Thus, the Rousseauian yearning for cohesion, solidarity, and oneness imposes the psychology of the purge.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Walter Isaacson
“She felt at home in the lab. It was a quiet temple for individual persistence and contemplation. She could be creative and independent as she pursued a path toward her own discoveries.”
Walter Isaacson, The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race

Kōbō Abe
“Nici o ştire interesantă. Totul era un turn de iluzii, din cărămizi iluzorii şi găunoase. Dacă viaţa ar fi alcătuită numai din lucruri importante, ar fi ca o casă periculoasă de sticlă, greu de manuit. Dar viaţa de toate zilele era întocmai ca titlurile din ziare. Cunoscand lipsa de însemnătate a existenţei, toată lumea aşază centrul compasului în propria-i casă.”
Kōbō Abe, The Woman in the Dunes

Elizabeth Moon
“A tree is alive, and thus it is always more than you see. Roots to leaves, yes—those you can, in part, see. But it is more—it is the lichens and moss and ferns that grow on its bark, the life too small to see that lives among its roots, a community we know of, but do not think on. It is every fly and bee and beetle that uses it for shelter or food, every bird that nests in its branches. Every one an individual, and yet every one part of the tree, and the tree part of every one.”
Elizabeth Moon, Oath of Fealty

“the spiritual development of a single individual has the power to transform everyone around them”
Rachel Wooten, Tara

Laurence Overmire
“Each of us should be aware of the energy we are putting out into the world. Are we a positive influence or a negative one?”
Laurence Overmire, The One Idea That Saves The World: A Message of Hope in a Time of Crisis

“Change take place with individual choice.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“In the name of rejecting ecclesiastical authority as "hierarchy" or "tradition" as theological manipulation and bondage, we have instead created a hermeneutic of suspicion and have invested every biblically informed conscience (instead of a pope) to speak ex cathedra. It is a Pyrrhic victory for Free church Protestantism when the net effect of its teaching results in the replacing of the tyranny of the magisterium with the tyranny of individualism.”
Daniel H. Williams, Retrieving the Tradition and Renewing Evangelicalism: A Primer for Suspicious Protestants

“They who think. Often forget, to be.”

“Do not compare yourself to others when setting goals. You are a unique individual with your very own gifts, talents, and abilities. Therefore, where God is calling you to go, what God is calling you to do, and who God is calling you to be will be different from every other person on this planet.”

Kristian Ventura
“Vocabulary is a systematic result of what other people paid for you to have and because people consume the first thing they see, they can’t think for themselves and are puppetted by corporations who make money off what you think is free, when it’s actually costing the precious rarity of your existence.”
Karl Kristian Flores, The Goodbye Song

“An individual does not have an identity except in its relation to a series of causes and effects which are determined by other individuals, which themselves have no identity except in their relation to a series of causes and effects, and so on ad infinitum...”
Jacob Blumenfeld, All Things are Nothing to Me

Shawn  Wells
“When we talk about bio-individuality, we are saying that each of us is an individual combination of genetics, epigenetics, body sizes, genders, environmental consequences and biological profiles.”
Shawn Wells, The Energy Formula: Six life changing ingredients to unleash your limitless potential

“We often ascribe Envisioning to Great Men or Women who sees future of a Nation, but Nation Building is done by Individuals, Families, Companies, Institutions, States, and so on. Those who work towards building these are also Visionaries in their own right.”
Sandeep Sahajpal, The Twelfth Preamble: To all the authors to be!

Janna Cachola
“Language is our souls breath”
Janna Cachola

Mehmet Murat ildan
“A person who has not become an individual always seeks the herd, seeks the crowd, because his need is not to think but to chatter! He prefers the foolish talk of the crowd, not the precious voice that rises from the depths of his soul!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Tony Hoagland
“As Zen practitioners might say. two people looking at the same mountain are not seeing the same mountain, and so poetic "worldliness" can take an infinite number of versions: the sensibility of an individual artist is as distinct as a fingerprint.”
Tony Hoagland, The Art of Voice: Poetic Principles and Practice

“We need to grow as a human being and make the choices that help create the person we want to be, the person we inspire to be.”
Dee Waldeck

Guru Z.S. Gill
“Books are treasure of Stories that want to be heard in silence by an individual who understands”
Guru Z.S. Gill

“One tried to kill me. One tried to save me. Because they're people. Individuals. Separate and unique. You lump them all into this category or that and believe you know them. You don't know them.”
Alexzander Christion, By the Hand of Dragons: AlinGuard

“Not everybody knows everything, but every individual knows something.”
Yanang /;/

“If the exchange act may thus be regarded as a creation of society, it is
no less true to say that both society and the individual become aware of
this only after exchanges have been completed. The work of an individual
is, first and foremost, his own individual endeavour, motivated by his
own self-interest. It is his personal labour, not the labour of society.
But whether or not it conforms with the requirements of the total
circulation of goods, of which his labour is necessarily a component
part, can be determined only when all the component elements have been
compared and the aggregate requirements of that circulation have been
completely satisfied.”
Rudolph Hiferding, Finance Capital: A study in the latest phase of capitalist development

“There are leaders who go by the name of "rabbi" but whose learning has been picked up from the "superficialities" and "waste" of Torah. They are unable to control even themselves, let alone other people. But they still have pretensions to greatness and seek to lead and guide the whole world. You should be very careful not to accord them any recognition whatsoever, so as to not add in any way to their power or authority. They themselves can be forgiven for what they do: they are no more than victims of a strong lust for power. The people who give them credibility and power and who are prepared to accord them the title "rabbi" will have a heavy penalty to pay (LM I, 61:2).”
Rebbe Nachman, Advice - Likutey Etzot