
Hot Guys Quotes

Quotes tagged as "hot-guys" Showing 1-27 of 27
Kailin Gow
“I thought about all the places I could spend that break, and frankly, the only one I cared about was here, in your arms. I’m crazy about you, you know." Loving Summer by Kailin Gow”
Kailin Gow, Loving Summer

Kailin Gow
“He’s all natural charm and boyish good looks.” About Jack Simple, FADE by Kailin Gow”
Kailin Gow, Fade

Kailin Gow
“I guess it depends on whether you want perfect. I hear some girls prefer their boyfriends a little more flawed and troubled.”, Loving Summer by Kailin Gow”
Kailin Gow, Loving Summer

Kailin Gow
“Somewhere in the last few months, it’s like someone has flicked a switch and he’s gone from “cute looking boy” to “muscular sexy man” just like that.", Celestra Caine in FADE by Kailin Gow”
Kailin Gow

Kailin Gow
“I trust his senses. If he says that there is danger ahead, then there’s probably danger ahead.", FADE by Kailin Gow”
Kailin Gow, Fade

Kailin Gow
“She was embarrassed that Drew was the type of walking one-night stand guy their mom had warned her about. ", Loving Summer by Kailin Gow”
Kailin Gow, Loving Summer

Kailin Gow
“There are two girls around my age, maybe a little older, checking them out. I can’t blame them, but they’re pretty obvious about it, just watching them and talking in low voices to one another. One, a dark-haired girl whose tight clothes do a lot to emphasize the curves she has, even comes over and pushes what looks like a slip of paper into Drew’s hand. They both walk off then, giggling.
“What just happened?” I ask.
Nat shakes his head with a smile. “Just the Drew effect. I’ll be back in a second. I just need one more ingredient.”
He heads off, leaving me with Drew. I look at him. “The Drew effect? Seriously?”
“I get it most places,” he says, starting to grin but then stopping himself. “Honestly, it can get pretty annoying.”, Loving Summer by Kailin Gow”
Kailin Gow, Loving Summer

Kailin Gow
“Maybe you want to believe that every other guy is just like you, because that means that you don’t have to worry about the way you are.”, Loving Summer by Kailin Gow”
Kailin Gow

Kailin Gow
“Incredible. Drew, you really are a girl’s worst nightmare. I mean, you look great. You have this amazing body and your eyes are such a dreamy blue, but you behave like a total jerk.”
“I think I liked it better when you were saying how great my eyes are,” , Loving Summer by Kailin Gow”
Kailin Gow, Loving Summer

Kailin Gow
“When you get to know Astor, you’ll see he’s just a regular guy.”
“A really hot regular guy,” Rachel points out., Loving Summer by Kailin Gow”
Kailin Gow, Loving Summer

Kailin Gow
“Astor smiles back. “Well, you deserve all the compliments I can give you.", Loving Summer by Kailin Gow”
Kailin Gow, Loving Summer

Kailin Gow
“Someday Summer, I’m going to replace that silver seashell pendant for something else more permanent, and I don’t want you arguing about it. Clear?”, Loving Summer by Kailin Gow”
Kailin Gow, Loving Summer

Kailin Gow
“It’s like he can’t bear for me to be unhappy.
Or maybe it’s just that he doesn’t want to be unhappy.", Loving Summer by Kailin Gow”
Kailin Gow, Loving Summer

Kate Meader
“He was the hottest guy she had ever
seen, so out of her league they hadn’t invented his league yet. It was like Future League of Hot Guys We Can’t Place Because They’re Too Fucking Hot.”
Kate Meader, Playing with Fire

Nina D'Angelo
“What did you tell me, Jesse? Sure Jake, Stephanie will do exactly what you tell her. Sure Jake, protecting her will be a piece of cake. “
Snorting in disbelief, he added, “Being at war is safer compared to this shit, and it’s a hell of a lot easier than looking after your girlfriend.”
Nina D'Angelo, Nowhere to Run

Veronica Blade
“Guys that hot were used to getting any girl they wanted and, to me, relationships didn't have room for super-sized egos.”
Veronica Blade, From Fame to Shame

David     Pratt
“I mean, there’s no sun and no hot guys. What is this awful place, Calvin?”
“It’s my apartment.”
David Pratt, Looking After Joey

Lisa Daily
“He swims easily to the side of the boat and pulls himself up on the ladder, water droplets clinging to his chest and abs. Still hanging on to the rope, he brings himself effortlessly over the side of the railing and onto the deck. His khaki shorts are completely soaked through, and they hang low and loosely on his hips. I have to force myself, consciously, not to ogle him.”
Lisa Daily

D.L. Hess
“Holy mama llama. That’s Nathanial Stone. Nathanial Stone is sitting in my booth. Nathanial Stone is in the Finewhile Diner sitting in my booth. I’m supposed to wait on Nathanial Stone. I’m going to make a fool out of myself. I just know it. I can feel it coming. Crap.”
D.L. Hess, Sir

D.L. Hess
“He’s everything I could want but never dreamed I could have.”
D.L. Hess, Sir: The Awakening

Kate Meader
“This is what she hated about hot guys. That warm and fuzzy feeling she got when one of them anointed her as worthy.”
Kate Meader, Feel the Heat

Tiffany Reisz
“Moderately hot oven? That's it? No temperature listed? What did that even mean – moderately hot? How moderately hot were they talking here? George Clooney in Ocean's Eleven hot? Or Daniel Craig in Skyfall hot? Probably not Daniel Craig hot. That heat level would scorch any straight girl's peaches.”
Tiffany Reisz, The Night Mark

Nenia Campbell
“In profile, with his mouth turned into a frown, he was stunning. His casual slouch pulled his clothing taut, drawing attention to the body beneath. As he toyed with the necklace in restless agitation, one couldn’t help but notice the strength and dexterity in those hands and wonder what they might feel like on skin, instead of metal.”
Nenia Campbell, The Darkest Night

Ray   Smith
“A minute after Bethanee had disappeared into the back, John emerged. Gorgeous, damp-haired John in his form-fitting denims. The Marlboro Man minus the nicotine-stained fingers and, admittedly, the thirty-inch waist.”
Ray Smith, The Magnolia That Bloomed Unseen

Sylvia Day
“Are you going to punish me with pleasure?” he asked quietly. “Because you can. You can bring me to my knees, Eva.”
Sylvia Day, Bared to You

Sylvia Day
“I’m twenty-four years old, Gideon,” I said dryly. “I stopped developing years ago. What you see is what you get.”
“Yes, but I’m the only one who’s supposed to be seeing, since I’m the only one who’s allowed to be getting.”
Sylvia Day, Bared to You

“Pro tip: Reading is bad for you so don't do it”